Tuesday 3 January 2012

My Month in Numbers - December

It's been pretty quiet here so far this morning. Everyone else is having one last long sleep before school starts back tomorrow. We've covered almost everything we wanted to do in the holidays, though. It's been good. We finally saw the new Sherlock Holmes film yesterday, we've finished up the leftovers in the fridge, so probably the only thing left is for me to post my December Month in Numbers. I've been following along with the excellent Julie from Notes on Paper as she counts.

One last chance to scrapbook a tree I thought - a slightly different take on the paper strips design I've been using over the past couple of months.

- We had two trips to the dentist for a girl who has been an absolute star about the whole business. Her stoicism knows no bounds.
- We have eaten four jars of Christmas mincemeat, all turned into delicious pies.
- We got up at 7.00am on Christmas morning. You can tell they are getting older, can't you? Used to be 5.30
- I took 6 days away from the computer over the holidays. I think my eyes thanked me for it. Let's be honest.
- My Facebook page gained 51 likes (but of course there is always room for one more). It's been a fun experiment for me and I'm enjoying adding little extra bits and pieces on there
- and, finally, I've added in the 300 stories gathered by Storytelling Sunday in 2011. Because I'm proud of that number - and I hope you are too. We have made an amazing start already for 2012! Thank you so much to everyone who made time to join in during their festivities. And a special hello to the newcomers. It's good to see you. Come back soon - February sounds good!

I'll be back before then though. Thursday, more than likely. Have a good start to the year whatever you are up to!


Julie Kirk said...

Great page Sian, lovely colour mix and those little number stickers are perfect!

Thanks for aharing your numbers again[I've added a link to you in my original post now].

J overheard a great exchange in a supermarket between a shop assistant and a lady hunting down mincemeat on *Christmas Eve*. She was incredulous when told that they'd sold out. As if that would come as a surprise ... on Christmas Eve!

Julie :-)

Lou said...

I do love these month in numbers posts and have a notebook to hand for January. Just love your Christmas tree Sian.

Thank you too for your lovely comment on my Storytelling Sunday post x

Suzy said...

Great page Sian, love the strips making up the tree.

Ive started collecting my numbers to join in this month

Irene said...

Such gorgeous papers put to good use. What an excellent idea of Julie's to list a month in numbers, must pop over to her blog and read more.
Enjoy your last family day before school starts in earnest tomorrow.

scrappyjacky said...

Love the way you've turned it into a christmas tree,Sian.

Kirsty.A said...

Great page. I love the tree design- but I've had it with Christmas scrapping!
Hope the start of term goes smoothly

Lizzie said...

Yay, a tree! A great way to record your December numbers. A really nice page too - I love the colour combinations and the fab little yellow star, at the top of the "tree".

Anonymous said...

I've always loved the use of numbers to summarize events, but rarely remember to keep track. Your tree is absolutely a perfect choice for scrapbooking them! Are those Slice gifts and a star? Wonderful embellishments!

Sue Althouse said...

Love your Christmas tree! Great idea. We've seen the new Sherlock Holmes movie twice. Happy New Year!

Alana said...

Four jars??? Wow! I'm mincemeated out on the one jar:( looking forward to a new year of challenges, stories and craft.

Jimjams said...

I still have 2 jars sitting here awaiting the pie process - somehow there was never the time and now everyone is full!

Love the tree design :o)

This West London Life said...

I've started noting down my numbers ~ how does how many visits to the coffee shop grab you?!
I love how you've got the impression of a tree.

Colour Splash by Cath said...

Love the tree design :) This is the first time I've seen the month in numbers thing - inspiring...!

Jennifer Shaw said...

A great month in numbers! Love the tree design for this LO! Sounds like you had a terrific month! :)

laurie said...

all these numbers add up to a terrific month! i get a kick out of how you can quantify the little (and the big)moments in a month.

Lisa said...

It's a perfect tree to finish off the season! love it

alexa said...

Very pretty page! I especially like the discreet placing of that little red flower top left, which just brings the eye nicely round all the reds/pinks. Great content too, of course!

Kirsti said...

Love your page Sian and love how you have made it into a Christmas Tree...

Kirsti xx

Tinkertaylor said...

I just love reading these month in numbers maybe I should join in !!

Cheryl said...

one last chance for a tree indeed! well done on FB page and happy new year!

Beverly said...

Love the colors you have used for your monthly numbers. Guess that closes the book officially on 2011 ;)

Unknown said...

Yes, I too was drawn to the tree design that was not overt. I vowed to do the numbers, but haven't kept note so far. Must go and do that now.

I've so loved your blog this year Sian, looking good into the new year :)

Carmen said...

I feel slightly queasy about the mince meat. I love mince pies but mainly the pastry. Weird as I love Christmas pud... is that not the same thing. Sort of.

Ginger said...

I LOVE your page!! The tree is perfect to celebrate the month of December :) That's impressive Facebook numbers! I rarely go on it, but I just might have to so I can "like" you :)

Jo said...

Great page and yes Disney is freezing, but fun. I used to work for the company that does study experiences there in Jan and Feb and it was always great fun! x

Maria Ontiveros said...

Love your page - especially the presents and lettering at the bottom. Such nice balance with the tree.
We saw Mission Impossible instead of Sherlock Holmes this year; everyone liked it. Our tree and lights are done, but the Nativity Sets are still up (probably take them down after Epiphany).

Nathalie said...

You are definitely inspiring me to do something with the numbers I have posted (just a few times) this year! I can't wait to see what you are going to share with us this year :D Best wishes for 2012!

Lisa-Jane said...

This is just so perfect! I really wish I had taken account of more numbers other than how many rolls of sellotape and wrapping paper we used!

Anonymous said...

Love how you've made them into a tree - perfect for December.

Miriam said...

Yes I just love that tree Sian, and the parcels at the base are perfect.

Alison said...

Love the tree design too Sian...and the Bugsy page...I'm now trying to remember the first film I went to see!
Alison xx

Rachel Brett said...

I love this page Sian, What a clever idea - its so effective :)

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