Thursday 29 September 2016

A Million Tiny Little Things: Towards October

Heading towards October

...I'm going a bit librarian and printing out and filing away about 1004 knitting patterns I'd like to try. I've been browsing my Knitting Pinterest Board and making use of all the free-to-download ones. There is a preponderance of yoke sweaters, I can't deny it, with lots of ideas from the Drops Design site.

..waiting for the postman to bring my first ever order of Lett Lopi wool. I've never seen it in person; but I'm being persuaded by all the patterns out there that it's light and warm and just perfect for wearing in Student Land. So I'm going to knit her this one. Fun fact: Scarlett Johansson wears a version of this sweater in We Bought a Zoo. Mine will be in greys and heathers, though. I can't wait to get started.

...keeping in mind that you haven't seen this month's Sock of the Month. I'm doing a couple of pairs as presents, so until they've gone on their way, they're under wraps. Actually under wraps, with bows on.

...Jumping about a bit with pleasure at finding a lovely new site from which to order my books. Wordery takes paypal and delivers for free worldwide. Go take a look!

...Shaking my head, thinking about supermarket pricing. I went to buy milk yesterday and, since it's just the two of us, I thought I'd buy a litre instead of two, which would be easier to carry as well as lighter on the purse. But I couldn't believe what I was reading when I looked at the prices. Two litres? 90p. But one litre? 88p. I don't know what else to say about that.

...Feeling myself pulled into finding out more and more about "Slow Fashion October", which is, says the wonderfully readable (in that I'll just scroll down one more page way) blog Fringe Association, a 
"celebration of the small batch, handmade, second-hand, well-loved, long-worn, known-origins wardrobe"
I'm captivated by her plan of determining to recreate by knitting and sewing, her favourite styles of the season: one or two special pieces carefully created and then worn with pride. I made a lot of my own clothes when I was a teenager. I suppose I stopped because I didn't have time. Or maybe because I began to earn enough to buy thing instead. But I'm drawn back, now, to wanting to make what I really like..

..wait, is that the door?

It's here! Already I'm, a blue one for me..

What are your little things for October?


Patio Postcards said...

Your tales of sweater making is right in line with the change in weather. Those newly arrived wools are all such pretty colours For me, moving towards October means Thanksgiving; Mr Man's eye surgery; a real push to hire someone for reception at work; putting the garden to bed.

Ali said...

Just lovely!! If I came to live with you could I have a jumper too lol xxx Happy Knitting x

Jennifer Shaw said...

Sounds like an exciting crafty month ahead. The sweater is just gorgeous! My October is filled with lots of scrapping. I get to design with the monthly kit for my LSS for November which means 9 pages to create in October. I'm looking forward. Have a great October. :)

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

That wool looks gorgeous and such a cute sounding name. I have embraced the slow fashion ethos since my year of buying nothing new and still rarely do.

debs14 said...

Beautiful wool. I love the fact that you are already planning version two even before you have cast on!

alexandra s.m. said...

What a lovely post Sian!
About the milk I say buy the 2 liters and either give one away of make crepes for dinner!
That sweater is going to be gorgeous! are you making the little pouch as well?
DD#1 is coming home for 10 days in October and we will celebrate her 23rd BDay together.

Karen said...

Oh my, I haven't even thought about October yet, and it's just around the corner. You gave us lots to think about in today's post though. I love that sweater pattern, and your choice of yarn is lovely. Can't wait to see it. I stopped sewing for myself years ago when I realized I could purchase the item for less than I could buy the pattern, fabric, and buttons. My daughter has a new sewing machine, though, that I'm admiring while visiting her, and it is renewing my interest. Just what I need---another project!

Sandra said...

Oh my, I'm loving the colours you've got there Sian.

Cant help you with the milk, as I go through loads of it! I drink my coffee milky

Maggie said...

Lovely colours. She will appreciate that. You are going to be busy knitting all those filed patterns... Milk? Yes that is crazy. As you know we are not in dairy but the dairy farmers are having a hard time. Some supermarkets sell litres of milk which"give farmers a fair price" . Could that explain the difference. Sadly it's a conflict between the supermarkets competing for the best price and the farmer gets stuck in the middle. Shall I shut up now or shall I start on eggs?! Or maybe supermarket potatoes....

Julie Kirk said...

I like Wordery too - I've bought a fair few from them this year. Them, ebay and charity shops are really the only places I buy books now.

I have a friend who makes lots of her own clothes. She'll turn up to crop with a big bag of fabrics and patterns and if anyone asks what she's doing it's always something like 'my Winter/Summer wardrobe'. But if I had to make all mine it really would be slooooooow fashion.

I hope your autumnal cheeriness and organised-ness rubs off on me ... I'm very nearly in panic mode! New work stuff, project stuff, Christmas shopping??? ... I do have a new polo-neck already though ... so at least I won't freeze ...

This West London Life said...

There's a chill in the air (and heavy rain on the way), so it seems a good time to be thinking about hand knitted sweaters in beautiful colours.

Lizzy Hill said...

That's a lovely jumper - fairisle - is that what you call the patterning? Think in the Olden Days when I knitted I actually did something like that!!! HAHAAAA. Now, that was 'another life', when I spun wool & baked my bread in a wood oven...roll eyes. Yeah, prices are the same here. Weird. Annoying when you're a one or 2 peep family...... October means getting ready for SUMMER here, LOL....just thought I'd pop that one in;)!!!!

Susan said...

Beautiful colors! Sadly my knitting skills are not close to being sweater-worthy and it's been a very long time since I've touched my needles. October here is a cozy time, with items like apple-picking, apple pie baking, leaf raking and pumpkin carving on my list.

Jo said...

Those wools look lovely. Now that I've lost so much weight I'm thinking of making some things for me for a change :)

helena said...

love your wool colours. I'm still getting to grips with the idea of autumn and October but I know yarn and jumpers will feature

Melissa said...

Most of my things for October are not-so-little (custom scrapbook-for-hire projects, classes to teach, finishing up the craft room set-up), but I'm hoping for a little time to get back to regular blogging (& blog reading) as well as some scrapbooking for me!

1004 - that's a lot of patterns. :) And, yes, supermarket pricing does seem erroneous at times, doesn't it. We have a new thing here - order online, pull up to the grocery store & have your items loaded without having to enter the store! Tried it for the first time today & absolutely love it!

Missus Wookie said...

Oh what a nice post of bits. I like the colours of yarn you've ordered.

I spent quite a bit of money on both and, the later will deliver to my local bookshop and promises that some of my purchase money goes to them too.

I am the auntie that gives books and I'm planning on meeting three new babies at the end of the month - so did Christmas/Birthday shopping as well :)

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