Sunday 12 December 2010

Christmas Club (4) Meeting Santa

It's Sunday, so it's Christmas Club! We're getting ever closer to the Big Day itself and the excitement is building here at High In The Sky. How about you?

I have a special post for you today. Last week The Small One sat her end of term tests; and when she came home and told me that her English teacher had asked for a story about "The Greatest Thing That Ever Happened To Me", I knew exactly what that story was going to be. It's a lovely Christmas memory and I thought it was perfect for retelling. So here it is, in her own words...

"The best thing that ever happened to me was when I won a colouring competition to visit Santa in his grotto.

I was in P2 and it was coming to the end of a very boring day at school. Just the thought of watching a DVD, that I had already seen twenty times before, for another half an hour to wait for my brother, made me yawn. As I was younger I got out earlier and had to go to 2.30 Club to wait for him to finish. We had just written down what page to read for homework when my teacher lifted a pile of envelopes off her desk and started to hand them out.

When I received mine, I realised that it had my name and school on it, If it was being handed out by the school, why would it have the school name on it? I ignored that and put it in my satchel. When I got home I completely forgot about my letter and concentrated on my homework instead. When I was watching tv after tea, I noticed my Santa letter, which was to be posted that night; and I remembered my letter from school and got my mum to read it out.

I had won a colouring competition! I was to visit Santa in a shopping centre that Saturday! Next morning I asked everyone about their letters and their letters had only said Thank you for entering the competition!

When it came to Saturday, I was SO excited! When we got to the centre, my mum and brother watched from the balcony while my dad and I visited Santa. I got a V.I.P. pass and went to a V.I.P. queue. When it was my turn I sat on Santa's knee before getting my photo taken. He gave me a present (which was a purple purse) and I skipped away happily.

Even though I wouldn't really enjoy that trip now, I loved it at the time and found it truly magical. I still have that purse now and I have used it loads. That was the best thing that ever happened to me. "

And that's the story here today. If you have a Christmas story to share, we would love to read it. Leave us a link! We'll be spending today at the original home of Christmas Club - with my mum. And I'll be telling her all about your best Christmas memories from here and here


Amy said...

Thanks for sharing TSO :-) Winning a colouring competition is a momentous occasion, let alone one that leads to Santa himself!

This West London Life said...

Oh, that's a perfect CC story ~ I actually had a tear in my eye. I hope to be back later with a CC story from my mum. It's obviously a day for sharing CC stories with mums!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely story and I can see that the small one has inherited her mother's talent for story telling.

JO SOWERBY said...

the small one is a fabulous writer and her tale is wonderful. the fact that she still has the purse says it all, thanks small one
Jo xxxx

Miriam said...

This is gorgeous, & so beautifully written, and she still has the purse! This Christmas club is wonderful Sian, have I said that before? oh never mind I just love it x

scrappyjacky said...

What a lovely story,TSO.....and it reminded me of when my DD won a christmas colouring competition....her prize was a Minnie Mouse.....and she still has that as well.

Cheri said...

What a great memory that TSO will cherish forever!

Anonymous said...

What a great memory to have and what a way with words she has.

laurie said...

such a wonderful story! thanks for sharing your christmas magic with us.

Maria Ontiveros said...

Great story!!! Sian, I can't tell you how much I LOVE Christmas Club. Thanks so much for starting it up in blogland.

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Aw, this is such a cute story, and so awesome that you were able to use your daughter's story as your post today. I love it! xo

Melissa said...

A wonderful story and a great memory for the Small One.

Becky said...

Lovely story and how funny that we both posted stories today from our children's perspective!

Sandra said...

What a lovely story, you can tell your DD has her mothers love of story telling.

Lou said...

awww bless, a beautifully written story and what a great Christmas club memory for her xx

Liberty :) said...

That would bring a tear to a glass eye! how sweet!!

Anonymous said...

A magical story Sian, thanks for sharing, your DD has a great talent for story telling :)

Scrappi Sandi said...

Sigh! What a great story beautifully told...The Small One has certainly inherited your story telling genes!!

humel said...

Love it, The Small One :-) Thanks for sharing her story with us, Sian!

PS Have linked up now - thanks for prompting me!

Anonymous said...

Passed on your writing talent I see! Sweet story!

Carmen said...

Gorgeous story, really well told too :)

Clare said...

Another lovely memory, and told so well.

Alana said...

Awww!, bless her. What a magical memory to keep. I am a bit behind this week (finalpush at school)but hope to catch up with the christmas club very soon.

Rachel Brett said...

What a lovely story and so beautifully told! :)

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