Well, hello there beginning of the week! It's the Monday after the Sunday before here: we were all day yesterday at a dance competition - as fine a way as any to spend Mother's Day - but, after weeks of rehearsals and costume planning, we're all feeling a little like the party's over.
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Card by Stormy Knight |
She was so pleased to have made the team and we were so happy to go and watch...for the last time. From the tiny girl who danced a Mary Poppins dance at her first show, to the grown up beauty of yesterday's creative movement, it's been quite a journey.
And in a week of "lasts" too. No, not many "firsts" this weekend, or for the rest of the week. It's the last school Easter Concert on Thursday night: another journey, from the littlest flute player to one of the big Music Society girls who has to put down her flute between pieces, to do the announcing. More rehearsals. Then no more. But with ends there must be beginnings just around the corner. It's exciting for all of us to muse on what they might be.
And I did learn a little something at the weekend. I read that in Tennessee there is an old word "klediments" for things which are cherished rather than valuable. I keep my klediments on my bedside table. I expect they'll be joined there soon by a gnome who carries a pair of embroidery scissors. He arrived yesterday, as a present, because..gnomes.
Is this right? Is "klediments" a word you know? Or maybe you have another?
I'm wishing you a good week. Ours has all of a sudden turned on a bit of news just arrived here a couple of minutes ago: Little E, that rascal of a nephew of mine, has been admitted to hospital with appendicitis. Let's hope for good news soon, eh?
Last week Becky, Deb, Ruth, Helena, Jane, Mitra, Mary-Lou, Mardi, Susanne, Maggie, Eileen, Melissa, KraftyKaren, Ladkyis, Cheri, Sheena, Julia and Alison all gave us a wave and told us something new. Go on, give 'em a wave! And keep looking for those new things to discover..
No 'klediments' on my bedside table, but plenty everywhere else!
Sounds like quite a moving weekend. And what a time of year to be casting forward to fresh new starts, new activities, new lives.
What have I learned this weekend??? That a 1.5 hour wait for food [at a restaurant that's been booked for weeks in advance, for a special occasion] can really take the edge of the 'special' aspect of the night!!
Happy Monday to you Sian. x
Hoping Little E is on the mend. An interesting time of ends - always nice, I think, to know it is the last time rather than only knowing later - have a great week
Oh my goodness, hoping all will be well with Little E, and that he will be up and about in no time, being his droll and witty self and entertaining all the medical staff ... And well done to your young lady for all her accomplishments - she could grace a Jane Austin novel any day :).
Never a dull moment with that little guy is there? Tell him he's in very good company, all the best people have their appendix removed ;-) And here's something to cheer him up and give him something to aim for, not everyone knows this so tell him to keep it close to his chest ... one of the criteria for being accepted onto the space programme and going into outer space is - not having an appendix! I know, how lucky are we? (Kind of ironic that the school in which I work has the motto 'sic itur ad astra' - 'reach for the stars')
So you have started the first of the lasts - and while that brings a lump to the throat, just think of all those new beginnings you all have ahead of you.
That's a new word for me! Hope Little E is quickly on the mend. I remember well (after all these years!) the last events before our kids took off into the big world. They were all bittersweet. I know you'll make the most of them.
It will soon be a lot of new starts :-) . Hope Little E is on the mend xx Have a great week x
Hi Sian,
I had never heard of that word before.
I hope your nephew feels better very soon, poor thing.
To ends and new beginnings, if only time could stand still once in a while!
klediments is a new word to me. Although I do have many things that would be classified as valuable to me but worth no monetary dollar amount. Hoping that Little E was able to avoid surgery but if not, I send positive energy for a quick bounce back to health & well being.
What a great word that is. I have very many klediments, but no bedside table to put them on! I hope Little E is soon recovering.
Gulp, so many lasts going on for you and TNSSO ... and a last for Little E ... he'll never have to have his appendix out ever again! ... do hope he's doing well. x
OH I do hope Little E will be all better quickly!
It certainly is a time of "lasts" around your place, but I'm sure the "firsts" to come will be delightful! Happy Belated Mother's Day!
I've never heard the term klediments.
Have a great week!
Awww....you'll have to do a couple of Little Big pages now..... and plenty of Sentimental stuff here...... But Kledimental....nope. Assuming you can turn the word to an adjective.... sounds like something from outer space. Look OUT! The Klediments are coming. Or a bad Chevy Chase Movie....sorry.....must go;)
Oh my goodness, I hope he's ok.
I also think how strange it must feel for the last of things but how exciting it must be for all things in her future. Have a lovely week xxx
I've never heard of "klediments" though it is certainly an interesting word. Poor Little E! I do hope he mends quickly! And I know all about lasts - it currently being the last semester for my last two in college... and then we get to find out who will be the last to leave the nest!
it sounds like you had a very special weekend x
I've never heard that word before but kinda like it.
Hope Little E is Ok xxx
sounds like it was an emotional weekend, I do hope Little E is ok x
We are experiencing the same feeling of lasts here. As you say exciting unknown times. Oh dear poor little E. Hope he is ok.
Klediments, what a great word! I hope Little E is ok x
I do you you will let us know what the scoop is with Little E. I am currently worrying all the way over here in NY! ;-) I also haven't heard of that word, however, I think it fits with with the whole things that give you joy...which is why I have a round rock on my desk next to my favorite mechanical pencil.
Wishing and praying for Little E to be well in a jiffy. I had not heard of the word klediments - I like the idea of it, but not the sound of it. Sounds to klunky to me. Have a great week - sorry it's half gone before I got round.
Hope Little E is home and feeling mostly recovered. I too had to have my appendix out so empathise with the taking it easy rule.
The last first time and the first last time are always special I think. Glad you were able to notice them over the weekend.
I hope Little E is well on the way to full recovery. I've never heard the word but definitely have a lot of them :) Such a bittersweet time, I remember the boys' senior years constantly thinking this is the last... and it's no time before so very many firsts. We got home from our trip yesterday so I hope to join in next week :)
I've never heard that word before - my cherished items usually sit in a box on my dresser but right now they're put away in another room (reno going on). Sorry to hear about Little E. By now I guess he's fully recovered and back to his usual self and telling you all about it.
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