Monday 8 December 2014

Me On Monday

It was a look! there's a little flurry of snow, so we're on our way to Christmas for sure kind of a weekend. A start it early with a shopping trip on Friday weekend. A gather up the tape and the wrapping paper and head to Granny's to help with the presents weekend. Definitely a no peeping! 
you didn't see that! kind of weekend. A weekend of loud cheering when we heard that Uncle Dave will be making it home for the holidays. A thank you to everyone who has been joining in with Christmas Club weekend.

A weekend of Christmasification. And if that isn't a word, I think it probably should be.

My sister and I held our annual-you-buy-that-for-me-and-I'll-buy-this-for-you shopping trip on Friday. And with everything else we managed to find  (hope that Santa beard fitted your teddy, Little E!) we had a pretty magical time. I couldn't resist taking a couple of pictures in the changing rooms of one of the clothes shops we visited: they were decorated like explorers huts. Like "The Fram" The (Not So) Small One said when she saw them. 

Then I came home and pulled together a wrapping kit to take to my Mum's. Over two dozen parcels later I put my feet up in front of Christmas Club and had a grand old read. Thank you to everyone! It's good to have it back. You can click here to read if you are looking at this in a Reader and maybe you'll consider joining us next week? only two more Sundays til Christmas!

But this is Monday, so what am I up to? Well, I'm delighted that Uncle Dave will be home soon. But that news does leave me with a small dilemma. I have to clear up:

I can't have him setting his suitcase on this. That could turn very nasty. Best get busy, then. Why did I leave it this long?

Have a great week everyone! And if you would like to share your Monday, give me a wave. I'd be happy to come and see what you are up to, too.


scrappyjacky said...

Yes, it must be a word...because we had a christmasification weekend as well....though ours involved a lot of decorating the really does feel like christmas now....thankfully without the snow.

Cheri said...

Well it has to be a word, because every January we go through a deChristmasification process. and you can't undo it without doing it first, right?

If it makes you feel any better, my craft space and office both look WAY worse than your space!

Lesley G said...

I'd make Uncle Dave sleep elsewhere!!!
Christmasification SHOULD be in the dictionary for sure.
And in answer to your ? on my blog that I keep forgetting to answer the tree is indeed a cracker one. We were selling them for £1 and a few had extra prizes in!!

helena said...

fantastic news about Uncle Dave and I love that you can get a Santa beard for a bear and your arrangement with your sister sounds so fun and sensible at the same time

Jennifer Shaw said...

That is terrific that Uncle Dave will be home for the holidays. I'm also chuckling because your desk looks exactly like mine has for a few months. It is on my list to clean it up but so far it is still messy. I was in wrapping mode too this weekend. I wrapped 30 boxes of chocolates for my husband's employees. A bit time consuming but worth it to have them looking pretty when he drops them off on their desks.

debs14 said...

Good news re Uncle Dave! Not such good news about the need for tidying up though. Sounds like you had a good shopping trip with your sister. I kind of recognise that style of changing room. I think our local branch of that shop has the changing rooms set out like the inside of a VW camper van!

Barbara Eads said...

Your shopping spree sounds like it was a lot of fun. I can't wait to see what you and your sister got for each other!

Your work table looks as bad as mine! I'm determined to get it cleaned up this week too. I'd love to get a little scrapbooking done next weekend.

Barbara Eads said...

Your shopping spree sounds like it was a lot of fun. I can't wait to see what you and your sister got for each other!

Your work table looks as bad as mine! I'm determined to get it cleaned up this week too. I'd love to get a little scrapbooking done next weekend.

This West London Life said...

Hooray for Uncle Dave making it home! I love those changing rooms!

Lizzy Hill said...

LOL! You got me with the mess photo. So, he's a table sleeper then? [Joking!!]. My brother's a rug sleeper. Maybe UD will have to turn into one of them...that is some bits to clean up! Love the dressing room.....good ON those Chrissy story gals & well done with the Chrissy wrapping, Did mine Saturday, ALL Saturday. Took hours, cos this is the 1st year I've added ribbon/string/pretties to the outside. In order to Use up some Stash...worked a treat, too;)

Susanne said...

I totally get while you left it for so long - but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that is the only space needing clearing. The same can't be said around here. How exciting that he's coming!!

Jo said...

That sounds like a really great weekend with fantastic news. Those changing rooms looking amazing! I always imagined your workspace awash with quiet calm and everything in its place :)

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

How exciting that your brother is coming for Christmas. Good luck making room for him.

PS Christmasification should most definitely be in the dictionary, along with touchability. Judging by the red wiggly lines, spell checker does not agree!

Melissa said...

Sounds like a very Christmasy weekend! I returned home from my trip on Saturday & we finished up our Christmas decorations Sunday. Hope all is going well with cleaning up for Uncle Dave's visit - how FUN that he'll be there!

Sandie said...

Lovely to see your workspace looking much like my own Sian! Hope you manage to clear for Uncle Dave - I have friends for lunch next week so have my own reason for clearing too. Loved those changing rooms, I would have felt like making camp inside! LOL

Karen said...

So lovely that Uncle Dave is coming for the holiday! I cleaned my studio last week, and am working hard to keep it cleared. Not easy at this time of year!

Lou said...

Oh my....I hope you find some lovely treasures when you clean that little lot up! Good to hear the present wrapping has started. I've got another week before school finishes to get that all done x x

Sandra said...

You had snow!!! You had snow! Oh I'm so jealous.

How I wish I was closer, I'd love to help you clear up that desk. Ok it might take quite a while, I means I'd have to check everything out first lol x

Missus Wookie said...

Yeah for Uncle Dave coming home - even if it means clearing the desk down first :)

I like the idea of Christmasifcation too....

KraftyKaren said...

Sounds like a great weekend and good luck with all of your clearing up. Sorry not joining in this week as we have been away x

alexa said...

Oh my, and that is a creative desk and a half! How lovely to have Uncle Dave again; his pithy comments are always an enjoyable read :). I am impressed thatr you have wrapped presents already ...

Anonymous said...

Love that word - if it isn't one it should be. Great news about Uncle Dave.

Becky said...

What a creative desk! Just trying to catch up on all my blog reading having been away last weekend and then very busy at work this week! Looking forward to Story Telling Sunday tomorrow :)

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