Wednesday 30 November 2011

From High in the Sky on Facebook

I'll admit it - I've never been much of a Facebook visitor. I jump on to confirm a new friend and jump off again pretty quickly. But all that is going to change. I'm starting to realise what I've been missing! Lots of you are sharing photos and news on there and of course I want to be right there with you.

So, as a start, I have created a Fan Page for From High in the Sky. It's right here. I'd love it if you dropped by and liked it! I can see some familiar faces on there already - thank you (with special mentuon to Rhona who was first!). I'm hoping to update it with some extra bits and pieces which don't make it here - you know, the little things I'm not going to turn into a whole story. And The (Not So) Small One is looking forward to adding some photos once her Christmas camera arrives. Now, what should I like in return? All suggestions are welcome - recommend a few pages, let me see what you like too...


Melissa said...

For some reason, I just haven't signed up for Facebook yet. It's been in the back of my mind lately because so many people are now posting the things happening in their lives there and then assume everyone knows it. Hmm, may have to finally break down & sign up.

scrappysue said...

I'm rubbish at Facebook, but I need to keep my account so that I can keep an eye on DS and DD! I rarely post on it, but do enjoy reading from time to time. Will pop over and "like" From High In The Sky!

Cheryl said...

Like! :-D

Jimjams said...

Good luck with that - never have got to grips with Facebook though and cannot see the point of Twitter at all! I think I'll stay here where I'm comfy :-)

You have kind of converted me to Pinterest though ... I think I now have 40 pins!!!!!

This West London Life said...

No, no, no! I came off Facebook because I couldn't bear all the cr*p that found its way to me and now you're trying to drag me back in with your totally non-cr*p FHITS page ...

Lynn said...

Another face book avoider here - mainly because i get confused! However in the space of a week two crafty friends have joined so maybe I need to be brave and take the plunge. I really do need to get to grips before the oldest DD starts using it so I can keep an eye!

Lisa said...

Loving your article in scrap 365

L xx

humel said...

I'm a Facebook refusenik, gutted that I'll be missing out on something FHITSish though :(

Oh well, I can still come here to enjoy your gorgeous layouts and pretty RADified macaroon photos and hints that Storytelling Sunday may be continuing after all (YAY!!) xx

Lizzie said...

Oh, well done for getting brave. Don't forget to take a good look at the security settings - they are a bit tricksy.
I have a Page on Facebook, called LizzieMade, so I have "Liked" your new page twice!
Take a flip through the list of pages I "like", I'm sure you will find a few crafty folks to interest you, Sian. There are some talented people there!
Have fun!

scrappyjacky said...

I've only recently joined Facebook....or should I say....DD2 joined me....put the photos up...everything,in fact!!! I spend too much time on the net doubt I'll use it much....but 'never say never'!!

Miss Smith said...

I do have a FB account but I never use it. Hmm. Might have to change that.

I've been enjoying catching up your last couple of posts. Love the photo effects with the macaroons, and would like to weigh in on the Storytelling Sunday issue as well - please keep it going somehow, it's one of my favourite things in blogland.

Last, I've been meaning to pop by and say how much I loved your Scrap365 article. I'm glad you didn't lose the old pages, and was inspired by the idea of recreating the old while still keeping it. Best of both worlds.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the separate home page. I've got likes on Shimelle, Ali Edwards, Simple Aussie Girls, Designer Digitals and Debbie Bliss to name just a few.

Fiona@staring at the sea said...

Facebook can be fabulous. It has got me back in regular touch with some old friends and meant we had a lovely holiday in the Czech Republic last summer:)

Beverly said...

Mel and I are opposites lol, I am a Twitter refusnik....just cannot imagine using it. Facebook I love and check every day. I have gotten reconnected to old friends and closer to cousins and other family since it's so much easier to connect. It does take a bit of use to know how you want your feeds and privacy settings to be but it'll come. Off to "like" FHITS. I have a fan page for BEglorious so would love a "like" if you are so inclined ;)

Denise said...

I'm a Facebooker and have popped over to 'like' you (how funny does that sound!) x

Lou said...

ummm! I have an account, but don't get too involved on it. good luck with your fan page!

Wanda said...

I'm horrible at FB. Notices of all kinds languish in my Inbox until I can't stand the guilt anymore. Maybe I should make a FB New Year's resolution--to spend some modest amount of time on it each week. If I did maybe I'd begin to appreciate it more. Of course, your content will help a lot...

Alison said...

I'm another non-FBooker I'm afraid...hope I don't miss to much!
Alison xx

Sue Althouse said...

Wow, did you expect to get this kind of reaction? I have liked your page on FB and added you to my group of Scrapbookers. Love to hear if you like the results of having your page and if it is worth the effort.

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