Monday 14 September 2015

Me On Monday

As the sun rose over a new term it was a see you at Christmas kind of a weekend. 

A do we really have to move that desk again?  (see this week last year) kind of a weekend. A let me at least take one photo of you weekend. A big, long driving weekend. An are you sure we need to go to Ikea when we get there? weekend, which turned into a 

Mum, Dad, you are the most embarrassing parents on the planet weekend when we stood in front of a green screen and posed for a photo to go on the cover of our own copy of the new catalogue: a release day romotion. Our new coffee table book:

So we shopped, we museum-ed, we ate, we carried stuff up stairs, we peered out of some filthy student flat windows and took photos of the view because someday son, you'll be glad that I did. (Though that wonderful sunrise was captured by The (Not So) Small One, who became tired of a sleeping bag on a sofa round about six on Saturday morning.)

But if it was a weekend of all of that, it was also a weekend of saying cheerio. We drove back to the boat and there I met up with a dear friend who had been leaving a boy of her own behind for the first time. We stood out on the deck, just we two, watching the darkness fall and the land slip away, and we talked about how we'd met outside the school gates, so long ago now, collecting our boys, and of how our brains and our bodies are changing now those boys are grown, and of how we're all ready to see what the next few years bring. We leaned over the rail and then we turned to look in at the lights in the lounge and the family waiting and we went back inside. It was a good way to end the trip.

We got back late last night, so I'm trying to catch up this morning. Here's hoping you are having a good start to your week!

Last time Sandra, Louise, Eileen, Ruth, Helena, Jane, Mary Lou, Miriam, Louise H, Fiona, Barbara, Karen, Alison, Maggie, SheenaLadkyisGail and Deb all gave us a wave and wished us the best. Right back to you! And to you. If you'd like to join us - and you'd be very welcome - please leave me a comment and I'll be over to wave just as soon as I've finished up here. Have a good one.

ps I've been trying out Instagram. You can find me @fromhighinthesky 


This West London Life said...

A bittersweet weekend for you. Now that IKEA magazine cover? I think it's brilliantly clever and cool and funny and all those other adjectives that are escaping me right now!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

There were many things I was going say, but all I can think of now is, "That IKEA catalogue!" How cool?

helena said...

loving the personalised catalogue - have a great week

Karen said...

I'd be hopping right in front of that camera, too! What a cool idea! It's always hard to leave our kids, no matter what the age or circumstance!

Julie Kirk said...

That cover is genius! When we first moved into our house and began decorating I used to know the IKEA catalogue like the back of my hand, like a bible, I could practically quote from it. I would have loved a personalised one! ;-)

He definitely will come seeking out those photos you've taken at some point.

[p.s: there's something really nice about hearing that you all travelled to see him off. xx]

Maggie said...

Sian you bring tears to my eyes of sympathy and laughter. Not seeing him till Christmas, your friend and you and then the catalogue. I can assure you about one thing though. We are the most embarrassing parents. I know that because I have seen that expression on my daughter so many times.

KraftyKaren said...

How fab - your own personal catalogue. Your weekend has brought hundreds of memories back for me, being 18 and 5 days old, leaving home for the first time, my parents delivering me to the nurses home that would be my home for three years. Have a great week - time will fly and before you know it, it will be Christmas and he will be home again xx

Ali said...

Sian, what do you do to me, another truly lovely post - that has me filling up... again!!! (and not at the picture on the front of the Ikea catalogue, lol - what a great keepsake!!). Enjoy the rest of your week x

Barbara Eads said...

Christmas seems like such a far way off. It seems you have your emotions under control! Maybe you were too busy to be too sad! I hope the tall one has a great year!

debs14 said...

Embarrassing your children is what parents are put on this earth to do! Pleased to hear that the send off went well and hope you are making the most of having the NSSO at home before she heads off for adventures of her own.

Sheena said...

Being an embarrassing parent is pay back as I see it :D
Loving the Ikea cover, I want one x

JO SOWERBY said...

