Monday 23 November 2015

Me On Monday

It was a look up Great Grannie's recipe and measure and mix and stir and boil up the Christmas pudding weekend. A visit the Continental Market without buying a single thing weekend. A make a trip to the craft shop to choose some card blanks for Christmas cards weekend. A getting home and laughing at myself for buying a box of ready made cards in the next shop weekend. A You'll be home on the 19th? Hurray! weekend. Definitely a weekend of starting to make plans.

The highlight, after the glorious smell of orange peel and all other things Christmas pudding throughout the house, was the Narnia themed Craft Fair

The organisers had worked to create Narnia magic everywhere we looked. There were old wardrobe doors on either side of the entrance, and fur coats to push through to get in, and a lamp to gasp at, before the room opened up into a sparkling, candlelit burrow of Christmas treats. There was an armchair for Mr Tumnus, and there, a glass dish of Turkish Delight; and over there was Aslan himself. It was a lot of fun. I tried to take pictures; though part of me felt I should be simply enjoying it: in a visiting Santa's Workshop kind of way: remember? standing in the queue? admiring the decorations?  That's me in the mirror, with my brown paper bag of sock wool: yes! this Craft Fair had everything I needed for a good time! 

Home to knit, then, and fill in a few scribbled notes beside names in my Christmas Present Notebook. Oh, but I'd better not say too much more about that; so I'll give you a Monday morning wave and wish you all the best for your week. I hope it has a little magic in there somewhere.

Louise, Deb, Ruth, Helena, Sandra, Linda, Mary-Lou, Ladkyis, Karen, Maggie, Eileen, Barbara, KraftyKaren, Fiona, Mitra, Alexa, SheenaGail and Julia were our Mondayers last week. Follow the links to give 'em a wave!


Sandra said...

What a lovely weekend you had, and goodness how lovely to go to a craft fair where so much effort has been put into it.

Happy Monday Sian xxx

This West London Life said...

"... with my brown paper bag of sock wool: yes! this Craft Fair had everything I needed for a good time!" ... love this! Aslan looks magnificent!

Maggie said...

Sounds like a great craft fair. I hope everyone had a stir and a wish of the pudding too. I made extra ones last year so don't have that job to do. Have a good week!

Ali said...

The fair looks fab!! Sounds like a great weekend too xx

Melissa said...

Oh my, a Narnia themed craft fair, now that sounds like it would be wonderfully magical!!

debs14 said...

Sounds like someone very creative had been in charge of organising that craft fair! How lovely.
Always good to have the date for the uni returners written in your diary. How good to have him home a whole week before the family festivities begin!

Eileen T said...

The fair looks amazing; I would have spent a fortune, so it's probably for the best that it wasn't local to me.

How difficult are socks to make, please? I'm assuming it's not something for a fairly novice knitter to attempt.

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Wow! I would love to go to a Narnia themed craft fair. How fantastic! Not long and we'll have our boys back home. I collect mine on the 18th. Can't wait.

Jennifer Shaw said...

Wow that craft fair looks amazing! Our local one was a bust this year but I did manage to find some local alpaca yarn so that made it worth it. The big one in the city is a couple of weeks away. Sounds like you are easing into the holiday season. Next week I'll begin decorating and writing out cards. It's that time of year again, already!

Patio Postcards said...

Sounds like a wonderful weekend complete with early gift of "home on the 19th" for you. What a delightful sounding fair - many of the local clubs & churches will start this weekend with the fairs. I can't wait to see all the crafts & treats. Hope you have a wonderful week, I know you'll find the magic in it.

Louise H said...

I bet they did the craft fair especially for you to feature on your blog! It looks wonderful and fun.
How exciting to have in sight the return of loved ones. You raise them to be independent but that very independence is hard to accept sometimes.
More sock wool - see they even stocked goodies just for you at that craft fair ...after all the effort they would have been disappointed if you hadn't gone. Have a fab week :)

Sheena said...

The fair looks amazing x
Have a good week :)

Jo said...

It sounds like the perfect weekend and that craft fair looks amazing, I'm so glad that you took the time to take pictures :)

Lizzy Hill said...

Oh my gosh! Look at all those lovely Monday posters! Wish I had time to join...sad face. Love Aslan....looks brill. Giggles to the Christmas cards. You know me....been doing them since Feb this year, LOL! Still don't have quite enough made - aaah well, I did my best!! Yay to kids coming home. Enjoy. Mine will all be away..... them's the breaks :)!!

Karen said...

Sounds like a perfectly lovely weekend! That fair sounds amazing; nothing here to compare.

alexandra s.m. said...

Hello Sian,
It's starting to sound a lot like Christmas in your neck of the wood.
I haven't done anything yet apart from making cards ;)
Love your collage of photos!

Sian said...

Eileen: I'll email you about the socks

Sandie said...

That Christmas market sounds amazing, I would have been like a child gasping and heart beating with excitement. I love Narnia and the scene you set makes me want to come and visit for myself!
How lovely to use your Grannie's Christmas pudding recipe. I'll have to ask my aunt if she has any stored away. She still has some things that belonged to my Nan and I can imagine her wobbly handwriting on a scrap of paper (she had a stroke when she was in her early 40's and always described her writing as wobbly even though it was perfectly written).
You make me want to join in the festive spirit and preparations. I need to prepare for a Christmas Make-It workshop first then I can focus on other things. Have a happy week.

Linda said...

What a lovely craft fair! Looks like they went to a lot of trouble. Looking forward to seeing the socks knitted up:) Joining in a little late this week:)

Alison said...

Love the look of that Craft Fair...i can hear how excited to have your boy back in plenty of time for Christmas! xx

KraftyKaren said...

Sounds like a lovely weekend and the craft fair sounds wonderful. I hope your Christmas puddings are lovely, that is one job I never have to do as neither of us are fans of it, but I can remember my granny making hers every year about a month before Christmas.

Have a fab week, I have given you a belated wave this week x

Mitralee said...

oh so lovely! A bit jealous of your craftfair...but super happy you got yourself in the photo! Cheers to the upcoming holiday! hugs!

Julia said...

Oh my gosh! - would have loved to have visited that craft fair! They were my favourite books when I was a child. The rest of your weekend sounds rather good too and hats off to you for making your own pudding!

alexa said...

That looks glorious - I'd have loved to explore the fair, especially with some little ones :). I like that photo of you too! Having been away on Sunday, midweek is going to have to be our spice-scented moment. Always nice to have a firm date when a family member is coming home ...

stephanie said...

I want to start some traditions this year...bisuits, gingerbread house etc

helena said...

what a fun craft fair - I've never been to a themed one. have a great weekend

Susanne said...

Your posts often make me want to try something new - like Turkish Delight which I've only ever read about. And I've never read the Narnia books either. And one of these years I'm trying my hand at English Christmas pudding too!

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