Monday 13 March 2017

Memos, Mail, Me

Dear Mondayers,

Maybe you've heard someone sometime say A Sunday well spent means a week of content? I hope you had a great one and you're feeling well set up for the week ahead. We helped Little E blow out his birthday candles and that's what I'll be thinking about through the next few days. As a result of that horrible mail I believe I might have mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I'll be spending some time in hospital this week. Your thoughts would be very much appreciated. 

While I'm away, please support these lovely bloggers who put themselves out there every Monday Ruth, Deb, Helena, Barb, Mitra, Honore, Karen, Maggie, Alexa, Mary-Lou, Ladkyis, Melissa, Alexandra. Go on, give 'em a wave! And I'll see you soon.


Karen said...

Thoughts and prayers headed your way! I hope all goes well, and recovery is swift.

helena said...

Belated Happy Birthday to Little E and plenty of positive and healing vibes being aimed your way for a week that is as good as it can be

Susan said...

Sending along some positive and peaceful thoughts to you.

Julie Kirk said...

Nothing but warm, positive thoughts and the biggest (and gentlest) virtual embraces. Thinking of you. xxx

Patio Postcards said...

What a wonderful way to spend a weekend celebrating Little E's birthday, those wonderful happy warm feelings will help take you through this difficult week. Sending lots of happy warm positive healing energy to you.

Barbara Eads said...

Definite happy thoughts and prayers coming for you!!

This West London Life said...

Sending you a hug and happy thoughts!

debs14 said...

Sorry to hear you have to spend time in hospital this week. Hope all goes well and that you make the speediest of recoveries x x x

Maggie said...

Oh goodness. Sorry to hear you have a hospital stay. Hope you make a speedy recovery.

Jane said...

will be thinking of you Sian xx

Ali said...

Sorry to read about your hospital visit - hope all goes well xx hugs xx

alexandra s.m. said...

OH my dear Sian, I hope all goes well!
I am thinking of you and sending you the most positive thoughts for a quick and easy recovery!

callmemadam said...

Hope all goes well and wishing you a speedy recovery Sian.

smcl said...

Prayers are coming your way!

Lizzy Hill said...

Hope the hospital visit is short & sweet & successful.... blessings from Oz. And nope! Never heard that saying... but I like it :):)

Barbara said...

My thoughts are with you, I hope all goes well and you recover quickly.

Honoré said...

Know that you are in my thoughts and that well wishes are being sent your way, every day. Here's to a brief stay and a swift recovery. Thinking of you...

Jo said...

I hope little E had a lovely birthday. I'll be thinking of you x

Theresa said...

Will definitely be thinking of you, I hope all goes well. I actually haven't heard of that saying, but I think I agree with it. Theresa xx

alexa said...

Sending you the warmest of good wishes and healing thoughts, Sian, and hoping you are home safe and sound very soon ... xx

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Oh dear, I am a little late, but wishing you well all the same. Hoping you are home again now and all is well xx

Melissa said...

Praying for a speedy recovery!!

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