Wednesday 14 December 2016

Quick! Cards!

Because they're the best kind, right?

Sian F

Mmm..maybe not. I like them all: the ones I make in a production line because then I know I'll have enough; the ones I make one at a time, just to see how they are going to turn out, if that scrap of paper really does sit well with that little sticker

Sian F

The ones arriving through our letterbox every afternoon now; the ones from far away; the ones from friends I don't see very often; the ones from schoolfriends I haven't met up with in years (their news is always very welcome).

Sian F

The ones from close family (and the ones I send in return. Little E: I have actually found you a card with a pug on it); the ones from blog friends; the ones which come tucked inside catalogues; even the unexpected ones whose arrival sends me scurrying to my stockpile. Maybe those last are the best?

Sian F

My cards today are taken from my blog post over at Gossamer Blue and are made with their festive Add On kit. Must dash. The post box is waiting..


alexa said...

I do that fresh green with the darker one - and your energetic reindeer makes me smile. A lovely collection ...

alexa said...

Oops! Should be "I do love .."

Ali said...

They are great I love them I think the top one is my favourite - shocking but I think I've only made about 5 cards :-( seriously lacking in the mojo department xxx

Mitralee said...

LOVE these!!! Makes me want to send you an unexpected card!!!

Karen said...

I do love the cards, but also the way you photographed them! #2 and #3 are my faves (although I'd be proud to have created any one of them.)

Lizzy Hill said...

Love the reindeer love card! Love that they're all a little different. You've described those card arrivals to perfection. Except for those you decide.... 'no, not this year' - we don't have anything in common with these peeps and never see them'....then they send one.....& THEN the scurrying begins!!!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I do love the making of a detailed special card, but quick cards are the best at this time of year. Yours are lovely.

Susan said...

Lovely and light! I really need to do more of this myself.

Melissa said...

Such festive cards!! We've been enjoying a few in the mailbox each day - store bought, handmade, letters, calendars, photos, from near & far. So much FUN!

Patio Postcards said...

I am having card envy. You know my struggles to make cards. I think yours are quite light and festive. I am liking those pink trees :)

Maggie said...

They are lovely and you are very good making your own. I agree with the pleasure of keeping in touch through cards and it greaves me when people choose to no longer send them. I did a pretty daft thing today. I posted my cards but managed to post to cards that I had just been given with them... Obviously no address on them!

Sandra said...

Could you just pop over next year, say aroun November (ish) and sit and make cards with me at the kitchen table. I think then I can steal some of that amazing creative talent xxx

Jo said...

They all look amazing!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely bunch of cards. I like that pink one, so unusual for a holiday card.

This West London Life said...

They are all lovely, but that first Merry Merry card? Love!

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