Wednesday 5 November 2014

Take It Once, Use It Twice

In the interests of full disclosure I should tell you now, before we start, that I have an unopened Project Life album sitting on my desk. 

I have always said that it wasn't for me, that Project Life thing. I've always said that although I'm completely fascinated by the posted pages I see, I could never imagine myself committing to that level of detail.

This Life Sian Fair

But, at the end of this summer (as a result of something I started doing at the beginning of this summer), I felt myself moving in a Project Life-ly direction. I had made a promise to myself (and maybe to future grandchildren or any other interested party) that I would start taking more photos of me. Sucked in by the selfie? A little. So I started posting these pictures as "Me On Monday", which has now taken on a life of its own. And then, to accompany "Me", I started taking a few more observational pictures, i guess you could call them, photos of little things which illustrate my life right now.

Which means that I have lots more pictures on my phone, all queued up waiting for their moment.

That's what I enjoy about any kind of day in the life project: you have a record, in as minute a detail as your heart desires, BUT you also have a stand alone collection: a huge selection of photos to scrapbook any way you choose. They are "stock" photos, really: a bank of pictures to be turned to when you need an illustration, an image, something, anything, to go with a story. 

Almost everyone's week in the life at some time features a Starbucks mug, or a lunch of soup, say, and that photo looks good, sits well, in a divided page protector But that picture - go on, print out another copy - is also there to be grabbed when you want to do a page about, let's think; "autumn" or "cosiness" or "eating with friends". Know what I mean?

On this layout - which is me moving towards Day In The Life, on my way to more month by month pages, ending maybe with some kind of Project Life - I used a Me On Monday "stock photo". Scuffing up my shoes in the grass as I think? It's reflective and it gave me a starting point for the colours.

With this is mind, I'm going to print out a little pile of my "stock". I hadn't intended to use many of  them for scrapbooking, but when the glue calls..

Mind if I ask for your take on taking it once, using it twice? would you? do you? reprint or reuse a picture in a different context? I'm interested.


This West London Life said...

I often scrap the same photos more than one, because I have various albums and PL on the go at any given time.
And ... you know that I'd love to see your take on PL ...

Abi said...

I second Ruth. You would take on PL in such a wonderful way. That's what I like about the project, you can make it suit you.

Jo said...

That is a great layout. I take once and use twice many times. I do project life so that future generations who look at my 12x12 pages don't think I lived an amazing life full of fun all the time :) The everyday things go in project life and if I want to tell more of the story I'll do a 12x12 page using the same photo.

Nathalie said...

I am usually careful not to scrap the same photos twice BUT when the photo is used in one of my PL type monthly pages, I don't mind as much. I would use one of the shots used for the PL page along with more photos to elaborate on an event/or more words to tell a story. Actually I believe that making those PL spreads will help you come up with ideas for full layouts...
Finally, this is an awesome page and post! :)

Cheri said...

ALL THE TIME. And as you say, in different contexts. My "stock" photos tend to be the nature and flower photos I take. The same one might appear in a layout about Spring, with a quote for my Kindness Challenge, and as a washed out background for yet another layout or project. I have no problems with take it once... use it over and over as appropriate!

Lou said...

I can't recall scrapping the same photo twice. I'm impressed with your "scrap me" theme. I started taking photos for PL...went as far as to keep weekly notes/schedules for the first 6 months of the year...I never once completed a PL Spread, and probably never will :( x

Sandra said...

I scrap the same photo twice all the time. Most go into my PL album the first time, but even those everyday photos I take, I usually have a layout in mind.

Your posts and pages are always inspiring and this one is no exception

Becky said...

Yes definitely. I do a monthly PL so sometimes a photo goes in there but then deserves a full page to itself.

Mitralee said...

Quite enjoyed this post. I'd imagine you could use a photo for a variety of things from a layout to a wall hanging to PL. I haven't gotten into project life myself, but I can see the appeal.

Lesley G said...

Love your cork background, a beautiful page.
I think the most I've used the same photo is 5 times :O

helena said...

yes regularly - I have a summary of each month album and many of those photos I use in other things and then I also have some stock photos - the ubiquitous coffee (Costa for me) and ltos of feet and my shadow

Lea Lacoste said...

as long as it doesn't end up in the same album then I don't mind at all using the same photos 2 or 3 times!
I struggled a lot with PL last year but I still love the idea of capturing the little details, which for me is what PL really is about, no matter the format you end up using!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Yes, I would. Loving the brogues. I had a pair in the late eighties and am on the look out for another.

