Monday 6 February 2017

Memos, Mail, Me: Do What You Love

It's the Monday after the weekend before. No: not the Superbowl, not round here, instead we were looking forward to the first matches of the Six Nations rugby competition. We lost. I wasn't going to mention it at all. But when I looked at the photo I'd just taken

all green and red, I realised that I should have added something of my teams, in those colours, into the mix.

But let's not speak of lost opportunities. It's mail day, memo day, or mail memo day. Oh, it's Monday: just write about anything if your mail isn't up to much! I struck lucky this week. 

First up: a catalogue I'd been hoping for. You'll have heard me talking about Gudrun Sjoden before. I visited the shop when we were in Berlin (and I even made a page about it) and I found there a dizzying delight. But the catalogue holds its own pleasures. I'll be holding on to this one; and not simply because I can see another linen tunic in my future. No, this one is heading for the inspiration pile on my desk.

Colour combinations, page layouts, even ideas for knitting socks. It's all there!

So that was worth opening. But then I received a little packet from across the pond, followed by an envelope, and so I had a gift from Mitra and a card from Alexandra and they made my day. Thank you! Alex's card says Do What You Love so I added to my photo the sweater I've been knitting. Remember I ordered the wool for the yoke a couple of weeks back? Over the weekend the croft hooses appeared beneath my fingers as I worked those balls into the final section. I'm so close to finishing..

So before I start another row (or round, as it's on a circular needle) let me ask you: how was your weekend? anything new? do anything for the first time? Or maybe you received something nice in the mail? We'd love to hear about it. Maybe you'd think about joining us?

 Deb, Ruth, Jane, Barbara, Lizzy, Mitra, Mary-Lou, Karen, Honore, Alexandra, Melissa, BarbaraKraftyKaren, Cheri, Alexa and Maggie all contributed a memo last week. Go on, give 'em a wave! And have a good week!


Patio Postcards said...

Sorry about your teams. That looks like a very cozy jumper (sweater) you are knitting. I too like the layout inspiration from your magazine & how wonderful to receive such abundant happy mail.

Karen said...

I just posted my Monday memo, and realized I didn't say anything about the Super Bowl which was quite a bit more exciting than usual. I'm not one who follows professional football so I never have a vested interest in the outcome, but this one was fun. My husband and our friend who hosted dinner were pleased with the outcome. Love everything about your photograph. I think it's just a wonderful as the pages of your new catalog---filled with inspirational colors and textures.

This West London Life said...

That jumper is stunning ... I hope it's for you!
Re the rugby, England pulled off a win, but goodness knows how ...
Glad I'm not the only one who keeps catalogues for, you know, inspiration ...

Susanne said...

We arrived home before the Super Bowl, but I lacked the energy or the interest to watch the game. It sounds like I missed a good one. I have found a whole new appreciation for magazines and catalogs now that I too look at their page design as well as all the pretty pictures. In fact, I wrote up a little Memo Monday post on my Facebook page about catalogs that came in the mail as well.

Ladkyis said...

I am in this week. First time this year I even felt like sitting and writing.

alexandra s.m. said...

Great post Sian and that picture is beautiful!
why is the mail so long between our two countries ;S

debs14 said...

Great sweater. You knit so beautifully and so quickly!
Looks like a very inspirational catalogue in so many ways.

Jennifer Shaw said...

Your sweater is so beautiful! I love the colours you chose for the patterned section. Looks like an awesome catalogue. Love how you have a sketch idea from one of the pages. Such a fun thing to do. Have a great week.

Maggie said...

"Dizzying delight" I love that expression. I have visions of you swooning in the shop! The jumper looks great too.

alexa said...

Ah, my favourite catalogue! I'm eyeing up the long indigo shirt as a birthday present :). I have a few things from Gudrun and every one of them has continued to be a favourite and wears/washes beautifully. More power to your purchasing elbow, Sian. (I will just say they're cut generously, so you might need to male a few tweaks). Sorry about the rugby - I thought of you when I put it on for Dad. Your little houses are knitting up beautifully, and I'm looking forward to seeing you pose in it. You are such a swift knitter!

Mardi said...

I love how you seem to miraculously whip up a jumper in days...and an intricate patterned one at that!! Its so gorgeous... so Sian.
I keep meaning to make note of what comes in the mail... I am longing to join back in.
Mardi x

Jo said...

Your knitting is amazing, as my late aunt would say "it doesn't look like it's been touched by human hands"!

Mitralee said...

Someone woke me up for the half time show so I didn't miss it, but other than that I napped through the game! Lovely photos and sorry your team lost!

Lizzy Hill said...

LOVE your colours in your sweater. Sensational choices! Even if the greens and reda remind me of CHRISTMAS, LOL!!!!Love that you got mail from Over the Seas.... & love how you get inspired in all sorts of ways from that catalogue!!!!

Cheri said...

What a pretty sweater!

Susan said...

I use catalogs and magazine ads for inspiration all the time. There's always something to catch my eye: colors, design, photos - such a great source for inspiration!

Julie Kirk said...

It's such a work of art that catalogue ... I haven't had one for ages though. They must have heard about me cutting them up ...

And that knitting design (or indeed any knitting) ... it's all witchcraft to me. It's looking lovely!

KraftyKaren said...

The jumper is looking good - I am sure you will share it with us once you are finished. I look forward to seeing the layout inspired by the catalogue too. I have one of their scarves and it is beautiful.

Sorry I am late - Monday kind of disappeared for me but I am here on my blog late complete with a note from my Mum LOL!!

Have a great week x

Theresa said...

Jumper is looking good, and do I spy a bit of blue? Red, blue and green is a combo I like very much. Menfolk did the rugby AND the Superbowl - rolled into bed at 4:30 AM - luckily neither were required to attend school/work on Monday (teachers always seem to manage to plan a training day for the day after Superbowl anyway!!). Catalogues as inspiration? Yes please :-) I'm looking forward to being back home and having catalogues arrive in the mail, I'm sure they will be more inspirational than my current Lidl and Aldi adverts :-). As Valentine's Day is coming up, perhaps there'll be a mail post from me next week (but don't hold your breath!). Happy knitting...and catalogue flicking!

Melissa said...

That definitely looks like a catalogue that should go in the INSPIRATION file! So FUN!

We watched the Superbowl around here, despite the fact that neither of our favorite teams were there. It was an exciting game & lots of new records were made.

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Ooh, the jumper is looking wonderful. Witchcraft is right! It was such an exciting match and I was cheering your boys on. My son was not!

Sandra said...

Ok clever clogs. I want you to think hard! What can't you do? Your too too talented, for your own good lol xxx

Honoré said...

I can see why that catalog is such a looks like a treasure trove of ideas and inspiration. I just love that kind of serendipity in a piece of mail. We did watch the game and weren't happy with the outcome...but, that's life! Have a great week.

Barbara Eads said...

When I saw that catalog, my first thought was "OMGosh! What a perfect inspiration piece for scrapbooking!" Then I went on to read your comment and saw that we were on the same page---literally! Great minds think alike!

Missus Wookie said...

I got my Gudrun Sjoden catalog too - I used it one year for Ali's vision board but wasn't as keen this time. Need to go and use up my membership coupon in the store soon too - thankfully Wookie works around the corner from the London store so I can usually find an excuse to pop in on my way to meet him.

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