Saturday 20 February 2016

That Was Then, This Is Now

Back on home turf for the weekend we are here, after a few celebratory birthday days in Scotland. Our boy turned twenty one; and we thought we would take him a cake. Malteser, of course: his favourite. 

So we got up at 5.45 and headed for the ferry; and then we drove until we were able to knock on his front door in time for a late lunch. They have haggis and whisky flavoured crisps over there - did you know that? - and I'm going to have to disagree with anyone who says that a bag couldn't possibly be a meal in itself.

He was pleased to see us, and we were delighted to see him, and to sit in his student flat and drink tea with his friends and wrestle with the idea that we aren't the twenty one year olds any more. And that he isn't seven or eight, and spending his birthday in a Travelodge here, trying to blow out birthday candles before the smoke alarms caught us and the wax dripped onto his cake. Malteser, of course: his favourite.

Because we did that once, long ago. That would have been the year we visited the Museum of Childhood, to see the toys. This year the tastes of the museum pickers have moved on; and we ended up at Surgeons Hall, which houses a collection of skulls and skeletons and assorted medical curiosities. It's a popular spot in the city of Burke and Hare, the original Bodysnatchers.

A meal out, a bit of light shopping (though obviously a coffee machine isn't light, or we wouldn't have had to wait until we got there to buy it for him): it was soon time to start for home. The key of the door had been safely delivered, I guess you could say, and the cake had been sliced. Not to worry: we have another celebration coming up soon. It's a big birthday year round here: it's not long until those balloons go up for an eighteenth. There'll be cake. Coffee, of course: her favourite.

So I got home and I looked at my pictures. Because we took pictures, even though it's becoming more and more difficult to persuade my - what on earth do I call them? - subjects to pose. And the ones which caught my eye are, curiously, the ones which sit well with a page I made before I left: one about a holiday way back when, but still with a green car and lots of fresh air and a brother and a couple of sisters enjoying each other's company. 

From High In The Sky for Get It Scrapped
Layout originally made for Get It Scrapped's article on using a Focal Point Formula

Who said change? Were we talking about things moving on? There's a little face you know looks just like the faces in that 70's photo. It'll be Little E's birthday soon too. He has already checked if I have enough money for a present. I have I said. Are you serving cake?

See you on Monday! I'll do the winner of the Love Your Selfie Giveaway then.


Karen said...

Such milestones, and such handsome, beautiful young adults! Or is a 21 year old still a "young" adult? I don't know, but I do know the time is passing too quickly, and the birthdays in your family make me realize how long I've "known" you! It's such a pleasure to walk along with you.

Ladkyis said...

beautiful, just beautiful. Seeing the grown up children of someone you think of as a friend, although you have never physically met each other, is a marvellous experience. Modern technology is just so wonderful.

This West London Life said...

Now that TTO has tamed his hair a little, I was astonished by his likeness to J! I love how you've combined the two stories.

Ali said...

Such a lovely post - milestone birthdays here soon to be 16 who thinks he's 21 lol and soon to be 13!! I think I've miscounted though I really don't feel old enough :-) x

helena said...

sounds a fabulous fun birthday with plenty of cake

debs14 said...

Looks and sounds like you had a brilliant trip, Edinburgh has a certain charm doesn't it?
We had a year where two of us hit 50, one was 21 and the other 18. It was a good year for cake ;-)

Patio Postcards said...

Such a lovely story/stories, gave me lots of the feels ... WOW at 21 years old, the world opens wider doesn't it.(?) I have the same polka dot paper as your base paper. Malteser cake? Is that your recipe?

Maggie said...

My goodness you have travelled some miles even if some were by boat. How lovely to be with him for his birthday. Lovely photos. Malteser cake sounds good. Happy Birthday to your boy.

Susanne said...

What a lovely way to celebrate the milestone birthday. More fab pictures to scrap; there was no way they weren't posing for a picture for you.

Beverly said...

Happy birthday to TTO, mygooodness, he's somehow become a man! I don't believe you are old enough to have a son that grown looking!

Helen said...

love your post today, and completely sharing your point of view, as a mother of 4, 30, 25, 23 and 18!!
have a great WE, see you on monday ;-)

Barbara Eads said...

This post brought a tear to my eye as I recall how I felt when our girls came "of age." And now it's the grands! Time has passed too swiftly! Still, it's really fun when you cross the threshold and realize that your children have become your friends and enjoy "hanging out" with you. Now you have me wondering about that cake---it's a new one on me. I'm guessing it has a malt flavor??

Lou said...

How lovely that you all travelled to him for his birthday - I would do that too!

Becky said...

Sounds like a wonderful birthday trip. Glad you all got to celebrate together :)

alexandra s.m. said...

Thank you for a very moving post Sian.
I can relate and your layout is adorable!

Lizzy Hill said...

Sort of a happy sad feel to your post - & I guess it's the adapting to the changes that time brings..... He looks well & enjoying life & I soooo relate with the bribery needed or cajoling at the least to get a few photos!!!!!

Sandra said...

I've really enjoyed reading this post and I wish the birthday boy a very very happy birthday. I will say I don't see how it's possible that he's 21 as you and I are close in age and I'm only 23 lol

Oh also, you're not showing up in my feedly feed. I'm going to be catching up now with what I've missed x

Jane said...

what a lovely family you have, looks like it was a very special weekend. My children refuse to be photographed now!

Mitralee said...

oh goodness, went and had a google to see what kind of cake you were talking glad you didn't post photos of that CAKE....It looks amazing on glad you had nice visit and love your page! So pretty and vintage!

Jennifer Shaw said...

Sounds like a fun trip. Your children are growing up. How does that happen so fast? Love your page and that photo is great. I can see a family resemblance for sure.

Jo said...

It sounds like you had an amazing time away!

Cheri said...

With those two hitting milestone dates, do you just wonder where all the time went? I can't believe my "babies" are 22 and about to graduate college!

Mardi said...

I love your words!!

Maria Ontiveros said...

Oh sian,
How I love this post! The past, the present. All together.
Henry turns 21 on May 2 - just around the corner.

Melissa said...

Sounds like it was a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely post with some great pictures. As soon as I saw that one on the page I immediately thought of little E - what a family resemblance. Milestone birthdays here this year too - but later in the year.

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