Monday 30 January 2017

Memos, Mail, Me: Sleep Is Good, Books are Better

"Sleep is good and books are better"
Tyrion Lannister. Game of Thrones.

Monday: I can't believe you persuaded me into getting out of bed. Or maybe I just couldn't do it any more. Sleep, that is. On Friday night - for no particular reason, I wasn't ill, I hadn't been out - I fell into bed and slept til midday, Saturday. That's a record for me. I don't believe I've ever done it before. I guess I must have needed it. But now that it's Monday I feel like I have lost half of my weekend and I'm wondering what to tell you.

Ah, but there are always books. Last week I decided I needed a back to school (still can't break the habit of that thought) treat, so I ordered two books I'd had my eye on for a while. The Knitter's Knowledge by Debbie Bliss (may we say exhaustive? or is that risking a return to the oversleeping? This book collects together everything anyone has ever wanted to know about knitting, plus even more things I didn't know I didn't know. Highly recommended as a reference book. Don't pay full price. Wordery has it for £16) and a stitch dictionary, Up, Down, All-Around by Wendy Bernard

The stitch dictionary arrived in a seriously shabby state. It looked as if the packer had wiped his (or her, though she would have needed pretty big feet) shoes on it. I've never had a book come to me in this condition before (personally, I mean. I've stood behind a library desk and accepted returns which looked like they'd been used as dinner plates). It made me stop and think about what's important about a book. It's the words, of course, not the frontispiece; and I had almost persuaded myself to leave it, when I realised that I wouldn't have bought from a bookshop a book crumpled and dirtied in such a way. So I emailed. And they're sending me another, which means that I have more post to look forward to this week and a book to take to the charity shop (the bookseller's suggestion) and that's a win. Sleep is good. Books are better.

And craft fairs rock. Also pictured is a new skein of sock wool called "leather and jeans" - I'm thinking it might make a nice hat for the girl here who loves her jeans and leather jacket - and some stitch markers, both from  Ewe Momma. Did you spot Hogwarts? Knitting, books, both at once, yes.

And that's my mail for this week. How about you? It's Monday: time to make a memo! Anything special in the post? Anything new happe at the weekend? We'd love to know..

Melissa, Deb, Ruth, Helena, Jane, Barbara, Mary-Lou, Maggie, KarenMitra, Barbara and Krafty Karen all joined in last week. Go on: give 'em a wave! And have a good week!


Jane said...

always beautifully presented Sian, I love your photos. Having worked in a library I too can remember the state some books came back in, you don't expect that when you've bought a book.

Patio Postcards said...

Your accompanying photos always have such a lovely feel to them. As I said to Jane earlier, always a great way to start & the end the week, with a good read. It has been quite a while since I have bought a book - a bother for reordering the damaged book but a bonus for the charity shop. I noticed Hogwarts related trinkets. (col) Something for the next post? Happy Week.

This West London Life said...

The colours in your photo are simply gorgeous! And happy {more} knitting knowledge to you!

Karen said...

Yes, agreed . . . sleep is good, books are better. Over the course of my lifetime, I've lost quite a bit of sleep to books that I couldn't put down. And although it's been a long time since I was able to sleep that long, every now and then when I was working, it would happen to me. And I felt the same way, where had my weekend gone? But, I knew I needed it, and it usually proved to be restorative. The photo is lovely, and the colors a cheery beginning to a very gray day (and if the forecast is correct, a very gray week!)

Susan said...

I agree that craft fairs rock. We have a somewhat local one around Thanksgiving and another in the spring - I'm looking forward to that one coming up soon. And thank you for the lovely blues...our skies have been gray for so long I've almost forgotten that pretty shade of blue.

alexandra s.m. said...

Great post Sian and good for you for listening to your body!
You are very wise indeed!

Jo said...

A post of loveliness! You must have really needed that sleep!

Maggie said...

Slept till midday! Have you caught my jet lag?

Mardi said...

I have been reading a lot of e-books of late... but nothing beats the smell and feel of a brand new book so I am glad you didnt just accept the damaged copy.
Oh and sleeping to midday.... you must have needed it...the body always knows best.
Have a great week...Mardi

Melissa said...

It's always nice to receive books. In fact, my entire post this week is about books! LOL

We've received books in various conditions over the years, but have always been able to have the worst ones replaced. Happy Reading!!

alexa said...

My goodness, that is a long sleep! Pity you can't work out how it happened and bottle it - you'd make millions :). And good for you for being quietly assertive ... a book, however worn, still needs to be a pleasure in the hand. It fits somehow with your wool. I'm sure it's going to knit up wonderfully and your girl will be thrilled.

Honoré said...

I've been catching up on sleep from the Women's March ( and the previous week ) all this past week...I know exactly how it must've felt for you to sleep so soundly and long. Glad you're feeling rested. I too am a former librarian and yes, some books do get returned and one can only shudder and gingerly drop in the nearest trash container. The Debbie Bliss book looks like something I need to check out..thanks for the tip.

KraftyKaren said...

I am sure you needed the sleep - your new books look lovely and I am glad they are replacing the book for you. The new wool looks really nice and the stitch markers are lovely, I am sure you will enjoy using them. Hope you have a great week!!

Lizzy Hill said...

Well, that made the weekend go quick! Good on you emailing re: your book..... sometimes one has to stand up and be counted, I think :) And that wool looks really, really lovely! Hope you're feeling refreshed after your lovely long sleep. Being 42C today here, and about 30C over night...well, sleep has been VERY hard to come by! Actually joined in with my mail this week. FINALLY!!

Cheri said...

Books are better ... a reason to avoid page-turning novels as I have been know to stay up until the wee hours of the morning lost in a good book. Your knitting reference book sounds like a great one to have!

Theresa said...

Well, I hope that long sleep keeps you refreshed for the week :-) I had a book binge during the first couple of weeks of 2017, but I had to force myself not to start another one, otherwise I wasn't going to get anything else done, I get too engrossed!! Theresa

Mitralee said...

Oh goodness all that stuff looks yummy! Glad you had a rest, sometimes your body just needs a good one!! HUGS!

Julie Kirk said...

Not wishing to wad an ans start throwing accusations around but - I think you stole my sleep! The last two Friday night sleeps have been strangely broken for me, one with a worrying phone-call at midnight (except I'd already woken up before the phone rang ... because clearly I'm a witch) ... and then the following week I had a few strange dreams wake me up gasping! I'm hoping it's not a pattern!

I once received a book that looked as if the packer had rammed it in the envelope not realising they'd folded the back cover over. I got a measly 15% refund ...

And - I love the sound of the craft fairs you seem to pop into fairly regularly (although I'm not sure why ... seeing as how I rarely craft ... maybe I just like the sound of other people having fun.)

I hope this week is treating you well so far. x

Sandra said...

I don't mind buying books in charity shops that look a little worse for wear but I think I'd be a bit upset if one came in the post like that, so well done on letting them know.

Barbara Eads said...

I'm a little late to your party this week! Better late than never! I love Game of Thrones and your quote. "Sleep is good, books are better" really works for me. My favorite thing to do is to wake up, read some, then go back to sleep! I just wish I could do it more often! You got some fun things in the mail this week, as did I! Loving this meme!

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