Monday 30 November 2015

Me On Monday

...after not being out of the house since Thursday? Not a lot to report, then, apart from a very unglamorous but deeply debilitating return of last month's sinus infection.The details haven't improved any; the antibiotics have worsened; and I realised that I'd reached a new low on Saturday night, when I tried to get out of bed and put my foot into a bowl of half eaten chicken stir fry. It was that time of a Saturday evening, after a day of lying round, when my foot was particularly receptive to a handful of red pepper and some noodles; because I was at that point - you know- head too sore to read, can't sit up, can't lie down, when you cast about for things to do and you find the handcream on the bedside table, so you handcream your hands; and then - because it seems like a good idea at the time - you handcream your feet too...

So I got up on Sunday; and did nothing again, but in a less dangerous place. I put on an old tracksuit bottoms, baggy sweatshirt combo, which The (Not So) Small One intimated should be be taken out into the garden and burned. I'm still wearing it now, though, so I'm not offering a picture. I'm just inviting you to use your imaginations..

More very soon, I hope. I'll certainly be back with my Gossamer Blue December pages tomorrow, because they are all ready to go; and I'd love to get some Christmas cards made, and a few pages of my December Memories album done. Until then, there is always socks:

I hope everyone who was celebrating had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend and that you are all looking forward to the start of December. Have a great week!

Louise H, Helena, Eileen, Maggie, Deb, Ruth, Mitra, Fiona, Barbara, Mary-Lou, Julia, Sheena, Sandra, LindaRinda, Krafty Karen and Alison were our Mondayers last week. Give 'em a wave! We're all very happy to have you join us if you'd like. Leave me a comment - something cheery! - and I'll be over just as soon as I can. 


Maggie said...

Oh dear poor you. Some of these bugs do that they just don't want to go away. I hope you feel better soon. Hand cream on the feet or even foot cream on the feet always seems a good idea until it reminds you that you need to hoover your floor as all the bits are now firmly on your soles. And when you are ill you don't need any reminders about housework. Put on a pair of those socks and snuggle up near the fire!

Ali said...

Hope you are feeling better soon xx hugs xx

Karen said...

Since you've already been to visit (thanks, as always!), I'm hoping you're feeling better. This has been a long haul---and only you could make me smile in the middle of a paragraph about how rotten you feel!

Jane said...

Oh dear you do sound poorly, I hope you start to improve soon xx

Julie Kirk said...

I'm feeling bad that I warned you about a possible relapse after my throat started hurting again! Mine only lasted a morning ... wishing yours clears as soon as soon.

If it's any consolation I cut my finger on a curry take-put container on Friday. J despairs over how that kind of thing is even possible [I'd also gouged my own shoulder with my fingernail last week ... so, he has reason to wonder!].

Big sinus-clearing new-week hugs to you.

debs14 said...

Oh that's not a good way to spend a weekend! Sinus infections make you feel wretched don't they? Hope they find the right antibiotic to get rid of it very soon (although last time I succumbed the doctor pulled out the old 'it's a virus, you just have to wait for it to go' comment) and are feeling better.
Take care x

Maria Ontiveros said...

HOpe you feel better soon!
We had a nice weekend close to home, but it was much more enjoyable (visiting friends, hanging out with Henry, walking the dogs).
You can check out my Monday post today for more.

Patio Postcards said...

Sending lots of well wishes for a speedy recovery on the sinus front. Poor feet stuck in a stir fry - I always make sure when putting on the nightly foot cream that all deeds are down & bed it is. Returning to your sock creation sounds like it comforts you. Like that green wool! Be well my blogging friend.

Barbara said...

Oh I do feel for you, I have had a sinus headache all day and I know an infection is much worse, I hope you will be feeling better soon. Keep warm and I hope your week improves.

This West London Life said...

I'm so sorry to hear that you're poorly again ... I'd rather been hoping it was the dying laptop who was responsible for the silence ...
sending you a cyber hug and a virtual mug of something cheerful.

Sheena said...

So sorry to hear you are poorly again.
Rest up if you can xxx

Louise H said...

Get well wishes from me to. Oh the foot finding the discarded plate situation - you really are ill when that happens. The only highlight seems to have been embarrassing TNSSO - I always count this as a win with my 3. More lovely wool - I really do like the green one. Hope your week gets better for you x

Jo said...

I'm sorry to hear you're feeling poorly again, I hope you feel better soon x

KraftyKaren said...

Hope you are feeling better soon - sinus infections are so miserable, hope the antibiotics are the right ones for it. I think we all have a favourite slob out outfit. Hoping your week is a vast improvement on the weekend. Sending you a late wave back x

Jennifer Shaw said...

Sorry to hear that you are sick again. It aways seems so unfair when you get a bug so soon after the last one leaves. Hope you feel better soon. Rest lots. :)

Sandra said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery, you poor thing. My suggestion is for lots of coffee and endless supply of chocolate xxxx

helena said...

hope you are feeling better - and no more unexpected foot baths ! have a good week

Linda said...

Oh poor you Sian! I join the others in hoping that you feel better soon. XX

scrappyjacky said...

Do hope you're soon feeling better.

Julia said...

Hope you're on the mend. I admit I'm jealous of the lounging around in comfy pants (even with the lurgy) as I could just use a weekend like that! Life is too hectic at the moment. Oh and pretty green socks by the way!

Lizzy Hill said...

You've had more than your fair share of this lot of flu....NOT fun:( Hopefully by now, it's on the way OUT the door. Kicked out by a well formed sock...nothing worse than not being able to even read cos you feel so yuck. Seems a waste of precious time, eh??!!! Take care:) Sending some warmth and sun from OZ!!!

Melissa said...

I'm just catching up after a busy week here & hope you are all well & enjoying a great weekend! I've ended this busy & FUN week with a sinus infection, so I'm all ensconced in the recliner with a lap quilt and my computer for some blog reading.

Susanne said...

Catching up too - and I've a few pieces of cozy clothing that need to be buried or burned as well. Sometimes, you just need their coziness to make you feel better, regardless of how they look.

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