Tuesday 16 May 2017

Memos, Mail, Me: Oh, Darn!

Hey, Monday! I see that you are actually Tuesday but that's fine. I don't mind working a little bit faster to catch up after the lovely weekend I've just had. 

We travelled south and spent two nights in a hotel we like, we drove out to the seaside, we shopped (yarn, of course, books, and a navy dress I have in the "possibles" pile for our boy's Graduation in July) and then, on Sunday, I rocked up to the knitting shop for a class with the delightful Kate of A Playful Day (find her instagram @aplayfulday and her beautifully curated and full of tips Pinterest boards here. She took my picture!

I can't say too much about the class itself, of course, much in the same way as I couldn't share the contents of a paid for pattern on ravelry, say, but what I will save for another day and share then is what I realised I already knew, what I always think about when I try to tell a story with my phone.

So what else is new, then? I have post! I got the loveliest little parcel last week from my Monday-ing friend Ladkyis, who very thoughtfully (yes! thank you! you were right! it is exactly what I need) realised I could use a darning egg, for my socks, should they wear out, which they will and probably all at the same time, very soon. 

This one is a bit of an heirloom: it is smooth and satisfying to hold and I shall think of its original owner every time I use it. There it is in the middle of my photo, close to a nearly finished pair and a spool of reinforcing thread which I've lately been knitting into heels as a preventative measure.

My post today has just arrived and with it a letter addressed to this address, but with a name and a postcode I don't recognise. Someone has mixed things up. I hope with a little bit of detective work I can send this letter on its way again. So I'm off to google. How about you? Anything new? 

Deb, Ruth, Eileen, Barb, Mitra, Mary-Lou, Melissa, Alison, Ladkyis, Cheri, Maggie, Honore and Alexandra made a memo last time round. Go on, give 'em a wave! And have a good week!


Jane said...

sounds like you had a lovely weekend x

Patio Postcards said...

Your weekend does sound like it was a treat of many sorts.

A darning egg - I've learned something new today (thankyou). I like the looks of the black&white tweedy socks. Happy week ahead.

Susan said...

It sounds like you had a lovely weekend and I will be sure to check out Kate on Instagram. I've never heard of a darning egg before but how nice to receive it as a gift!

Melissa said...

I just posted my Monday Mail today, too - very late on Tuesday here! :) Sounds like a nice weekend & what a great heirloom gift to receive in the mail!!!

Jennifer Shaw said...

Happy to hear that your weekend was so much fun. That darning egg is amazing. I've never heard of such a thing and so kind of it to be passed along to you. I love hearing stories like this. :)

This West London Life said...

A darning egg that comes with a history, a story or two to tell, is perfect for you! Happy darning! Glad that your weekend was fun!

alexandra s.m. said...

So good to hear from you Sian and what you have been up to!
Love that portrait of you and the socks look beautiful too ;-))

alexa said...

I remember darning eggs! I am sure my Mum had one but it hasn't made it to me ... that's a lovely art photo of you :). Glad the course was so good and you enjoyed your weekend, the two of you.

Alison said...

Sounds like a lovely weekend..and I must confess to never having heard of darning eggs! Xx

Karen said...

My Monday Memo was Wednesday, and here I am on Thursday finally reading yours! The yarns for those socks are just lovely--the grays and blues will go with so many things. What a lovely gift---useful and quite beautiful as well. Glad you had a good trip!

Maggie said...

The darning egg sounds a good idea. Stray post is always annoying because you know someone is missing their much awaited post. We get a lot of stray post mainly I think due to an over quick (possibly blind or is that too harsh?) postman.

Barbara Eads said...

My grandmother had one of those darning eggs. I can still remember her using it. Unfortunately, I have no idea what happened to it. That would have been a nice keepsake.

Barbara Eads said...

PS I forgot to mention that your blog title was very clever---as always!

Sandra said...

Sounds to me like a great weekend

Jo said...

It sounds like you had a great weekend and that darning egg is a lovely and thoughtful gift.

Missus Wookie said...

We had post go astray here around Christmas, but the neighbour looked us up on Companies House website and delivered it correctly. Good detective work :)

I remember darning eggs, and learning to use one. How nice to have an heirloom to use when it becomes necessary.

vegas99bet said...

Awesome information and great article! Thx for sharing, Keep up the good work ^^

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