Wednesday 10 December 2014

One Photo & Twenty Words: The Cardboard Box

I'm joining in today with the lovely Abi of Creating Paper Dreams, and her One Photo & Twenty Words. Perfect for telling a story quickly at Christmas!

Here's my story for today:

ps Dear Santa...I'm trying very hard to be very good, so if you could just have a big think about that camera thing. I'm very grateful for my phone, but it's not quite the same...


Anonymous said...

Oh Sian, how funny! But what a rigamarole to send it back.....hoping Santa delivers (that was a fairly big hint!)....understandably because you're a scrapper and need a camera!!!!!!

This West London Life said...

Ha, funny! I'm hearing that mixed up deliveries are happening a lot right now! Hope you get the right order very soon!

Jo said...

This has made me laugh, hope you get it sorted.

Julie Kirk said...

You think you've got it bad? Think of the poor person who ordered the steam cleaner who's been sent something to view al their dirt in *closer detail*!

p.s: I'm not trying to suggest I've been twice as nice as you this year but ... both camera *and* phone are on my list! [Although I bet I get neither!]

Sheena said...

oh dear! I hope it call gets sorted soon.

Abi said...

Oh what a muddle! We once ordered two salt and pepper mills and got sent three fruit cakes. Lakeland were very sweet about it and let us keep the cake. Unfortunately it's only mum and me who eat them in our house! We were drowning in cake by the end of Christmas!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Quite a difference! I called in earlier and couldn't see the picture (I can't on any blog today?!) then I saw it on FB so could come back and comment. I ordered something and got a free gift with it, but I have no idea what it is! This online ordering/delivery isn't quite as easy as it seems sometimes.

PS I seem to be able to ignore WV on most blogs and just hit publish after writing my comment.

Lesley G said...

Here's hoping you're on Santa's "nice" list :)

Nathalie said...

LOL! That just cracked me up! I would start to think that Santa was looking into my house :P

Hope you get your wish under the tree though :)

Melissa said...

Like a big unexpected surprise! And one more thing to deal with!

Hope Santa gets the message about the camera - that would be FUn!

Sandra said...

Only the other day the wrong delivery was sent, but boy was it wrong ... It was a full christmas suit. The funniest thing I'd ever seen. Sadly I forgot to take a photo

Lizzy Hill said...

LOL!!! 'Santa' asked me to wrap my OWN GIFTS yesterday. So 'Santa' got wordlessly handed paper, gift tags & tape.....hope your 'Santa' comes through. STEAM CLEANER???!!!!!!!!!

Karen said...

Got a good laugh from this one. Last year there was a big, heavy box under the tree for me. It was a Keurig coffee machine. I was quite sure it was something I didn't need, and it took up a lot of counter space. To say nothing of being expensive to use. Nonetheless, we kept it. We don't keep it in the kitchen, but bring it up when we have company. That way everyone can have what they want. It's turned out to be quite useful since we entertain frequently! Here's hoping a big camera will be under the tree for you!

Jennifer Shaw said...

Hoping Santa hears your wishes. I can't imagine life without my camera. I think I use it almost every day. Good luck with the steam cleaner. Urghh Cleaning carpets is not a fun way to spend the holidays.

Missus Wookie said...

Oh dear - hope you get the binoculars - did you give in and use the cleaner before it went back? ;)

Beverly said...

This is the first year I have had issues with online orders and have had 3 arrive wrong just this week. Target messed up so much trying to fix it that they finally just said "keep what we sent and we'll ship out the right items!" I think it was easier to just get rid of me lol

scrappyjacky said...

Do hope Santa's listening!!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, hope they get it sorted out quickly. One year I ordered a candle holder for me and a whiskey glass for John from our favourite crystal company - it worked so well they duplicated the order. :) Hope Santa is listening.

alexa said...

You have made me smile! You didn't say if it was going back or not? Keeping my fingers crossed for you about the camera - of course you need on - you're a scrapbooker! Santa really ought to know that :).

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