Monday 19 October 2015

Me On Monday

It was a weekend of disappointment (in part). But at least we smelled nice.

As our team crashed out of the Rugby World Cup we were left eating the doughnuts of bitter failure. Ah, well. Next time.

But, yes, we were smelling good. Or make that: we were smelling all macho and irresistible to women. My tidying - that decluttering I started a couple of weeks ago? - is of the basic kind. I find six things every day and I throw them out. So on Saturday I blew the dust off an ancient bottle of Christmas aftershave and I poured it down the bathroom basin. Twenty years in the bottle? It had a lot of catching up to do. I can still catch a hint of its delicate bouquet this morning.

But we did more than sob and sniff. It was a sock ripping out and starting again weekend. A shortening the straps on the Formal dress weekend. It all comes together on Thursday! A writing postcards about where we live to help with a school project weekend. A shopping for Halloween decorations; ooh, no that's way too scary weekend. A cooking beef stifado weekend. A putting away the barbecue weekend. And an are we ready for the Christmas catalogues? weekend. My answer? Just about! After all, I need something else to think about if Monday finds me consigning my lucky green shirt to the laundry basket. Four years til it's needed again..

Last week Louise H, Helena, Mary-Lou, Julia, Ruth, Ladkyis, Maggie, Deb, Sandra, Jane, Gail, Karen, Alison, Lizzy, Sheena, Fiona and Eileen all gave us a wave and wished us all the best for the week ahead. I'm waving right back! Have a good one. Oh, and join in if you'd like. You'd be very welcome.


Julie Kirk said...

Ooh ... maybe we should start a club!! At last I've found a kindred spirit! Whenever we get shower gels etc as gifts that we can't / won't use [due to my sensitive skin and ... the horrific perfume of some products!] I often use them to clean the bathroom/toilet!

Currently we have a tin of shaving gel by the loo that I found in the back of the cupboard. Because bearded men no longer need shaving foam [as you will be aware of].

I even had a tube of icky smelling shower gel that I used to squirt around the inside of the bin outside.

Maybe we should brand this habit as a 'life-hack' ....

This West London Life said...

A hugely disappointing weekend for the Home Nations (and Scotland in particular) ...
I haven't picked up any Christmas catalogues yet, but I do have a free ticket for the Ideal Home Christmas Show at Olympia at the end of November! And I am beginning to jot down ideas for Christmas gifts ...

Alison said...

I have to confess to listening to Christmas Music as I write! I love it and by this time time of year it just feels it's definitely time to enjoy those catalogues! Xx

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

So disappointing, wasn't it? Not quite ready to immerse myself in Christmas just yet. Another couple of weeks and I'm in.

helena said...

yes a frustrating weekend for the home countries. I'm still resisting Christmas catalogues but enjoying the Halloween stuff in the shops

Linda said...

Sorry your team lost at the rugby world cup Sian! Yes I'm ready for Christmas catalogues! I picked up the Christmas Hobbycraft catalogue last week.

Unknown said...

Oh Sian, so sorry your boys are out of the rugby :(

I said it on IG but I'll say it again: that dress is truly beautiful! Such a lovely colour and all those details...beautiful!

Ooh! The Boots Christmas catalogue, I love it! Always good for a muzzle through of an afternoon!!

Here's to a great week, Sian...

Helen xxx

Unknown said...

P. S. Love your star plates!!!!!

Becky said...

No! Not ready for Christmas yet! Can't even look at a Christmas catalogue until beginning of November at the earliest! Sorry your lucky green shirt has had to be put away for another 4 years.

Maria Ontiveros said...

Hi Sian!!! Sounds like a good weekend, even if the rugby dream is done. There seems to be a lot of decluttering going on in blog land these days

debs14 said...

That dress is the most sumptuous beautiful blue, she is going to look amazing.
So sorry that the lucky shirt has been consigned to the wardrobe for a few more years. But I can't think of a better way to drown your sorrows than by eating lots of doughnuts.

Patio Postcards said...

Sorry about your Rugby team. Well 4 years to rebuild & strengthen. I chuckled out loud about the after shave down the drains, like Julie I have used old smelly stuff to freshen the garbage bins at home; do the garbage collectors think "oh what a lovely scented family lives here".
Hoping you have a wonderful week ahead & no more ripping out to start again. :)

PS - Christmas ready; yes but just in small bits right now; thumbing through for the 4th time the Sears Christmas catalogue - a tradition of wishing & hoping.

Anonymous said...

Hello Sian. Sounds like a weekend of two halves - some good and some bad. I thought I would be smart and write a Me on Monday post yesterday evening so that all I had to do was link your one in and publish - completely forgot until about 5 mins ago - so much for forward planning.

