Monday 3 October 2016

Memorandum Monday

It was a slow sort of a weekend here; but then I'd been expecting that. The poor Accountant had been struggling all week: doing his sums, balancing his sheets, and then crawling back to bed.

On Saturday he looked up and said:

"On a scale of one to ten, how much do you feel like doing things for me today?"

He was holding up a pair of hand knitted socks.

"What's wrong with them?" I asked, hoping the worn bits weren't too big. Darning socks you've knitted yourself feels like you are trying to pull together the edges of a great big hole of failure. But it wasn't that.

"What's wrong with them? They aren't on," he said, with real feeling; and I knew, then, that he felt really rough. When he's sick, his back seizes up.

I did some paper organizing. But these aren't going on my recycling pile. With kits included, I hope they will find a good home through the charity shop. 

So it turned into a pottering about couple of days. I drove out to the country, to the wool shop I like, and came home with more sock wool. That's almost a first. I very rarely do things on my own at the weekend. I called Granny, on the phone which now works, and she was expecting visitors.

"Your sister and the boyo will be here any minute. He's looking for old newspapers."

Which meant that Little E was going to spend a happy morning rifling through Granny's recycling, searching for materials for a Halloween papier mache project.

I went back to my own newspaper after that; and I did learn one thing I didn't know before: have you heard about the Copenhagen cafe that serves only porridge? I've been eating porridge for breakfast lately, but only the kind requiring me to pour on some boiling water and wait. Gourmet porridge: I wonder what it's like?

Onwards to Monday and beyond, then! We'll see what the doctor says today. And Knitting Club starts back for the autumn tomorrow. Hurray.

So, how about you? Anything new? Anything you learned? Any interesting chat? Maybe you'd like to make a memo, because it's Monday.

Last week Maggie, Mary-Lou, Mitra, Alexandra, Barbara, Karen and Deb made one. Go on: give 'em a wave! And have a good week!


helena said...

Hope he is on the mend - must be bad when help is needed with socks. A halloween paper mache project sounds good as does more sock wool and knitting club. have a good week

Julie Kirk said...

Aw, I hope he pulls around soon. Especially as its the time of year when not being able to get your socks on really starts to count!

Porridge you say? I've not felt very motivated today, had no breakfast, just a cuppa, and hadn't prepared anything for lunch, so I've just had a pot of instant porridge to tide over until the roast chicken tonight. I'm quite the connoisseur of porridge pots ... I've tried at least 4 brands and can taste the differences between them. Everyone needs a hobby, right?

Have a lovely week ahead. x

Maggie said...

Oh I do hope he is better soon and not only so that he relieves you of putting on socks duty. Porridge cafe? Not sure on that one!

Jennifer Shaw said...

Sounds like a nice slow weekend although too bad your husband is under the weather. I guess it is that time of year again. Rob has back troubles since his early 20's so I am no stranger to putting socks on big feet. Yuck to the porridge cafe. ;) Our weekend was noneventful. We went for brunch and watched lots of Netflix.

This West London Life said...

Sorry to hear TA hasn't been feeling too well ... handknitted socks are obviously the answer!
I think someone is going to be delighted to find all those Mollie Makes magazines in the charity shop. Porridge? Not a huge fan (although I used to eat Ready Brek as a kid ...).

debs14 said...

When you can't even put on your own socks, you know something is wrong! I do hope that he's feeling better soon.
Porridge? No. Not for me thank you! Just don't like the texture, but I am a fan of Reddy Brek - there's something very comforting about it, especially with a big dollop of syrup added in.

alexandra s.m. said...

Sorry to hear you had a bit of a slow week-end.
Sorting is great once it's done! Sometimes the hardest part is starting. I have been doing a lot of purging this past week and yesterday included! Love porridge, I prefer it with hot water and not milk. I'm very intrigued to find more about the fancy kind...
Thanks Sian~

Patio Postcards said...

I do hope TA is feeling much better quickly - oh the agonies of a bad back. Sometimes a slow weekend is a good thing, gives the body a chance to recover. I do hope we get a glimpse of the Halloween papier mache project. I think I saw a news story about that porridge cafe - I would say yes please, let's give it a whirl. I like hot oatmeal in the morning.

Ali said...

Aww hope the accountant is feeling better soon xx

alexa said...

Very sorry to hear of the back and non-darning sock woes - miserable being under the weather. So please do give him my very best wishes for a speedy recovery. Ooh, more sock wool? Looking forward to seeing them on the needles. Though I'll politely decline the offer of porridge. I am afraid it's up there on my most hated list along with tapioca :). Xx

KraftyKaren said...

Hope your poorly accountant is much better soon. Sounds like you had a nice mooch around on your own at the weekend. I must confess that I am part of the anti-porridge brigade, I can just about bring myself to eat Ready Brek on a freezing cold day and only with a tonne of sugar with it LOL!!

Have a great week and hope the week brings an improvement to your poorly one x

Sandra said...

Oh dear, I do hope he's feeling better soon xxx

Lizzy Hill said...

Backs are such tricky things. Hope it gets better fast. Our grand son in law [yeah, work that one out!] has just had to have Operation #2 on his..... but the pain was too great to do anything else, unfortunately, Not wishing that one on your man. Hope it just needs a bit of R & R..... knitting club sounds fun, if you like to knit, of course..... glad you had a relaxed sort of weekend:):)

Karen said...

A bad back can ruin a day in no time! Hope he's feeling better by now. Looking forward to seeing the new wool for socks.

Melissa said...

Oh I do hope the Accountant is all better now! I was out of town teaching for three days and was exhausted when I returned home late Saturday afternoon. We went to bed early & slept in on Sunday, then enjoyed a relaxing day puttering around the house.

Missus Wookie said...

Oh not feeling great isn't good. I was very grateful this week I could put off balancing the books until next week as my head was all full of muck.

More wool is always a good thing.

Jo said...

Oh dear, I hope his back is better now :(

Susanne said...

So sorry to hear that hubby is sick, and for a week long too, since I am playing catchup with your post. Hope it is all sorted out soon.

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