Wednesday 9 September 2015

Pairs: The Sublime and the Ridiculous

Every Wednesday I follow along with Helena's photo pairs project (you can find out more about it here) and by the end of the day, each week, I'm determined to be on the look out for a good pairing to contribute. I finally found one when I was looking over my pictures from that other great photo event of the summer: Rinda's Photography Scavenger Hunt. Find an ornate door knocker, she said. So I did. But I couldn't help keeping an eye open for any more examples. I found both of these in Norway

The sublime:

From the door of a traditional Stave Church. I don't usually take pictures inside churches, but this was on the way out

The ridiculous

Not a door knocker, you say? Well, it's hung on the front of the door where the knocker would be and he was just begging to have his picture taken. I'm sure he'd like to think his antlers were pretty ornate.

From the sublime to the ridiculous: my surplus to requirements door knockers. You'll find more pairs over at Helena's!


Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Ha! Love it. I think you win for most amusing door knocker.

helena said...

both fabulous in their own way and I love what each announces about the building it is on

Lizzy Hill said...

GIGGLES!! That is waaaaay funny. Thank you for sharing!!!

Julie Kirk said...

You know ... with my propensity for juvenile interpretations, I think it's best I don't pass any comment on your ornate knockers.

Karen said...

The first is truly lovely, but the second one is apt to get even more attention! Great pair!

Jo said...

They are both great knockers lol x

This West London Life said...

Oh I love him! And I best he is much photographed!

Sian said...

Fair enough. I nearly wrote that I had a spare pair of knockers, but then I thought: No Sian, don't advertise the fact, keep them to yourself..

Patio Postcards said...

Fantastic find. And if you do have a pair of spare knockers, well I say more power to you. :)

Sandra said...

You've got to love someone's sense of humour .... I bet whoever opens the door, is always treated by a smiling laughing person as they see his face lol

alexa said...

That's a great pair of knockers - nicely spotted and photographed!

Jennifer Shaw said...

Opposite ends of the spectrum. Great photos!

marsha said...

fabulous pairs....

Maggie said...

I love both of those! The reindeer doesn't look very waterproof!

Missus Wookie said...

Oh they are both ornate - in completely different ways :)

debs14 said...

I'm pleased that other people have commented on what an impressive pair of knockers you've got as that was my first thought for a comment!

Sian said...

What can I say? I usually try to keep pretty modest about them..

Unknown said...

I love the reindeer so much, I think I may have to make one for our own door!

Melissa said...

This definitely brought a smile to my face. Those antlers are pretty ornate, I guess! LOL

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