Sunday 1 January 2012

Storytelling Sunday 2: The Words, The Pictures

Happy New Year, Storytellers! I'm hoping 2012 will hold a lot of everything you love.

Round here we love stories. We love them so much that we're ready to make a start on a whole new year of Storytelling Sunday. And we hope you are about to join us.

I think they may be about to join us

The other day I was talking to Uncle Dave about my plans for the new season, about how I wanted to get the photographers involved, and the bloggers who enjoy from the sidelines; and he jumped up and down and shouted

"You've got to persuade them! It's so important! And I'd like to help."

And I thought - free Ivy League level storytelling advice? From a real Professor? Let's have some of that! And this is what he wrote:

"From what I’ve heard, some great bloggers would like to join in the fun of Storytelling Sunday but are feeling a little nervous.

Now it may well be that you don’t feel you are a great writer: after all, you haven’t written many novels recently. But that’s alright - people who do that are authors, and Storytelling Sunday isn’t about authors, it’s about storytellers. And everyone is a storyteller.

At the fancy university where I’m lucky enough to teach literature, students come to study great novels written by brilliant people so different from the rest of us. But I don’t let them do that until they tell me what they did yesterday, or how their pet cat is, or what happened at lunchtime. They think it’s too easy and a bit silly until they realise what’s going on: exactly like the famous authors, they’re telling me stories; and in fact they (and we) talk in stories all the time. Almost every time you speak, you tell a little story.

But, what if our stories don’t seem interesting? Well, that’s not our decision to make, because a story doesn’t become a real story until someone hears it or reads it. That’s when the magic part happens. You just can’t tell how the most ordinary little story might speak to someone else and bring memories flooding back, or spark an idea.

All you can do is tell your story. The thing you do every day."

Thanks Dave! Has he got you thinking? I think he's right. All you can do is tell your story. Right here. Right now. Words, if you like to work them. Pictures if you prefer. Write your post, add your link and we'll come and visit. Good Luck! The new season starts here..

Small Print: which I'm not making small because I'd love you to read it. I firmly believe we're telling stories in the round here. One person starts and then turns to the next. You can't do it in isolation. So I'm asking everyone who adds a link to be sure to say hello to at least a couple of the other storytellers. There are some stars out there who managed a lot of hellos last year - your efforts didn't go unnoticed! - but it's up to everyone to become a part of the audience. That's when stories work best. Uncle Dave says so.


Miss Smith said...

Fantastic! I'm cheering and waving my little story flag. I'm so glad you're hosting this again in 2012 and look forward to reading lots and lots of stories. And I promise faithfully to comment more.

I'm slightly worried that if I don't, the seagulls will know. They seem pretty knowing.

They'd have to be to line up like that.

Miss Smith said...

They're so perfectly spaced.

Except the third one from the right who either misread the instructions or didn't bother to read the instructions.

All the others are looking at him.


Sorry, this picture fascinates me. It's brilliant!

Beverly said...

Well, Uncle Dave has made me feel much more comfortable about my first go :) Thank him for me, I want to take his class!

Unknown said...

Uncle Dave seems like a good chap :) He is quite right as well, I always wonder before I post whether anyone will 'get' it, but you know what someone always comments with some form of I know what you if anyone is still wondering whether to join then I urge you as a new storyteller - this is fun :)

I will try and remember to come bak later in the week to read stories posted in the week, I often forget after the sunday :(

Happy New Year to you and your family Sian.

Sue Althouse said...

Wise words, indeed. I do love to read the stories others write, and live a different life, if only for a few minutes. This month I'll be perusing those stories and working up the gumption to tell one myself. Happy New Year!

Scattychick said...

Happy New Year Sian I have joined in this year x

Irene said...

Happy New Year Sian! Good to have some input from Uncle Dave. He is so right; it's the little, ordinary things that often make for the most entertaining story. I hope more folk join in and tell their story. I really enjoy reading them.
The photograph is amazing!

Becky said...

Happy new year Sian and what wise words from Uncle Dave. I often think that perhaps my stories aren't too interesting and then get such lovely comments from people that it really makes my day and makes me realise that it is important to get these written down.

K said...

Its probably the "stories" I write that I think are the least interesting that get the most comments & visa versa.

1st of the 1st & my 1st time joining in, though I've been reading & enjoying the stories linked up here for a while now.

scrappyjacky said...

No story today....but I do like what Uncle Dave had to say.

Alison said...

