Tuesday 3 November 2015

Me On Monday

..even though it's Tuesday. Me on Monday? The cold I've been fighting for weeks got worse. They looked at me here, past their own boxes of  tissues, and said "Go back to bed, Sian".

I was so congested that when I replied that I couldn't go to bed because I hadn't "done my Monday", they said "Bun Day? Hooray!"

So, you see how it was. It was a sneezing and snuffling kind of a weekend. Pretty much made for the weekend of the undead. Halloween make up? We didn't need it. Lucky, then, that Little E was able to send me a picture, or this would hardly have been a post at all. Doesn't he look creepy? (Though that sounds a little wrong. Surely aunts aren't supposed to think of their nephews as creepy? I think I need to go back to bed...)

Last week Louise H, Deb, Helena, Sandra, Sandie, Mary Lou, Ladkyis, Denise, Rinda, Eileen, Fiona, Maggie, Lizzy, Barbara, Michelle, Julia, Sheena, Alison , Ruth and Gail all gave us a wave. Thank you! This week, I'm hoping one big wave from me will see you all well on the way to a good one. I'll gather up the names for next time, so you'll know I've been; but if I'm a little quiet, please forgive me just this once. Happy um, Tuesday!


Patio Postcards said...

Oh Sian You have trained us well, we soldiered on this Monday, but you were missed! I do hope you get better quickly. Sending big cyber hug your way, I'll put the kettle on for tea with lemon ... bless you, tissue? Oh yes, he's quite (adorably) creepy ... (lol).

Julie Kirk said...

That photo ... he looks like he's spooked himself! Bless his heart!

This West London Life said...

Bless him, he looks like a tiny version of TNSSO! Do hope you're feeling better very soon. x

scrappyjacky said...

Think he does actually look pretty creepy!!
Hope you're soon feeling better.

helena said...

hope your are on the mend - Little E is not so little anymore - great outfit

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

The perfect photo to go with your weekly post, Sian. I do hope you feel better very soon!!! xo

Jane said...

oh dear, I hope you are feeling a bit better now x

Louise H said...

I did suspect that you were so quiet due to being very under the weather. Get well soon Sian x

Lizzy Hill said...

Awww....poor you:( Hopefully you will have made a full recovery in time to enjoy NEXT weekend. Maybe they'll get their buns after all;)!!!!!
Meanwhile I'm not even back on the challenge roundabout. Been too darn busy.....eeek! And guess what? I'll be here, whenever, happy to read your posts when they arrive..... actually, I thought you were just doing the Oz thing!!!!

alexa said...

What a splendid photo! So sorry you have been poorly and hoping you are now on the mend, with plenty of coffee and buns to sustain you :).

Sandra said...

You poor thing, go back to bed and get some rest. I'm putting my foot down, so don't even think about trying to argue with me xxxx

Jo said...

Little E looks great. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, I hope you feel better soon x

Maggie said...

Was a bit worried where you were. Hope you are better soon. Love that outfit!

Mitralee said...

I am thinking healing thoughts all the way from over here...and if that doesn't work, I am wishing you win a trip to a nice tropical island where the sun will make all the germs die! Good luck with the tissues!

Karen said...

Oh, I'm so sorry! Stay in bed until you're better. We'll all still be here when you get up and around.

Jennifer Shaw said...

Feel better Sian! It is that season again. People are getting sick all around me. Little E. looks very creepy but still adorable. Hope he had a spooktacular time.

debs14 said...

I was starting to get worried about you! Sorry to hear you're under the weather and hope that rest and relaxation helps see that nasty bug on its way. Little E has really got into the spirit of Halloween!

Sandie said...

You did the right thing Sian, and set a fine example, because although it is good to be consistent it is even more important to take care of yourself. You were missed but far better you rested and try to beat off this cold.
I'm sorry to hear it is still lingering and getting the better of you, but your sense of humour is not congested. I loved how you said you did not need make up!! Loving too the photo of Little E and wishing you a speedy recovery. Take care of yourself xx

Ladkyis said...

A cwtch will help you get better, so I am sending a magical one that will last forever and you can use it anytime

Linda said...

woah! Little E does look creepy! Great fancy dress:) Hope you feel better soon Sian, sending ((HUGS)). I have been waiting for your post to tell you that I have joined in for the first time this week:)

Ali said...

Hope you are feeling better xx (Ive got a cold starting so I'm doping up with Paracetamol hoping to fight it :-) ) xx

Sheena said...

Hope you feel better soon x
great costume Little E :)

Barbara said...

Little E does look a little creepy in his outfit. Sorry to hear you are unwell, hopefully you will improve as the week goes on.

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

"Me on Monday" on Tuesday and I'm reading on Thursday! Cute and creepy picture. Hoping that cold is well on its way now and you're feeling much better.

Cheri said...

I do hope you feel better soon! This cold seems to want to hang on forever. I was almost completely better, but now seem to be starting round two.

Susanne said...

Oh my, little E looks dramatic!! Entirely too cute to be creepy under any circumstances. Since it is now the end of the week, I hope you are all better, and ready to fill up the weekend with fun stuff you can tell us about on Monday.

Julia said...

Little E looks incredible! And very scary! Hope you are on the mend x

KraftyKaren said...

Sorry you have been poorly - hope you are now on the mend. Little E certainly looks the part and very spooky.

Melissa said...

So sorry to hear you were not feeling well - hope this weekend has been much better!

Anonymous said...

I hope that cold is well gone and that you are feeling like your "old" self. MY that is quite the costume. He's looking so grown up now. We had some interesting costumes here but the best had to have been the little 2 year old (pardon me 2 1/2 year old) next door who came as a pirate. Had to laugh when Mum said - what do you say and he pipes up with bye. :) Just getting to know him and now they're moving away.

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