Saturday 19 September 2015

Socks, Sticking, Saturday

Well that was the week that got away from me. Most of it has been spent catching up after our weekend away; but I do have to own up to the odd ten minutes (here, there and everywhere) I've been using to get to know my new pal Instagram. This former refusnik has been very much enjoying catching up with blogging friends who have been hanging out there for a while now. It's good to reconnect. And it's so fast! So simple to reply, to say hello. But maybe you already know that? If you're there, do give me a shout @fromhighinthesky

And socks. There are always socks: easy to pick up in the evenings, satisfyingly quick to finish; and with the prospect of a story at the end of each pair.

What do I do with the stories? Stick 'em in my sock notebook, of course. You'll have heard the first one if you drop by here often: it was worth adding to the record, I thought.

And the second? Ah, the second. A good blogging friend sent me a ball of sock wool she had rescued and I took it very gratefully and put it aside for just the right project. Then I heard of another good blogging friend who is in the middle of radiotherapy, and I thought sending soft socks could be a way for me to show I was thinking about her. When she told me that her favourite colour is purple, I knew what that gift ball was meant for. Round it goes..


Susanne said...

How nice that a ball of wool can bind together a circle of friends. I hope your friend does well through her therapy - said a little prayer for her.

Karen said...

The circle of friends does come around again and again. I'm sure the socks will be much appreciated. And, yes, my week got away from me as well. I'm not quite sure what happened to it.

Patio Postcards said...

Circles of life ... how very kind of you to knit a special pair of socks. Knowing that people are thinking of us is such a balm on those difficult days.

Jennifer Shaw said...

Love this latest sock story. Your sock journal looks amazing. These two passions are working together so wonderfully.

Louise H said...

It is so wonderful when events link together so beautifully. He does work in mysterious ways. I love that you have a journal dedicated to your socks. And has there been some Dr Who space time event because I am definitely down on days this week, I only remember three :) x

debs14 said...

You really are so kind and thoughtful. I love the idea that that a ball of wall donated by one blog friend, is knitted up by another and sent onto a third. Three people whose paths would never have crossed 'in real life' brought together through blogging. Fabulous!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Oh, how very lovely. This post warms my heart and I really needed that today, after leaving my boy behind yesterday. Thank you x

Maggie said...

I think she will really appreciate those socks. A kind thought.

Lizzy Hill said...

Now that is the perfect story. And thing to do for friends, all round. Your wool friend would be tickled pink. Purple. And I bet they are much loved & appreciated by your radiotherapy friend :) And I do love the way you're recording your sock stories, too:)

Melissa said...

I just love that you are recording the sock stories! Hope you are enjoying a relaxing weekend!

helena said...

a lovely sock / circle of friends story and I agree with you about Instagram - only started in april and wonder now why I took so long

Linda said...

Lovely story! I bet your friend was thrilled with the socks!

This West London Life said...

I'm sure the recipient of the purple socks will be thrilled with them. You are a good person. x

Lou said...

Ahh that's such a lovely thoughtful thing to do - I bet she loved them x
Your sock book is filing up nicely x

alexa said...

How lovely of you: you have such a kind and thoughtful nature, Sian. I am sure they will be cherished and very healing and comforting ... I love your sock journal pages!

Sandra said...

It warms my heart to know such a lovely kind person and to be able to call you friend xx

Julie Kirk said...

I'm sure there's a line in a book I read recently about hearts of strangers being linked by an invisible thread. Now I know it also stretches down to their feet! Lovely. :-)

Barbara Eads said...

What a thoughtful friend you are! Keep up the "sock"work!

Jo said...

I love the idea of a sock book, I really need to crack on with my socks xx

Missus Wookie said...

I like your sock notebook - such a fun idea and I'm glad you are making nice socks for a friend. Hope your friend's therapy is successful.

Cheri said...

Isn't it wonderful when the opportunity is just so perfect to pay a gift forward? I'm sure both giver and receiver will be delighted with this story and love the way you shared it with all of us!!!

Gail said...

What a friend you are to her! Love your sock book. All this talk of socks makes me think I should haul out the ones I started a few years ago (got to the heel and stopped).

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