Friday 24 March 2017

Sea Overleaf: a Scrapbook Page

"I want to see that map," he said

Sian F for Get It Scrapped

and after that we found the sea.

Thinking about summer holidays here; and road trips and fresh air and days with nothing ahead except a carefully chosen playlist, an unexpected viewpoint and a fish and chip supper ...

With a page put together for Get It Scrapped's new blog article on Telling A Bigger Visual Story


Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Were your navigating skills in question? Shocking!

This West London Life said...

I must admit to a chuckle!

Patio Postcards said...

Cute story ... just think of the adventures to be had with your style of map reading.

Maggie said...

Not trusted as the navigator then? I suppose turning two pages at once makes the journey quicker........?

Karen said...

I have NEVER been trusted as a navigator, but I would like to point out that twice (perhaps three times) I have been correct in navigational questions while on our current road trip.

Susan said...

After 28 years of marriage, we finally came up the perfect navigating solution - I drive, he directs. Lovely page - I like the way the stitching contains the large elements and looks as though it's trailing the little striped sailboat like a cloud.

Theresa said...

sounds like my style of map reading - I like to think it gets me there faster!! Ah, fish and chips - can't wait :-) Theresa

Lizzy Hill said...

I really LOVE this one! I think it's the soft colours with the bright pops in between. And the black pun title.... & of course, it's something I can relate to. Go LEFT, LEFT, I scream, with my RIGHT arm out waving madly..... ooops..... ;)

debs14 said...

Sounds like you and I have similar map reading skills ... plus I have no sense of direction so have no warning that things have gone horribly wrong!

Jo said...

Lovely layout and great story x

Sandra said...

I find myself zooming in on your layouts again and again. You use detail in such an amazing way x

alexa said...

Oh, just lovely! I can smell the salty air from here ... Smiled about the map-reading. I have some stories about my own parents in the car! i like your little flags and, of course, your signature bird :).

Gail Thompson said...

A real map? My, my so nice to know someone still uses them. I'm usually the navigator in our family but we really haven't gone anywhere by car lately so I'm probably out of practice. Lovely layout.

Melissa said...

Oh, yes, road trips! :) I just love the way all your bits & pieces help tell the story here!

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