Louise H said...

I've always saved unwanted toiletries as tombola donations - although my DD used to be terrible at opening them up and ruining that plan. Using them to scent the house never entered my head (my kids would probably moan about the 'stink' though).
Commiserations on the rugby to all the other home nations, donuts sounds a good way to get over it.
The blue dress looks fab by the way.
Christmas? My son already has most of his present a few weeks ago - his motherboard died so he had a very expensive upgrade as this was what he was going to ask for. The rest will be bought online, in a rush, at the end of November. x

Jess said...

Waving back, I'm joining in for the first time. It's very disappointing about the rugby, on the bright side the team I drew in the sweepstake at work (South Africa) are still in it. Xx

Sheena said...

Our unwanted 'smellies' go as raffle prizes usually.
We have that Christmas catalogue too but resisting the urge till we get a big event over with next weekend x

Lizzy Hill said...

I was a little saddened about the rugby too. Sounds like the Aussies were very lucky to scrape through as they did. Next Cup will be interesting!!! I'd keep that Green Shirt at the ready;) Sounds like a ripping weekend, one way or t'other....donuts. YUM! The formal sounds exciting.... I've joined in again. Must be the no challenge thing kicking in!!! LOL.....
I'm enjoying visiting random other Mondayer's too:) so thank you:)

Maggie said...

I love the snippet of the dress I can see. Bet she is excited! Sounds like you have made a saving on air freshener this week but it's a bit of a giveaway as to what you have done. Hope he doesn't want it back.....

Sandie said...

Sorry to hear the rugby was a disappointment. I hope the doughnuts helped.
Christmas? I try not to think about it just yet. I wanted a birthday card the other day and found them squashed into the corner because the rest of the shop was set out for the festive season. I keep getting reminded on Facebook that it is only x weeks away. I think I am trying to be an ostrich but it will come at me like a rhino like it does every year, and catch me unprepared!
Ugh! The pain of unravelling a sock! I remember when I was learning to knit the agony of undoing even a row. Luckily I have learnt to be a bit more resilient but I'd find the sock situation hard.
I like your idea of throwing 6 things away - I think I might manage that approach. Since I have plans to declutter I might try this. Small but regular steps means you get somewhere.
Happy Monday Sian, have a good week!

Julia said...

Sorry about the rugby. Seems everyone was disappointed (unless you live down under!). I LOVE beef stiffado. I can taste it now. Never thought of cooking my own though. Hope it was good. Hope all goes well Thursday. Have a good week x

Melissa said...

Sounds like a bittersweet-smelling weekend! We were out-of-town, enjoying sight-seeing & family visiting and traveling and eating out. Today was unpacking & laundry & enjoying being home. Hope you are having a lovely week!

Susanne said...

Sorry your team is out. Our baseball team is out as well. I am thinking I will try the beef stifado - off to decide on a recipe. There seem to be many for something I have never heard of. Have a good rest of the week, Monday will be here before we know it.

Gail said...

That first sentence was definitely intriguing! Ahhh yes - have had similar happen here and it seems to last forever! Sorry about your team - I have the feeling we'll be sad tomorrow night when it's win or die time for our Blue Jays. Do you decorate much for Halloween? They never used to here - I mean like 10 years ago but it has really taken off in the past few years - personally we don't do it - probably because there are no children here. Although I saw something yesterday on tv I might do - it's really simple - basically cut a spiderweb out of a black garbage bag - you know like how you cut out snowflakes sort of. If you're interested I'll find the directions.

alexa said...

I am late arriving, and thinking that tonight might be the night for that dress? Hoping it's been a good week ... I did a lot of down-the-sink-it-goes stuff in the summer and threw out so many soaps that we have been humping from house to house for years. Nope, not ready at all for those Xmas catalogues - we still have leaves on the trees, m'dear!

Sandra said...

Of course were ready for the Christmas catalogues and a few of the magazines as well. Xx

Unknown said...

I am sorry about the rugby! What a steal.

I hope the prom went well (tonight I realise!) and I am sure it did.

I am loving this season as much as usual, maybe more. I had an irritating work meeting today a couple of hors away but I chose to enjoy it and by goodness I did, the leaves were stunning through the Exe Valley. What a treat from such a mundane job.

Jo said...

That's a great idea to get rid of 6 things at a time, something I think even I might be able to manage! It sounds like you had a varied weekend. Well done on having eagle eyes and spotting a different blanket on my crochet hook, it Attic 24's Cosy Stripe blanket and I'm making it as a surprise for Maddie for Christmas :)

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