Monday: I'm not seeing it. It's supposed to be the warmest day of the year so far here today; and I'm waiting...but until I can take off my sweater and go out into the garden, let's talk weekends and mail and making a memo.
Saturday morning, I was sitting at the kitchen table, wondering what I might write about once the weekend was done. The mail last week hadn't offered much. So I picked up our local City Council magazine which comes through the door once a month. It tells us what's on about the place, if there any new arrivals at the zoo, the latest astounding visitor numbers for the Titanic Exhibition, all of that. I flipped through it, I set down my knitting and I put on my coat. Let's get out and about! I said. Any ideas? Somewhere not too far, somewhere I've never been? And The Accountant said Trust me. And drove.
We went out of town, into the country close to where he grew up, past a patchwork of fields and hedges all frilled in white; and then we pulled up outside a large red building, almost a barn, but not quite.
The Rinkha? I said. The Rinkha! he nodded. Now here's your new fact for the weekend (though maybe you are way ahead of me and know this already): "rinkha" is an old Irish word which roughly translated means "place of mirth and merriment". I'd heard him talking about this place for years. It sounded like a cross between Santa's workshop and Rudolph's holiday stop off: a magical combination of toyshop and icecream kiosk, out on its own, with fields all around.

The Accountant held up his hands. He hadn't known if it was really still there, he admitted, he'd heard a rumour about apartments, and then he started rummaging in his pockets and counting his icecream money. I ate my rum n raisin at a table inside and as I licked I looked at the display on the wall and it all became clear. The Rinkha had been a ballroom, hugely popular when showbands were the thing round here. When I was at school I had a friend whose Dad had been in a showband, had even made it into the charts, and sure enough, there was his picture. I ate the end of my cone, I wondered if it was too late to learn how to jitterbug, and then we had to go
onwards to the beach and then home in time for tea. How about you? Maybe your mail sent you on a trip this weekend too? Anything interesting? We'd love to hear about it! You could make a memo!
Last time
Alex, Deb, Ruth, Barbara, Mitra, Honore, Mary-Lou, Maggie, Ladkyis, Melissa and
Karen shared a bit about what they'd been up to. Go on, give 'em a wave! And have a great week!