Monday 28 September 2015

Me On Monday

It was the weekend of playing about with numbers.

A friend's 18th birthday found The (Not So) Small One organising a treasure hunt in the park. They stationed guests and gifts to pop up at points along the route if the birthday girl followed the clues. Imagine! You guess that the answer is "beside the ice cream van", you find it, and you discover not only ice cream, but also a surprise friend and a present. It was a glorious afternoon; but because The (Not So) Small One ought really to have been in bed with a sore ear, I told her to make sure she was well wrapped up. "I am wrapped up," she said. "I'm taking my scarf.."

The next day we drove to the seaside for Grannie F's  80th birthday. And that's when I really started to toy with the numbers. It won't be long until I'm the age she was when I met her for the first time. That means that if the years go round again, just as quickly, then I'll be the age she is now. And if she's 80 and all the girls are turning 18, then I can't help thinking that when my Grandma celebrated her 80th birthday, I had my 18th ten days later. I had been due on her birthday. And then when I got married, Grandma was the age my mum is now. It's circles within circles: I find it fascinating and I don't even enjoy maths.

But I know a man who does; and, after I'd hauled myself out of my numerically twisted daydream, I glanced down to the other end of the sofa. What? Using the calculator on a weekend? Aah, it's tricky to keep right on top of the score chart in your Rugby World Cup Souvenir Guide...

Yes, we watched, yes we shouted ourselves hoarse, and yes that brings me to Monday morning, and a load of laundry. Have to get my shirt ready for the next match of course..

I hope you find something to cheer about in your week. I know it's been a bit quiet round here. But I haven't been slacking. I promise. I made five layouts last week, and wrote up a couple of other things. So I'll be here and there soon, Keep an eye out! 

Last week  Eileen, Louise, Helena, Maggie, Mary-Lou, Jane, Ladkyis, Deb, LouiseH, Michelle, Barbara, KraftyKaren, Julia, Sheena, Sue, Fiona and Alison all gave us a wave and shared a little bit of what their weekend was about. There was plenty to celebrate; but it's not always good news, we know, and we're ready to hold you up should you need us. Just give us a shout, go on: give us a Monday!


Patio Postcards said...

Ah those circles of life within each other. A lady at work, who just celebrated her 36th birthday, was telling us that this year her numbers added up; her two kids were 3 and 6 and her Dad just celebrated 63! Is that your lucky Ruby shirt? I hope your team continues to do well. Happy week.

Susanne said...

You all seem to have a real flair for celebrating birthdays around there. Hope the NSSO's ear is feeling better. Happy Monday.

scrappyjacky said...

That sounds like such a lovely idea for a birthday celebration....I think she probably inherited that flair from you.

helena said...

yes I've been diligently filling in the rugby chart - somehow not the same just looking up the latest situation on the app (yes I have that too!). Hoping for an Ireland vs NZ final.

love the idea of the birthday treasure hunt
have a great week

debs14 said...

Don't mention the rugby ...
That NSSO sure looks wrapped up in that scarf!
All those numbers, so many links there. Well
Done on calculating them all.

alexa said...

What a lovely thing for the NSSO to do :). Especially when she is not feeling 100% ( another number for you!). There is something very comforting about circles, isn't there? And yours are redolent with story too. Wishing a happy rugby-filled week! And a good drying wind for that laundry.

Lizzy Hill said...

Aaaah yes. The Rugby! And those berries look good. And circles and maths - mix of geometry and whatever adding up is. Scary! Sounds a lovely thing to do for a GF's birthday.....& enjoy that creating:):)

This West London Life said...

The rugby ... missed the whole of England v Wales thanks to being on various motorways across England. Mum texted the score ... and that was that!
Hope TNSSO is feeling better. She is lucky to have a group of such lovely young people as friends (as they are her).

Maggie said...

Yes there was even rugby watching on our weekend. Two of our group kept taking it in turns to slip away from the table to "fetch" things during dinner. Funny how it was always something from the sitting room where the TV was on! You're right with your comment on my post. The place we stayed would be ideal for a scrapping weekend. You would want to go after a week of starvation. We felt full even with our walking. The lady was telling us that she serves lunch to the artists as well!

Julie Kirk said...

You'll have to add a 'creating infographics' string to your bow with all those numbers and stories to tell. I think our Uni's starting an Information Visualisation course next year ...

Hope the ea'rs better today. My Nanna would have wanted her to make sure she had a vest on while my Grandma would have insisted on a hat as well as that scarf!

Jo said...

That treasure hunt sounds amazing. I often think about peoples ages like that x

Alison said...

What a great idea To have a Birthday Treasure Hunt...hope your girl is feeling better xx

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

What a great way to celebrate! Ear ache can be miserable, so I hope it has passed. As for the rugby, I chose to leave Saturday out of my weekend round up. The less said the better!

Sheena said...

I hope the NSSO is feeling a little better today x
We have a special birthday to celebrate later this week...

Louise H said...

Hopefully the NSSO's ear is better - earache and toothache are the worst things ever. I see the blackberries are still not ready ... and yet we had some lovely weather this weekend. My Mum married at 18 and had all us 3 children before she was 27, so whenever I do the 'how old' wonderings it just makes me feel so old! Well done Ireland, Scotland and Wales. x

Louise H said...

Also meant to say what a wonderful birthday surprise - a disco in a pub was the best you could hope for in my day

Lou said...

that's a lot of number crunching and it's fascinating how it all goes around.
we screamed ourselves hoarse too - but it didn't help :(
we're all looking forward to next week when we go and watch a RWC game :)
Hope the sun was shinning and you got your shirt dry, also hoping tnsso is okay x

Missus Wookie said...

I like it when numbers match up like that - and enjoy playing with them and working out the patterns. No Rugby here - except for a slight concern while reading the motorway signs telling us to avoid various places at various times. Thankfully we weren't there then :)

Glad you had fun and that NSSO was able to do the planned hunt.

KraftyKaren said...

I keep forgetting about the rugby - not watched any yet, I must rectify that very soon. Hope your daughter is feeling a bit better now. The birthday treasure hunt sounds really good fun.

Hope you have a great week - have given you a wave back x

Karen said...

I'm always fascinated by numbers like those. That sounds like a fabulous birthday; I love how the Not So Small One and her friends organize these special events!

Cheri said...

Thinking about numbers like that makes my brain hurt! And makes me realize how old I am getting... The NSSO really seems to have a knack for making her friends feel special! Hope you have a wonderful week!

Sandra said...

Well we certainly know that your not so small one has her mothers creative imagination. What a fabulous birthday surprise her friend must have had.

I often find age coincidences like this fascinating x

Unknown said...

Wow to the NSSO. Lauren will be 18 in November and they are all celebrating as well. I will mention her idea (and of course give credit) and get her on something like that. We weren't nearly so creative. For their 16th's they did Come Dine With Me :-) them. My Mum was born in 1947, I was born in 1974. She was 26 when she had me, I was 26 when I had my first...makes me want to look for more now!

Melissa said...

That's certainly a lot of numbers and math-like activity! I really like the idea of the scavenger hunt that reveals friends along the way! Hope this weekend has been great, too.

Julia said...

Woefully behind on my blog reading but still lovely to read about your weekend. Even if it's nearly ancient history!

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