Friday 12 May 2017

Have Notebook, Will Travel

On the day I wore this sweater and ate this fish and chip supper and was caught taking pictures of my dinner with a view to posting them on instagram (though in the end I didn't because it turns out a piece of cod in a mini metal frying basket is quite hard to capture in its full glory), I made a note in my diary

Supplies from the May kits at Gossamer Blue

I had booked myself a place on a phone photo course. And this weekend, it has finally come time! I've been looking forward to it and to the road trip we have planned around the journey. A two hour class a couple of hours from home has turned into two nights away, with plans for a yarn splurge and a museum or three. 

So I suppose what I'm really trying to say is that I may be Monday-ing on Tuesday next week. Don't wait for me! I'll be back!

With ideas for more pictures, I hope, and a story or two, and pages I can show you, instead of the bare bones

of an entry, which will turn into a record of a Formal, with a black dress and red lipstick and a boyfriend in a very tight jacket (why does he have his shirt tail untucked? asked Granny. That's rock n roll, we said..)

If you are celebrating Mother's Day this weekend, I hope it's a lovely one. See you..maybe, Tuesday?


This West London Life said...

I've been so inspired by your TNs that I've just ordered one for myself ... just in time for a wee trip away at half-term. Have an utterly marvellous weekend!

alexa said...

What lovely pages - I do like your use of circles. And an iPhone photography course in the flesh (so as to speak, rather than online, ) sounds such fun. Looking forward to reading all about it on Tuesday and glad The Accountant is clearly keeping well.

Becky said...

That sounds like a fun weekend and an interesting course! I've got a TN but I've been using it to record our holidays in - I've taken a pogo printer away with a small scrap kit and made some lovely diary type pages. Love your TN - always looks so pretty!

Maggie said...

That sounds exciting. Can I come too? Any room on the course and in the hotels too? I think I know the answer. Two's company...thee's a crowd. I take the hint!

Karen said...

I'd love to join you in an iPhone class, and will be anxious here about your get-away! My Monday Memo might not appear until Wednesday as we'll be traveling home on Monday and Tuesday is already booked with several volunteer commitments. But I'll have lots to share from the weekend (and the week away.)

Patio Postcards said...

Hope you have a marvelous time away. I like the idea of phone photo course so I looking forward to hearing what tips & tricks you have gleaned for us. Mr Man asked me what I wanted for Mother's Day, I said an iphone 7 & not for any phone functions but for the camera/photo qualities ...

Jennifer Shaw said...

Sounds like a great weekend! Have fun. :)

debs14 said...

I bet that is going to be a fab course and we're all going to be even more envious than normal of the pictures we'll be seeing from you in the future!

Jo said...

I'm very jealous of your weekend, it sounds amazing. I can't wait to hear all about it.

Susan said...

Sounds like a delightful trip - enjoy!

alexandra s.m. said...

How exciting Sian!
I always enjoy discovering new pages in your book ;-)

Barbara Eads said...

Since my blog has grown too large to print in just one volume,I might have to think about the smaller journals that are all the rage these days. I'm just not sure I can squeeze something else in to the schedule. You seem to do it all with ease!

Melissa said...

OH, I hope it was a lovely weekend trip!

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