Monday 7 September 2015

Me On Monday

It was a how could we have slipped back so easily into our autumn routine? kind of a weekend.

Because it was a rugby watching, apple crumble considering (it had to be apple: we only found six blackberries), curry collecting (six different kinds, bought at the market, packed for the student to take with him), early evening gardening in the late golden sunshine kind of a weekend.

Which is why I was caught trying to inpect the shed.

It's on my hitlist for a big autumn clear out.

Things to note about this photo:

1. I did make a half hearted attempt to climb on the top of the pile of stuff, to pose, as suggested by the photographer. But he got fed up waiting.

2. Finally, that striped t shirt has been relegated to gardening wear.

What else? It was a "did you know?" kind of a weekend. I had no idea that the first Saturday of September is World Beard Day. And I was also intrigued to learn that potatoes you find in an unexpected bit of the garden are called "volunteers" because they've pushed themselves forward. These are especially hardy souls: we didn't plant any potatoes this year.

Volunteering for a photo on World Beard Day
So with the plucky potatoes in mind, I'll wish you a brave new start to your week. Oh, and talking of new starts? I've finally made my way over to Instagram. You can find me fromhighinthesky. All I need to do now is post something!

So last week Deb, Helena, Eileen, Karen, Louise H, Mary-Lou, Ladkyis, Cheri, Sheena, FionaMichelle, Julia, Louise and Alison all gave us a wave, wished us a good start to Monday. I'm waving back! Why not think about joining us?


Sandra said...

yyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssss ..... you're on Instagram .... Now that's made my day x

Lizzy Hill said...

Heehee....I do LOVE that tee shirt. And the photo. And most of all the 'volunteers'.....we're just digging the first of our spuds and seriously enjoying them! Hope you have as good a week as your weekend:)

helena said...

makes me feel a bit better about my shed - I can stand inside (just) !!! love the unexpected discovery of potatoes in the garden - have a great week

This West London Life said...

Yikes, that is one very full shed! And to think I moan about the state of ours ...

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Now that's funny! You were in my list of "Following" on IG, but I remember you commenting about not being on there, when I was sharing Friendship Quilt squares a while back, so I removed your name. Off to reinstate you :-)

Maggie said...

Those potatoes look like a real bonus! We are not quite in the Autumn regime yet but the lady is back tomorrow. I have started an Instragram account recently but not got round to using it much. But do you know? I'm thinking of joining in Me on Monday today!

Patio Postcards said...

Shed tidying - oh potential making of a list - such a great feeling to have a list and check things off it. Oh yes, a list. Lucky you with the volunteers. Potatoes, grow, on the list for next year :)

Julie Kirk said...

We went out for lunch on Saturday and I had liver, bacon and bubble + squeak and apple sponge with caramel sauce. That's a pretty definitively *autumnal* meal right there ... it's definitely a new season we've woken up into!

Loving the gardening-chic [and now wishing I had an instagram-worthy phone even more than I already did!]

Jane said...

I made an apple crumble over the weekend too, the weather has certainly changed

Ali said...

Gah!! missed the rugby :-( but waiting in anticipation for the Rugby World Cup and I'm also really enjoying the Vuelta cycling - I'd be quite fit if I could get up off my bum from watching sports and actually participating lol. I dont seem to have enough time to keep up with blogging to venture over to instagram but I may pop and pay you a visit :-) enjoy the rest of the week xxx

Louise H said...

I love the shed, unlike most of the house ours is super organised and tidy but only because it is my OH's 'area'.
It is definitely getting to crumble time of year. We had a lot of wild bramble in one part of our garden last year (and got loads of berries) but they are gone so we need to go adventuring to get some.
If i was doing Shimelle's learn something new I would have learnt TWO new things (beard and potatoes) so thank you for those lovely nuggets of trivia and waving back to you x

Jennifer Shaw said...

I've been craving apple crisp. I used to always make it when Diane still lived at home and we would eat it all together. Yum! Those potatoes are quite the find. We spent time last weekend in the yard tidying and I'm glad we did because it is very chilly now.

Barbara said...

Yes the shed, that is one item on my list too, I can just about get the mower out and put it back. I hope you get it finished soon.

Jo said...

It sounds like a lovely weekend, I found out today that there was a hairy man competition in Bournemouth this weekend and it must have been for world beard day....I'm sure I would have stood a chance of winning :)

Melissa said...

What a great shed photo - looks like a great fall project! :) We've had a relaxing weekend, still going as today is the Labor Day holiday here.

Karen said...

Still baking peaches and blueberries here; not ready for the fall apples as I'm having a hard time accepting that fall is just around the corner. That's a very handsome guy with the beard!

Lou said...

oh my I forgot to add rugby watching (on tv) and apple... strudel to my me on monday post :) that bit along sounded perfect!
yay to IG...I'm off to find you x

alexa said...

World beard day? He's a great advert :). Oooh, and things will apples always make my heart beat faster. Hoping your lad has a safe journey ... We have a shed you can't get into either, but I am leaving to Himself to sort out. Far too much stuff to hump in and out and most of it bigger than me!

KraftyKaren said...

It did feel so autumnal at the weekend - we had to have the heating on at our crop as we were so cold and almost put it on at home too. But we are getting a reprieve, our forecast says it will be in the 20s again by the weekend - I do hope they are right, I am not ready for autumn just yet!! Have a good week, I have given you a wave on my blog x

Julia said...

Slipping back into Autumn routines...perfect. Love the volunteering for a photo on beard day shot! Felt quite summery here but now I've read this I could so eat some crumble! (Rhubarb for me please!)

Barbara Eads said...

You always seem to do more in one weekend than anybody I know. Looks like the shed clean-out will be a whole weekend in itself! At least the temps will be cooler. Good luck with that.

debs14 said...

You do realise that the only way to really tidy a shed is to take everything out and only put half of the stuff back don't you?! What a mammoth job. My friend refers to household duties as pink jobs (hers) and blue jobs (his). This is quite clearly a 'blue' job!
Good to see you on Instagram - keep on posting!

Gail said...

Hope that shed project is coming along nicely before any bad weather arrives. As for getting on top of the pile - think you were better to stay with 2 feet on the ground.

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