Monday 3 August 2015

Me On Monday

So It was a lads-in-charge kind of a weekend. My partner in girly crime has been away, staying with a friend, so it definitely turned a bit Boys Night Out here: a Thai Green Curry cooking, action movie watching, cricket discussing, try a bit of plumbing, man planning ("We could build a kit car in the garage. If we had a garage") kind of a weekend

I tried to redress the balance by having a cast on a new sock (no pictures - this pair is a gift), try out my new stitch markers, wearing a new necklace kind of a weekend. And I held the side up on my own until we got to Granny's on Sunday and she invited everybody to spend a retro afternoon polishing. So it was also a "Bring your own Brasso and dusters please, there's work to be done" kind of weekend. We cleaned and tidied, we cooked dinner, we talked knitting and books. And then we drove home, minding our teeth as we chewed on some Maoms, to read a bit of the paper before bed.

I spotted a piece about "Swinter dressing". Swinter? More than one season, all at the same time. That's what I'm thinking this morning. I'd like to put on my blue poncho as I head out here; because, well, it's new and I like it. But I'm seriously considering a raincoat over the top..

...and yes, I am wearing my new glasses more. They have all kinds of add on benefits: hiding bags under eyes, for example. Plus, being able to read the small print? A good way to start the week..

Last week Jo, Deb, