Monday 29 May 2017

Memos, Mail, Me

Dear Friends,

It was a weekend here of music and laughter and missed planes and returning heroes, and grown up children grabbing life and showing us how to give it a good shake. And, friends, it has confirmed to me what I've suspected for some weeks now. I need a break from writing - over the summer - so that I can spend time with everyone while we are all in the same place.

I'll still be scrapbooking and making projects for Gossamer Blue and Get It Scrapped (and I'll be uploading them to Pinterest, so you can find me there); and I'm sticking with Instagram, so you'll catch me there too. Thank you so much for your company and for dropping by here every Monday. If you enjoy making a memo, please do keep on Monday-ing! And have a wonderful Summer! 

With love,


Last week's links, because you still deserve your wave, are:  Ruth, Deb, Barb, Mitra, Mary-Lou, Maggie, Mardi, Karen, Ladkyis, Honore, Alison, Jane and Eileen


Eileen T said...

I hope you have a fantastic summer, Sian. I'll miss your posts but hope you'll be back in the autumn.

Jane said...

I understand how you feel Sian but selfishly will miss your posts. Have a lovely time with your family making some special memories x

Susan said...

Summertime seems like the perfect time for a rejuvenating break! Take care and enjoy life

Patio Postcards said...

Summer adventures await & I really hope that you have a magnificent time with family & friends. Your Monday cheering will be missed.

Jennifer Shaw said...

Have a happy summer Sian! Good for you for taking a break. We all need it sometimes. :)

Ladkyis said...

Posting a blog should never be something you HAVE to do. It should be something you look forward to and enjoy.
Take your summer with both hands and have precious fun with those you love. When you really cannot go on without telling us then post an entry in your blog.
Life is to be lived and enjoyed and your youngsters need this summer.

I will miss you so make sure you come back refreshed

Melissa said...

Have a wonderful summer & make lots of memories!! :)

alexandra s.m. said...

Have a wonderful summer dear Sian!

Jo said...

Enjoy your break but please make sure you come back x

Maggie said...

I can understand you wanting to concentrate on your precious family and I hope you have a lovely summer. On a more selfish note I am truly disappointed. You are the third blogger that I follow and who has been an inspiration to me to stop blogging recently and I find that to be quite hard. On a more positive note you are all three on Instagram which is great and I will look forward to seeing you there.

Karen said...

I will miss you this summer, but know you are making a good decision for you and your family. I'll try to pop in on Instagram occasionally this summer, and hope you'll be back in the fall.

Barbara Eads said...

I hope you have the BEST summer with your family. I'll be waiting for your return!

callmemadam said...

I always read your posts and rarely comment, but have to say that, although I will miss your chatty posts, you have to do what feels right for you and family always comes first. I will keep checking in to see when you return in the Autumn!

Becky said...

Enjoy your break :) xx

alexa said...

Wishing you all lots of happy experiences together and hoping you have a wonderful summer, Sian. Will be thinking of you often :).

debs14 said...

Have a brilliant summer Sian, enjoy having all the chicks back in the nest! Whilst I will miss your blog posts, you need to live the experiences before you can start blogging about them so I hope that you will return in the Autumn with lots of new tales to tell.
Maybe we should all spend the summer wondering how we can shake up the blogging community and get the enthusiasm to blog back in our veins!

Honoré said...

Sounds like a wonderful, restful summer you have ahead...will miss you here but will catch you on Instagram, etc.

505whimsygirl said...

Hello Sian,

I hope you have a wonderful summer! It's nice to take a break every once in a while!!


Missus Wookie said...

Have a wonderful summer - look forward to seeing you back refreshed in the autumn.

Carmen said...

I absolutely understand this Sian. After a looooong break from blogging I am back because I miss it. I hope you come back missing yours too. I love seeing your instagram posts and will be catching up when my phone is fixed :)

Mardi said...

I totally understand that need to put all aside to soak in every moment... enjoy your break... enjoy the summer and enjoy the special time with family...Ill be waiting for you when you get back to writing...Mardi x

stephanie said...
My Monday

GRSshoes said...

I hope you have a wonderful summer.

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