Monday 21 September 2015

Me On Monday

It was a home comforts, home team, homely pleasures kind of a weekend:

After spending last weekend out of the country, it was nice this week to take things more slowly and enjoy some simple pleasures. Because of course it was a The Rugby World Cup is finally here! weekend, which meant is was a where's my shirt? who is actually playing? who's on the bench? Oh, yes! kind of a weekend. 

Which we combined with a soda bread eating, steak pie baking, blackberry collecting, local treats appreciating kind of a weekend. The blackberries were thin on the ground (or is that on the bush?): it turns out we were a little early; but what we found will go together with some apples in a nice crumble tonight. It was left to the view to provide most of the refreshment. And that it did. Every time I set out on this path I marvel all over again that it is within walking distance of our city home. A weekend of easy enjoyment, then, which we needed. A good one.

Monday is starting out sunny here: maybe I'll need to get back to look for those blackberries before the week is out? Whatever you are doing, I hope you find time for a treat or two: have a good one!

 Last week Louise, Deb, Ruth, Helena, Sandra, Mary Lou, Maggie, Julia, Eileen, Ladkyis, Sheena, Louise H, Karen, Michelle and Susanne all gave us wave. How are you doing this week everyone? Any plans?


Julie Kirk said...

You can totally tell you love autumn! It's all so perfectly cosy and Keatsian.

[I bought a reduced price M&S steak pie for tea tonight. Not *quite* the same. But still ...]

debs14 said...

Sounds like a good weekend! It's a little early for blackberries here too although you can tell they are not far from being ready. I always like to pick those a little higher in the bushes, being a dog owner I'm only too aware that the bottom branches may be a little more 'watered' than the ones higher up ;-)

This West London Life said...

Sounds like a perfect weekend and a great win for your boys!

Gail said...

A nice relaxing weekend - how wonderful, especially after the busy one the week before.

Linda said...

Mmmm! Blackberries! What a lovely little lane, great photo:)

Ali said...

Sounds like a great weekend - am loving the rugby - how good were the Japanese - I was leaping about off my chair my youngest thought I'd lost the plot, especially when I cried at the end (only because half the crowd and all the team were in tears! it doesn't take much to get me started lol) xx

helena said...

your collage looks like a perfect autumnal weekend - have a great week

Jane said...

sounds like a good weekend, I've been celebrating the tennis!

Louise H said...

Hello, what a lovely weekend you had. I do hope your family are all settled and well after you last busy few weeks. I love blackberries - they are ready here but we haven't picked any yet - DH 'wasn't in the mood'. I think this meant he couldn't be bothered to cook them up ... he makes the most delicious pies so always gets that job!

Louise H said...

Your comment made me laugh but it is exactly what we do. When our children were little it was termed 'collecting the ones above dog-wee height'.

Sue Althouse said...

It all sounds lovely, even though I don't know the first thing about rugby! Thanks for all your Me On Mondays. You've inspired me to take at stab at this myself.

Jo said...

That sounds like such a relaxing, enjoyable weekend x

Lou said...

Nice shirt :) I was thinking of you with your win. It was good to have so many games to watch over the weekend and listen to the boys talking play and tactics. Most of it goes over my head.

I would have been even nicer to have had your crumble.... x

Sheena said...

my boys were glued to all the Rugby & although I did enjoy some games, particularly Japan, I was eagerly awaiting the first episode of Downton Abbey :)

Maggie said...

Steak pie sounds good! I went blackberry picking the other day but that's a story for another day!

Melissa said...

It does sound like such a pleasant weekend. We had a fairly relaxing one after a busy week last week. Monday's sunny here, too! Have a great week!

Patio Postcards said...

Lovely looking walk. Such a treat to have it so close for easy access. I think you photo captures its delight. Hope you have a great week ahead and that just maybe there is just a bit of crumble left to have with a cup of tea later in the day :)

KraftyKaren said...

Sounds like a lovely autumnal weekend - I miss my grandparents and the lovely farm that they use to live on, the blackberries on the farm were always massive and we always use to get to pick them all as there were no public footpaths across the farmland. Have a great week, I have given you a wave back x

alexa said...

Such a pretty view, Sian - you are indeed fortunate, and you've captured it so nicely. That's an impressive pie - is that a pie funnel you have? Lovely to see so much green and white - so fresh! A quieter time with something lovely to eat and excitement to view sounds a great way to end the week.

Lizzy Hill said...

Try an alarm clock blaring at 1:30am because someone's beloved All Blacks were playing & it's not the same watching a replay kind of weekend here! Yours looks MUCH more civilised! LOOOOVE that path:)

Sandra said...

Well that was certainly a good weekend and I hope the weather stayed kind to you, it was rubbish here xx

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Oh my goodness, that path is so beautiful and inviting! Glad you had a relaxing weekend. We could use one of those around here too...

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

The rugby provided some welcome distraction this weekend. Your boys did good, but what about Japan? I was on the edge of my seat!

Karen said...

We spent the weekend helping Skylar celebrate today's 4th birthday! How is it possible that she's already four, and her baby sister will be one in just two months? Fun times with friends and family. Your photo collage is just lovely!

Sian said...

Ooh, lovely!

Sian said...

I know what you mean. It was brilliant!

Sian said...

Yes! I bought it for my Grandma as a holiday present when I was little and I eventually got it back

Unknown said...

Oh how I loved this post! I have a boy whose absolute favourite thing to eat - ever - is blackberry and apple crumble! [He's been saying for the last month or so that he really wants to go blackberry picking...we've been 'making do' with blueberry, raspberry and apple but, as he says, "It doesn't taste the same at all, Mama"]...your weekend sounded perfect, so perfectly delightful....

Unknown said...

Hmmm, I know where the good blackberry bushes are and I know that they aren't for the fainthearted to get to, so I might be lucky this weekend. I am off for a few days now so that would be a really good plan. I hope you enjoy them.

Missus Wookie said...

Blackberries are such a treat aren't they? I'm missing the path near our old house where we could fill a plastic tub easily.

Barbara Eads said...

Sounds exactly like the right kind of relaxing weekend!

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