Monday 27 February 2017

Memos, Mail, Me: Divert Me

Monday: we're moving on, right? I'm not sure that I have anything good to say about last week. So I won't utter a word. No more talk of it. I hope that's okay?

It leaves me a little short on news for this Monday, though: I had hoped that by now I'd have a funny story or two (maybe something about the outside laundrette we discovered on Saturday. Have you ever seen one? Out of doors? In the fresh air? ) or even some intriguing mail (and definitely not the one hundred and one election manifesto we are currently receiving for an election nobody wants). But instead I might have to fill in with a scrapbook page. Would that do for today?

In a flea market style: for Get It Scrapped
Here's hoping you Mondayers have something diverting for me! I'll be round to see what you've been up to, just as soon as I can.

With thanks to Melissa, Deb, Ruth, Jane, Barb, Lizzy, Mitra, Mary-Lou, Karen, Fiona, Maggie, Alexandra, Eileen, Krafty Karen, Honore, Ladkyis and Theresa for sharing a memo or some mail last week. Go on, give 'em a wave! And have a good week!


Jane said...

Oh dear, I'm so sorry it wasn't a good week, let's hope this one is better x

This West London Life said...

That Berlin page is just so evocative of times gone by.
Here's to a better week!

Barbara Eads said...

Some weeks are like that! My week wasn't particularly exciting but wasn't bad either. Just a regular week---that's okay. They can't all be exciting! Love the detail on your layout.Those butterflies are the perfect touch!

Patio Postcards said...

Ah one of those weeks! That sucked. Sounds like it was laundry related. Yes scrapping cures almost all that ails us ... raising my tea mug to cheer you on to a much better week.

debs14 said...

Oh this doesn't sound good. Sorry to hear that your week was not good - it started with such promise in last Monday's post. I do hope that this week makes up for it!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I don't like the sound of that. Here's to a much better week ahead.

Maggie said...

Oh dear. Last week doesn't sound good. Hope all is ok now.

alexandra s.m. said...

Yep. Some weeks are like that...I would like to hear more about the elections and what your thoughts are...
Meanwhile, your beautiful layout is like a breath of fresh air!

Susan said...

Sorry that last week was less than stellar. Here's to new beginnings!

Karen said...

Sorry the week had nothing to redeem it, but you can always redeem a blog post with one of your fabulous layouts! Hope this week's an improvement.

Mardi said...

Wishing you a much better week.... thanks for always sharing and inspiring.
mardi x

KraftyKaren said...

Here's hoping that this coming week will be much better for you.

I love your layout and love how you can scatter a lot of embellishments but make it look all together and non-messy. When I try to do that sort of thing it just looks like someone sneezed a lot of embellies over my page LOL.

Melissa said...

Oh goodness, I do hope this week is off to a good start! Lovely layout, as always the bits & pieces you choose are wonderful embellishments!

Melissa said...

P. S. If you need a smile or laugh today, I have a bloopers video up on the blog with my mail & memo!

Mitralee said...

oh goodness, my last week was not all that either....and the only thing I can say about elections is that at least you are not stuck with some kind of weird orange guy that says the oddest things....I can tell you that things can only get better though, which is the upside to having a yucky week....

Theresa said...

always good to see a scrapbook page, and you know what they say - if you haven't got anything good to say....
Outside Launderette? really? I'm intrigued. The only one I've ever seen was a fake one, from our time in Southern California when we went to the Renaissance Faires, and there was sometimes singing washerwomen at the well hanging out their laundry! Can't say it's something I'd want to do this time of year!
I do hope this week is shaping up to be a bit better, and more newsworthy. If you are at a loose end (or want a laugh!) there is a rare picture of myself in RenFaire garb on my latest blog post. Theresa xx

Sandra said...

Seeing your pages always brings a smile to my face .... you always do it just right

Lizzy Hill said...

Fabulous the scattered clusters. I'm still in the middle of the doldrums but must be a little better cos I'm here. As Mitra says. Only one way. Up! And I hope your would-be pollies aren't as fond of Twitter as some in Other Places!!

alexa said...

Another very fresh and pretty page - i never tire of looking at your layouts! I really like the way you pick up the colours from the photo in those clusters. An outside launderette? Interesting! We might be back to scrubbing things in streams soon :).

Jo said...

Sorry to hear you didn't have a good week, that is a beautiful layout that you've shared though x

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