Awww back to school for the tall one, well university. What a cool idea being in Ikea's promotion, wish I'd had a chance to do that one too. Glad you had a safe journey too and from.
Jo xxx

Patio Postcards said...

Neat that you are now a cover girl. I miss going back to school, for me it is now just another work day... ah but wait there's still night classes! Based on all that I see in the stores, Christmas cannot be too far off, the shelves are loaded with ribbons, cards and wrapping paper ...

Louise H said...

Well done on embarrassing the children - it is nice payback for all the stress they put us through! I returned to school a few days later than my kids this year and had that same melancholy what-happened-to-the-years moment. But then there are all the lovely things that go with older children...and the freedom it brings. I can now consider going to antiques fairs or tourist towns without wondering if there is a soft play area and swings to keep them occupied.

Lovely post Sian - thank you for sharing x

Ladkyis said...

I am in aghain. This seems to be the way to make me blog regularly, I thank you

Lou said...

How cool is that. I have Ikea cover envy and am actually thinking..I wonder if our ikea is doing the same. Lol. Its brilliant.

Hoping TTO settles in nicely x

Michelle S said...

How brilliant! Enjoy the rest of your week xx oh & welcome to Instagram, you'll love it x

Sandra said...

I know it sounds strange, but your post bought tears to my eyes. What a bittersweet weekend, but it's the thought of two friends standing on a boat together that really bought this post to life. How amazing. Plus, I'm just LOVING that cover, how fun is that

Sandie said...

How I love that Ikea cover! What a great idea Sian!
I really enjoyed reading this post, so many different emotions running through. You are so right, the tall one will be glad of the photos one day, sometimes the mundane (views from dirty windows!) are the most special and memorable. Your trip back and meeting a friend sounds quite poignant and sometimes things work out just as they should.

Lizzy Hill said...

SO it begins again. Before long it will be finished with your boy & it will be the next stage, no doubt and the Never to be so young again one will be nabbing that desk, And moving it again, I bet!!!! LOOOOVE the catalogue. Blow being embarrassing. I think it looks FABULOUS!!!!! Enjoy your week!!

Unknown said...

Ah, a bittersweet weekend. How cool a catalogue :-)

Susanne said...

I've just had my second visit to IKEA, the first was over 5 years ago. How fun to make a catalog cover! I would have had to do that too. I had a friend ask me if I worried less after dropping my daughter off at college for her second year. I said no, I worry the same, I just worry about different things. It will just never be easy, will it?

scrappyjacky said...

I always think that when the autumn term is fast upon it won't be that long til you see him again!
Love the IKEA cover.

Cheri said...

Welcome to the Most Embarrassing Parents On The Planet club! I was inducted years ago and have been reminded of my membership on more occasions than I care to count. But as the saying goes, "payback's a b*tch" right? It's only fair we get to embarrass them back. That IKEA cover is fantastic and totally worth a moment's discomfort for the kiddos!

Unknown said...

As a fellow IKEA lover, I totally understand why you look so so happy clutching your personalised IKEA catalogue! [I'd have been fascinated watching the whole 'green screen' technology in action]. Here's to a wonderful term/year for we all know, Christmas will be here all too soon....

alexa said...

I am way behind on the green screen front and have needed the comments to make sense of it all - how fantastic, Sian! Mind you, your own kitchen is lovely enough to grace the cover of any magazine :). I remember so many of those boat journeys myself, and had goosebumps reading your beautifully poignant words ... Wishing you a settled and happy week. Hope no-one has backache from moving that desk.

Missus Wookie said...

Hope his year goes well, feels odd not to be joining you on the moving front. What fun to have the personalised IKEA catalog :)

Sian said...

Aw, thanks :) I wouldn't miss it

Sian said...

Going back to school is my favourite time of year

Melissa said...

Well, of course, you must go to IKEA . . .and what a FUN bonus to have your very own personalized catalog!!! Hope you're having a great week.

Gail said...

Oh how neat - your own personalized copy of the catalogue and what a great picture that is of you holdingit.

Jo said...

Sounds like a very busy weekend, I love your very own catalogue! xx

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