Tuesday 29 November 2011

My Month in Numbers: November

Another month, another list. That's November very nearly done and dusted; and thanks to Julie's Month in Numbers, I have a permanent record of my most important numbers:

What I really enjoyed about putting this one together was the choosing of the appropriate November colours. Round here our sky bleaches to almost white, the clouds show grey against it and any splashes of colour become a very welcome relief. That's what I was thinking of when I was pulling paper. December will be different.

By the end of December I might even have recruited the rest of the family to the counting cause. I left out the macaroons, you see. Two dozen beautiful coffee flavoured treats, baked by The (Not So) Small One, and I left them off my list. I don't think she'll let that happen again. So, December, I'll be counting you carefully.


scrappysue said...

What a great idea Sian, I might have to give this a whirl in December. I like the colours and patterns you chose, very restful on the eyes! Thanks for the link too, I enjoyed blog hopping rather than cleaning my store room, LOL!

helena said...

Yes those colours look like November here too - great LO

and don't carrots taste so good when pulled from the garden

Julie Kirk said...

Do you know, we had a beautiful pink streaky sky this morning which, as you say, is a welcome relief in such a dark month!

Thanks for joining in again Sian - I'll add you to the list once I've done my post on Thursday.

Julie x

Amy said...

I think it is difficult to NOT count the days in December - I don't think you will have any trouble recounting the 12th month!

A lovely page today Sian, our sky was as you described, quite unusual for this time of the year.

Lynn said...

Can't believe that it is nearly December! Another great page Sian. Yes looking forward to some colour - I think the grey skies account for my lack of energy!

Cheryl said...

i'm glad a new year is coming up because you have truly inspired me to do this month in numbers thing and as i like to have complete sets of things i will need to start in january. lovely page - i love the birds providing a splash of colour x

laurie said...

i like the way you personalize numbers by making them meaningful to your life each month. and, yes, don't forget to count anyone's efforts next month. :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh it's that time again already. Really like how you did the layout for it.

Alana said...

So poetic....when I look outside I just see grey and gloom:( Gosh 30 cards done....puts me to shame.

Melissa said...

I really enjoy your Month in Numbers layouts Sian, and I'm thinking of using this idea for my monthly overview layouts for 2012.

Sue Althouse said...

Lovely page and lovely colors. My November colors would be grey, grey and more grey. That is, until all this rain we're getting changes to snow, then a little white would be appropriate.

Maria Ontiveros said...

Great page - sometime can you blog about how you keep track of your numbers? I"m thinking hard about storytelling Sunday. . . I want to come up with something special for the final 2011 edition.
I take it there will be no Christmas Club this year?

Jennifer Shaw said...

Love this idea! Great documentation! Love hearing how you chose your colours too. Hoping that December will be more vibrant! ;)

Lou said...

A gorgeous page Sian. I think i'll join in again for December and add the page to my christmas journal!

This West London Life said...

I'm obviously thinking along the same lines as Louise. It's also something I'm seriously considering for 2012. The look of the page is fab and yet I never create a page without a photo.

Miriam said...

I love the colours in your LO which is also just gorgeous. Love the bunting! I was so hoping my cards would be done by now but work keeps getting in the way!!!

Amy said...

Absolutely love the layout on this one Sian! This past month has been so hectic that counting has been the last thing on my mind, I'm definitely going to give it a go for December though (which will hopefully be a bit more relaxed). I'm glad you could relate to my last post though your family have my respect, its not job I could ever do!
See (read?) you on Sunday, trying to think what I can rustle up for the festive installment!

scrappyjacky said...

The colours are just perfect for November,Sian.

Clare said...

I'd never thought about matching colours to a month but you have certainly captured it very well with the papers you've chosen. Finally got hold of a copy of scrap 365, loved reading your pieces in it!

Sandie said...

I like the idea of using numbers on a page. Best not forget an important one next time though!

Nathalie said...

I LOVE it Sian!!!! Your choice of colours is so smart for this month! I love how the numbers pop and the little details draw the eyes!
I better work on my blog post for this month soon! :)

Ginger said...

Gorgeous layout Sian :) The colours here a very drab, except for the beautiful sunsets I get to see from my window in the evenings at work!

Lisa-Jane said...

I love this idea. I think December will be a hard month to count but I think I might just try :-) Great page as always.

Beverly said...

Yes, I think leaving someone's work out would inspire them to help you with counting in the future...the macaroons sounds delicious! The sky over Thanksgiving while we were at the river was stunning. The sunrises and sunsets and even the midday drabness (which I've shared in my Wordless Wednesday)were landscapes that just made you appreciate the beauty of our natural world.

Missus Wookie said...

Do like these lists, thinking of doing something similar next year. Thanks for the inspiration.

Lisa said...

I do 12 on 12 but the idea of the numbers appeals greatly. your november layout is really gorgeous and the colours would normally be perfect here too but we had the most glorious November I can ever remember with bright blue skies and sunshine most of the month!

Katy B said...

What a lovely unique way to post your monthly stats... call by and see mine if you have time! X

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