Wednesday 5 October 2016

Extra, Extra...

...Extra, extra...I'd love you to be able to read all about it. But it turns out that I have really quite a sick husband to care for. We are waiting for more test results. So I don't have a lot of words today, just a few quick pictures of a couple of extra projects I made with the October Gossamer Blue kits. I hope you like them.

I have a card:

SianF October at Gossamer Blue

The background is done with a Maggie Holmes rub on pen. Honestly? It started out as an experiment and then when that went slightly awry, I kept going to see what would happen next.

And a layout:

SianF October at Gossamer Blue

about a visit to Anthropologie. The paper cutting came first

before I'd even decided on my subject, because I wanted to take this sheet of Amy Tangerine paper and trim round lots of the leaves. Once I'd made a jungle, I realised that it reminded me of the kind of thing you might see as a display in Anthropologie.

The gold letters I pieced together from a whole selection of phrase stickers I knew I wouldn't use separately. And the tassel? Well, it wouldn't be Anthro without a tassel.

See you soon!


Julie Kirk said...

Oh no - I hope he's on the mend as soon as soon! Take care x

Ladkyis said...

sending cwtches

Ali said...

Hope hubby is ok and back on his feet soon xxx great layout by the way xxx

This West London Life said...

Hope TA is feeling much better today and back to 100% very soon! Sending you both a hug.

Jennifer Shaw said...

Hope your husband will be on the mend quickly. Love this page! It is amazing. Love the leaves slightly popped up. Great idea for the title to use up stash.

alexa said...

Your black and white with little spots of colour is just lovely - never having been to Anthroplogie, I'm intrigued. But more than that, I am concerned about the lovely Accountant - do give him our warmest good wishes. You must be anxious too ...

Maggie said...

Oh dear. What a worry. I do hope he is feeling better soon.

Mitralee said...

currently am rendered mostly speechless due to those gold letters, that Amy Tan paper, and a tassle...just enough words to say hope your hubby feels better ASAP!!!

Karen said...

I hope you get some answers soon, and The Accountant will soon be on the mend! It's hard to concentrate when you have someone ill in the house. LOVE the paper cutting, not sure I would have ever thought to do that, but it's wonderful, and to think of Anthropologie (and have the necessary photo---well, what a great outcome.)

Lizzy Hill said...

FUSSY CUT LEAVES???!!!! Wow. That's all. Wow. I do like the little animals tucked in & the owl is cute. LOOOOVE your card - the bg is awesome. So glad you kept at it & I hope the back is better soon and that's awful for him not to be well. Blessings from Aussie in that regard :):)

helena said...

hope the test results are/were good and he is on the mend

Susan said...

Love both of these! I've been tempted by that tape runner thing but still haven't decided whether it's worth the price. I really like those funny cut pieces on the layout - there's something about fussy-cutting that relaxes me. It's a good thing to do when I want to so something scrap-related but aren't feeling especially creative.

Sandra said...

Oh no! I hope he's better soon xxx

Sandra said...

How rude of me ... love love love these creations xx

alexandra s.m. said...

Yes! So artistic! both of them and you know what? I would compare your style to Anthropologie's and that is one BOG compliment ;o)

Patio Postcards said...

Very interesting art projects. I do hope your husband is on the mend & competently well by the weekend.

debs14 said...

Hope the test results comeback quickly and effective treatment can be started very soon.

Barbara Eads said...

Do hope the "hubs" is all better now!

Missus Wookie said...

Hope your husband's tests came back with useful results and he's feeling better.

I like how you've layered the leaves. Never heard of Anthropologie so will go off to take a look.

Jo said...

I hope you hubby gets better quickly. Great card and page x

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