Friday 10 March 2017

Not a Get Well Card Anywhere

Careful! Don't come too close! Unless you have already had Chicken Pox, in which case it's lovely to see you. I got an emergency call on Monday, from Studentland, from a girl who was covered in spots..

...there has been calamine lotion and bicarbonate of soda and many, many baths since then. So today I'm just jumping in quickly to post the cards I made for the Gossamer Blue blog this month. And not a Get Well card among them.

Lucky she's on the mend, then.

More soon!


This West London Life said...

Oh no, poor girl! Sending her a virtual hug.
And the cards are lovely!

Susan said...

Your cards are beautiful! Hope your student feels better soon.

Patio Postcards said...

A nice assortment of cards. OH chicken pox - glad to hear she is on the mend. In Toronto there is an outbreak of mumps.

Maggie said...

Oh dear ! She's late having that! Have you tried Aloe Vera gel. My eldest had it really badly and felt totally miserable. Hope she is better soon but how nice to have her at home. I hope you are bending to her every whim and need!

Karen said...

Oh, dear. Glad to hear she's on the way to recovery! I had chicken pox as a child, and fortunately, remember nothing about it. I love that second card---would be a perfect one for St. Patrick's Day. And there's not much I like better than black and white with a pop of color. Pinning that one for the design as well. Love it.

Jo said...

Poor thing, I've had it twice but my daughter's never had it! Great cards.

Susan said...

Oh no...hope she had a mild case and is feeling much better.

Mitralee said...

oh my these cards are so fresh and lovely!!!! It's a real bugger she is sick! It's hard being a Mom when they are sick too!

alexandra s.m. said...

Oh no!! Poor thing!!
Hope she is all better now.
Love your cards Sian!

Lizzy Hill said...

OOOPS! That's not much fun for her. Hope she's on the mend & has no lasting side effects :) Your cards are fabulous...especially the last one..... GORGEOUS :):)

debs14 said...

Oh no, chicken pox as an adult is not nice at all (you can tell I speak from experience can't you?!) hope she soon feels better x

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Oh no, your poor girl. My girl caught it during her very first term at primary school, along with just about everything else going it seemed! Hope she hasn't suffered too badly.

Barbara Eads said...

Lovely cards. So sorry to hear about the pox! It's so hard not being there when the babes get sick!

alexa said...

That's a lovely pair of cards - I really like the circles and semi-circles on your second one with the paper behind. Such a great idea ... Hoping your lovely young woman makes a swift recovery, and how nice that she has you and lots of TLC to aid her :).

kate blue said...

loving all these cards! Hope things are better today!

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