Monday 17 November 2014

Me On Monday

It was a thinking about the ballet, spotting Nutcracker related things everywhere we looked kind of weekend. 

A coffee morning planning, poster designing, trip to Ikea for decorations and napkins weekend. A long conversation with my sister about Christmas presents weekend (hurray!). A wallpaper choosing, paint mixing, tool gathering weekend. A rugby watching, chicken and noodles eating, watching for the postman, revising for exams weekend.

And this week? I'm still looking at wallpapers: taking photos of possibles, gathering samples, changing my mind...

Anything nice come your way this weekend? Any plans for the week? Last Monday Ladkyis, Helena, KarmaCraftBlog, Jane, Karen, Ruth, Deb, Doris, Mel and Liz all let us have a look at what they'd been up to. Go on, give them a wave!

..and have a good week.


helena said...

making me think about a trip to the big DIY shed - not because I need to do any such work but because I miss the looking.

scrappyjacky said...

Been a DIY weekend here as well....preparing for a new woodburner....seems to mean redecorating as well!

This West London Life said...

No DIY here, but plenty of off blog preparation for December travels.

Jane said...

Sounds a busier weekend than I had, good luck with the decorating.

debs14 said...

Decisions, decisions! I enjoy the researching and planning stage of decorating, although last week I found myself in B&Q and honestly think I was the only female in there!

Abi said...

I love the nutcracker. it was the first ballet I danced in and the music always reminds me of christmas. Enjoy the DIY!

Jennifer Shaw said...

That wrapping paper is so cute. I have gifts to wrap today that need to be mailed. Yes, the stores are full of Christmas stuff. That time of year is upon us again.
Good luck choosing the wallpaper pattern. It's a big decision and sometimes hard to imagine what it will look like on an entire wall.

Mel said...

Don't Ikea have a fab new stationary section? I stocked up on their cute speech bubble post-its and love their fox birthday party range.

Maggie said...

Exams? Does your daughter have exams before Christmas. Emma is working hard but no exams at present. Wallpaper with stripes? Hope you are good at putting it up!

Alison said...

I will be off paint-searching towards the end of this's not something I enjoy! Xx

Sandra said...

I'm always thinking DIY ... I have a project on the go all the time, at the moment I'm thinking of painting a fire surround and a sideboard.

Jo said...

Sounds like another busy but fun packed weekend for you!

KraftyKaren said...

For me the worse bit of decorating is making the decisions about decor - I always know what I would like but then can never find it anywhere.

Have a good week - I have waved back at you before it becomes Tuesday!!!

Missus Wookie said...

I do like the IKEA christmas decorations. Good luck with the wall paper and decision making!

Anonymous said...

I need to do some paint choosing but that will have to wait till after Christmas now. Good luck picking the wallpaper.

alexa said...

Oooh, some lovely neutrals there, Sian - what a great idea to photograph them instead of taking a few samples home! Wondering if this is for home or your business ... Going to be lovely, whichever way :).

Melissa said...

Sounds like a nice weekend! We saw the Nutcracker a few years ago when the Russian Ballet was traveling here & really enjoyed it.

Lizzy Hill said...

MAN! That's one super busy weekend!! Hope the wall paper gets sorted & next weekend is quieter. We had a classical concert going one, with the violin dude in the most FABULOUS pair of poppy red patent leather lace ups. Was much better looking at them than listening to the music, in my mind;)!!!!

Kirsty.A said...

I'm very late this week, but I did have a weekend!

Lou said...

Oh yes. Present talking, paint mixing, rugby watching and playing (not me of course) kinda weekend here. Hope you settled on a wallpaper x

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I think a trip to Ikea is definitely on the cards for the new year. Sounds like a pretty fine weekend all round.

Miriam said...

The Nutcracker was the first ballet I saw, Oh so long ago. What did we do before smart phones?

Sandie said...

Lots of DIY going on here. I bought a green paint that felt a bit risky, not helped by my husbands doubtfulness that it was too dark, too bold, too in your face. But luckily he trusted me and has now accepted it.... it has even crept into the porch! Hope you have found paper you like and making progress of your own.

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