Sunday 6 September 2015

Choose a Big, Brave Smile

Facetime is a wonderful thing. I wasn't there when Little E lost his first tooth; but I was "patched in" to the ensuing wobbly celebration within minutes. 

"Look, Auntie Sian! It fell out!" and the phone zoomed in to make sure I received the full effect of the bloodied aftermath

From High In The Sky for Gossamer Blue

"It fell out onto the floor, and I thought it was a sweet on the carpet!" 

and he turned a little pale then, I could see. Because the memory of the sweet which wasn't, combined with the realisation that a bit of him - his very own person - had just fallen off? It very nearly all became a bit too much. But he rallied, because he's a little star, and he put on a big, brave smile, and he said

"I have to go now, Auntie Sian. I think I have to get a tissue.."

"Send me a picture!" I shouted after him. And he did.

I made this page for the Gossamer Blue blog. It's my September contribution, in which I talk a little about my process for using journaling cards as titles and prompts. Here? The card says Let It Go, the paper had very toothy white triangles printed on it, and the little Crate Paper house picked up the shapes in the photo.

Oh, and Little E? Latest news..the new tooth is looking good.


Lizzy Hill said...

What a great event to document. Sigh. All my boys' teeth fell out. And nothing to document it. So wish I'd scrapped earlier in life! Really like the long title with the different fonts ):)

Jennifer Shaw said...

I love this cute page! Exciting news for Little E. Facetime is amazing. It is how I get to see Thomas in action too. Thank goodness for technology.

Abi said...

What a fun thing to document Sian! I love facetime. My mum is particularly bad on it though because she forgets where the camera is so spends half the time we talk with her finger over it or half her face in view!

Lou said...

ahh bless him. I hope the tooth fairy paid him a visit x I do love how you type straight onto your page.

Missus Wookie said...

I don't even know when either of my kids lost their first tooth - and we didn't do the fairy thing either. That paper is perfect, I thought you'd cut the teeth/triangles out yourself!

Karen said...

LOL! Little E has a wonderful spin on his adventures and misadventures. And you've documented it wonderfully! Surprisingly, I remember well the first tooth I lost. I swallowed it with a sandwich, and was sure the tooth fairy would pass me by.

Louise H said...

Fab page Sian, I really admire your style. I love how you use speech in your journaling - do you jot the conversations down or write them as you roughly remember them? Love it either way x

Sandra said...

Aawwww bless his little heart xxx

Jane said...

this did make me smile, bless!

This West London Life said...

I do so love hearing stories about Little E!

Chantal Vandenberg said...

Awesome layout!!!

Ali said...

Too sweet!!! bless him x

Jo said...

That is so cute!!

Melissa said...

Facetime is wonderful for these sorts of life events, isn't it! Great page - as always I especially like the layering.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

I've found your blog through my friend Helen at I will Bloom...and I'm so happy I did. I'm just smitten with your layouts! So creative and fun.
Love your son's story - just adorable. xoxo

alexa said...

Oh my, that's a photo that makes me squirm! Unlike the rest of your very stylish page, of course. I like your little house :).

Sian said...

Hi Carrie. I'm glad you found me too :) and thank you

Gail said...

That is so sweet that he wanted to share it with you! Haven't used facetime yet - John's sister keeps saying we should try it.

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