What a wise man Uncle Dave sounds! I love reading people's stories and am so glads you have decided to continue with 'Storytelling Sunday'!
Alison xx

Mary B said...

Thank you so much Sian for continuing this lovely time we appreciate it so much and Thank you Uncle Dave too for some great suggestions.

Jimjams said...

Happy New Year to all those at High in the Sky, including the seagulls!

laurie said...

such wise, encouraging words. stories are the stuff of life and by sharing them we become less alone. i am going to try to remember a good one today so i can participate. happy new year!

Alana said...

Awww, uncle dave sounds like a very 'knowing' type of chap. Obs he takes after you:) thankyou for your kind comments you left earlier on the blog. It brought a little year to the eye. Happy new year to you and your loved ones.

Maria Ontiveros said...

Well, I ended up with two posts. One, "the words" and the other, "the picture." Hope that's okay.

Lynn said...

Glad you are keeping story telling sunday going - it really inspired me last year. No story from me today as Still recovering from a very late night. But will enjoy reading everyone eelses. Happy New Year Sian!

Anonymous said...

From the sounds of it - I'd love to take a class given by Uncle Dave. I almost missed today - completely forgot that it was Sunday. :)

This West London Life said...

Can I join Dave the Prof's class as a mature student when he goes back, please?

Fiona@staring at the sea said...

So glad you are continuing with this in 2012 Sian. I love reading everyone's stories and try my best to comment on all of them each month. I loved what Uncle Dave had to say too. I had no idea what to write about today, but turned to my box of old photos and it came up trumps for me.

alexa said...

Uncle Dave will starting a blog of his own soon :). Great anbd encouraging introduction to the year ...

furrypig said...

happy new year and hurray for story telling sunday even if it took me ages to actually write anything! Looking forward to reading more in 2012 xxx

Lisa said...

I'm looking forward to the new season of stories! Happy new year to you and your family.

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

What a perfect piece to begin the new year and to reflect back on should we ever claim to not have a story to share! This is perfect, Sian. Pass along our thanks to Uncle Dave. ;o)

Jo said...

I think it's so very true and too many people think their story isn't worth telling. The listener should be the judge and all stories should be told. It's like the person who says "I won't bore you with all the photos" well I'd like to judge if they bore me and what's the point of taking them if you're not going to show them. Just the same with stories :)

Lou said...

Happy New Year to you and your family Sian.

How could I not be inspired to write my very first story after Uncle Dave's inspiring words....Just need to think of one now!!

Melissa said...

Oh Sian, that Uncle Dave is certainly a great persuasive writer! I'm so excited you're continuing the Storytelling Sunday fun this year because I've got lots of new stories since we've just returned from a 7-day cruise in the Caribbean! :>)

Sounds like y'all had a nice Christmas and some family time together - so glad for you.

P.S. Thanks for linking me up while I was away - it's such a great feeling to know your friends are looking out for you!! I'll be making the story rounds a little at a time in between unpacking and laundry!

Lizzie said...

Well, Uncle Dave is absolutely right (and don't I wish I could go to his fancy University and take some of his literature classes!). I so agree... life is filled with stories; we tell stories every day (but Every day!).
How often do you respond to what someone says with, "Oh, that reminds me of the time when...", or "That makes me remember...", or "You just made me think of the day that...." and other similar phrases? Which are then followed by a story - one of Your Stories!
I can see that Uncle Dave is a man to listen to - especially if he can tell great stories too! How about a Guest Spot for Uncle Dave, on Storytelling Sunday?

And Sian, thank you so much for keeping this going. I really enjoy it! Sorry my contribution is a bit late this time... at least I managed one though - it's my first blog post for almost a month!

Happy New Year!

Cheri said...

Uncle Dave is one smart dude. Stories abound. Thanks for keeping this going!

Unknown said...

I have added a story ... better late than never?

There are some truly wonderful stories here. I was very inspired. This is a wonderful idea. Thanks

Amy said...

Wow! Such a great turnout for the New Year! Off to have a gander at some of these :) Happy New Year!

allie.duckienz said...

I would love to quote Uncle Dave for my Project Life album. Would that be OK?

Sian said...

Allie, I think he'd be delighted!

Rachel Brett said...

Oh my goodness thats so true! Fab post Sian... And I promise one day I will join in. Still trying to organise myself to fit everything in at the moment! :)

allie.duckienz said...

I don't have a blog yet but I am going to upload it to my BPC account so I will provide a link once that part is done :D

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