Missus Wookie said...

Oh yes - I often scrap a photo more than once for the reasons you've mentioned. I didn't expect to like the project life gratitude album creation as much but it is still something the family remind me of and look through as well.

Sandie said...

I don't often scrap but I definitely use favourite photos more than once in other projects. I love making mini books and taking part in things like Ali Edwards 'A week in the life' or LSNED, Journal your Christmas etc. I love the small detail and have lots of photos of my feet (don't laugh!) They show where I was standing and for me they are like a connection with my surroundings and a different kind of selfie.

Gitte Nørgaard said...

I have only once used the same photo twice - and that wasn't on purpose :-)
Luckily I have two girls so they can have one each.

I really like the sound of a LP, I always have done, but with smaller children it's wouldn't be something I could commit to now - but who knows, maybe in the future...

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

I rescrap photos occasionally. Usually ones I scrapped back in 2004-6, when my skills did not match my vision.:)
I didn't think I'd stick with PL. I'm not a project finisher but I am doing okay with it. My problem is it sucked up all my scrapping mojo. I haven't done a non-PL page since March.
Next year I am doing PL as a monthly thing, rather than a weekly one. I think it will take up less time

Karen said...

Not often, but yes, I do reuse photos in different contexts.

Melissa said...

That "stock" photo works wonderfully on your layout. I'd definitely use a layout twice & have done so in the past. I also keep a collection of my printed "stock" photos in category drawers for when the glue calls.

Ashley Calder said...

I've absolutely used the same photo twice! Sometimes because I have two very different things to say about it. Sometimes because I have hardly any photos of that person/subject, and I want to scrap a completely different memory and I just don't have any other picture that will work.

Love this page. The design is great. Love the big journalling paper, and little details.

Anonymous said...

I love your phrase "when the glue calls...". I'm sure your interpretation of Project Life will be wonderful, uniquely you, and as always provide inspiration and ideas to your readers.

scrappyjacky said...

I occasionally use the same photo twice....I like the idea of having some 'stock' photos.

stephanie said...

I keep meaning to try project life but never quite get around to it. And I duplicate sometimes too, if the photo is part of something but also.has it's own story

Jennifer Shaw said...

First off I love your page and it's beautiful details. I love the idea of using stock photos for PL in a LO with a story. I too have an empty PL album that I still haven't gotten to. My plan is to use it more as an easy way to keep memories instead of doing all of those large LO's. Lately all I seem to do is knit. haha

Alison said...

I have just managed to get as far as the end of March with PL.......I hate giving up on things, but I really do feel it's not for me...I may use Becky's idea of monthly pages ffor the rest of the year! In reply to your question, yes I have used the photos more than once in different albums xx

Susanne said...

No, not very often do I scrap the same photo over again. I guess if I ever get caught up on the boxes of old photos - sorting them, much less purging them of the truly unscrappable - I might get around to it. I do have a few favorites in mind.

KraftyKaren said...

I do sometimes - especially as all my albums are themed and some photos fit both albums - like our Christmas cruise - do I put those in the Christmas album or the holiday album - well the favourites have gone in both LOL!! I have actually started using the project life pages in my holiday album for those photos that I want as part of the story but they don't merit a layout all to themselves. That is actually speeding up getting through the huge backlog of photos that I have waiting to be scrapped. Really lovely layout x

Beverly said...

Love the layout and that you are getting more photos of you. I had to laugh because I have a PL kit that is unopened as well and I realllly love the purple album I purchased. I didn't but it to do PL though. I like the formatting but I just am not into the PL concept. Personally, I don't use photos more than once unless I am doing albums for different people.

Lizzy Hill said...

AHA!! it will get you, PL, will, in its grip and it will never ever let you go!!!!! It's awesome fun, creative & I can see you already being 'called'!!!! LOOOOVE the soft, earthy colours in this one & that little stamp at the bottom is cuteness personified:):)

Anonymous said...

First of all - I love the layout and how you've used the idea of your blog entry for it. Ok I would most definitely use a picture more than once and I have. Some of them just fit in more than one place.

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