Friday 10 February 2017

To Post This Spring..

It was my turn over on the Gossamer Blue blog yesterday. I made cards again. Again! Something about working on that small canvas is really appealing right now. And, of course, the more cards I make, the more post I can conjure up. So..

...this is the first one I did. I started with a white background, but eventually decided that the textured kraft looked nicer with the cork shapes. Ah, but then I had to think of a way of making the cork stand out. So I drew round the shapes and stitched before I stuck down the butterflies.

Next I went back to those little birds (from Simple Stories The Reset Girl) again ... 

...and added a little touch of gold to accent the kraft this time.

And finally I tried one on a white canvas...

...and as I stacked up my layers and stuck them down I started to wonder: do you think much about the thickness of your cards, the bulk, when you are making them? Or do you pile it on and then wonder how it will fit in the envelope?

More mail on Monday...


This West London Life said...

I love how the stitching looks against the kraft background!

Patio Postcards said...

I do worry about card thickness & whether the postal machines will chew them up if caught ... clever designs to all to the collection :)

alexa said...

Admiring that careful stitching - what a great way to accentuate the outline. You make great cards! I like the last one too with all those layers. I am afraid I never give a thought to the bulk, assuming we've always got a ready-to-reuse envelope somewhere in the pile :).

Susan said...

I think I've only ever made two cards so bulk isn't a worry for me! I'm not usually a fan of birds but those little ones are very cute - I like the stitching too.

Karen said...

You have developed such a wonderful, individual style. I think I would recognize your work anywhere--cards or layouts. It's a real accomplishment, one I'm still aspiring to. Love the stitching on the first one; and the artful layering on the last two. I do worry about too many layers, and have been known to use a padded envelope on occasion. But, as you know, most of my cards fall in the CAS category, so thickness is not often a big problem.

Lizzy Hill said...

Lovely cards..... sewing on cards. Isn't that what a machine is for...oh hang on! 3 ARE a machine, giggles! My fave is the birdy one in the middle. I really like that little sentiment, too. And I'm VERY aware of thickness 'cos it costs more to send! So usually I make cards to post skinny....ones to give fat....but sometimes it doesn't always work out that way. Cos cards have a habit of creating themselves once I start. Sigh. The problems of a paper crafter!!!

alexandra s.m. said...

I love them all Sian!
They are beautiful and extremely creative!

debs14 said...

I love the look of the kraft background, it makes the cards look so individual. You are truly the queen of layering!

Mitralee said...

I have the same problem as Lizzy, sometimes what you make isn't good for the post! Anyhow, hugs for you for all the making, love the stitching!!!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

You know how much I love a kraft background. The stitching looks brilliant. Great way to make those shapes pop! I'm mindful of the bulk and try to limit it for class cards. My ladies are thrifty and don't like to pay extra postage.

Jo said...

Great cards, that stitching on the first one works so well.

Missus Wookie said...

I love making cards, the smaller canvas, the way little bits and pieces stand out against the backgrounds, and thinking of the smiles when they're received.

No, I don't worry about the thickness when I make them, if necessary I put them in a bigger envelope, fold it over and mail it that way. I also will add a bit of backing cardstock to a card if too many layers makes it a wee bit heavier than the usual card can cope with.

Sandra said...

I love the stitched one but then the one with the layers, really apeals to me. I wish I was more of a card maker, but I tend only to make them now and again, and those are usually hand delivered, so I don't think about bulk

Melissa said...

Lovely cards - I really like the cork on the kraft!

I just pile it on the cards, then make my envelope a little bigger than needed to be sure it fits. :)

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