Monday 3 November 2014

Me On Monday

...fresh back from the dentist and hoping to do a lot more of this:

to make up for my morning.

The weekend? It was an everyone home on Friday, so let's start it early kind of weekend. A house decorating, pumpkin lighting, apple tart baking, sweet snaffling (those trick or treaters didn't get everything we had), kids in costumes counting (we had about fifty callers - wow!), get up late, spot I've lost a stone from my engagement ring (if you look closely, I've just realised, you might see that in the picture), drive out into the country, shop for extra long jeans (not for me, obviously), crocheting, cleaning, planning kind of a weekend. And now it's back to school after Half Term. Next stop Christmas!

How about you? You could "do a Monday" and give us a peep! Last week Deb, Helena, Sandra, Mel, Theresa, Karen, Becky, RuthFiona, ladkyis and Alison all gave us a wave. Thank you. I'm waving right back..

Have a good week


Maggie said...

50 callers! Goodness! Living in the country we had ... None! I too have lost a stone from my engagement ring and despite being small I feel it will cost a bit!

This West London Life said...

50 callers ~ yikes! The Boy Child and I experienced his first ever Trick or Treat on Friday night and I didn't stop to consider how many children may have called at houses before us ...
Here's hoping you find that missing stone.

Susanne said...

Well it sounds like you had a fun weekend. We are off the beaten path so we don't get the trick-or-treaters. I only bought one bag of candy, decorated two containters to hold it, sent some off to daughter at college earlier in the week, and gave the rest to my son (with only a very small sample to assure the quality was good.) I do hope you get lots of sewing done. It's going to be a busy week here.

Jane said...

not a great one for halloween, no callers here.

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Wow! That is a lot of callers and 50 more than we got! Can't wait to see what it is you're sewing. A little foray into dressmaking perhaps?

scrappyjacky said...

Not much Halloween support down here....only one group of callers....and it certainly wasn't caused by the weather!
Hope you manage to get your sewing done.

helena said...

great toothy pumpkin for a dentist visiting prelude

Ali said...

Great post - busy, busy!!

KraftyKaren said...

Hope the dentist visit wasn't too painful and you can get the ring sorted. Wow what a lot of trick or treaters!! Have a good weekend, I am waving right back at you!!

Jennifer Shaw said...

I always look forward to your Monday posts. Glad you survived the dentist, too bad about your ring and happy to hear you enjoyed Halloween. Loved looking at your bowl of candy as the brands are different from ours. You had lots of callers too. We think we hit about 60 this year which is good for this neighbourhood. In my old house I would get about 125! It was fun. Rob knows of a lady out in the country who get 350. I can't imagine. That's lots of treats to prepare.

Becky said...

Oh dear sorry to hear about your ring and the trip to the dentist. 50 callers?! We had zilch! Penny was very disappointed and we ended up eating a lot of sweets in Saturday. Waving right back at you again today :)

Sandra said...

I hope everything went ok at the dentist. I see you didn't ask him to take a photo of you lol.

I'm sorry to hear about your engagement ring, that's upsetting.

I hope you had enough candy for that many visitors lol

Sandie said...

A fun filled weekend and sorry to hear about the lost stone :(

doris sander said...

well! i am ever so curious as to what you're stitching. halloween is the best sort of holiday, isn't it? fun, festive, garish, without the need for too much pre-planning unless you're just into that sort of thing.

waving to you late in the day. ;)

Karen said...

So sorry to hear about the ring. I hope there's still a chance you might find it! Where I grew up, there were well over 100 callers on Halloween, but the most we've ever had on this street is about 35-40, and that was quite a few years ago.

Lesley G said...

We went out so no idea how many callers we had - I don't do Halloween!!
Dentist - ugh!
Christmas - NOOOOOO!

Theresa said...

hope you have forgotten about the dentist visit by now! Thanks for your supporting words on my blog, really appreciate that you take time to stop by. Christmas!! Nooo, I haven't finished my shopping yet, but YES, I'm going home to celebrate with my family :-) Happy Sewing.

Lea Lacoste said...

is christmas seriously so close? Fall has barely started here in Paris, so not ready for Winter!! It's going to be two busy months ahead clearly! are you planning any crochet/knitted gifts?

Barbara Eads said...

Another busy weekend for you. I'm beginning to think they are all that way!!

Lizzie said...

Pity about the ring - I hope you can have the lost stone replaced?
I finally got my sewing machine up and running again, after years of languishing in cupboards. I have wanted to start sewing again, for ages, but it seemed that there was always a "reason" not to. But I really wanted to make a window blind, to match our curtains and the local sewing shop was having one of their regular machine-servicing days, soooo I took my old machine along for a thorough check-up and overhaul, then got going on that blind. First time I have made any kind of window covering, for - ooooo - I'm not sure how long... I was quite gratified to see that the finished article looks pretty decent!
What were you making, Sian?

Jo said...

That sounds like a lovely weekend but it's a shame about your ring. We didn't even have one caller :( I guess I get to eat the treats though :)

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

Wow! 50 is a lot! We don't do door to door here because the doors are way too far apart. :) There were about 300 people at the sheriff's sponsored 'trunk or treat' at the high school.
Are you making gifts? I'm waiting on some chunky yarn I ordered to get started on some hats for gifts this year.

Nathalie said...

It's funny as, just like you, when I have to go through something I don't like (such as the dentist or worse), I feel like I deserve to reward myself with crafting/scrapbooking :P
50 kids is a lot! We had about 15 I think and that was a record for us! :) Glad your weekend went well!

Lou said...

Sounds like a little of something for everyone kind of weekend. Shame about your ring! x

Melissa said...

It was a busy week here . . . obviously, since I'm just now reading the Me on Monday posts! :)
Hope you got some sewing in this week!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, sorry to hear about your ring. I lost one of the from my mother's engagement ring when I had my bad fall and they had to cut it off and I'm dreading getting it replaced. 50 kids - wow - we had a whopping 15. :) Guess with it being a Friday night there were more parties instead.

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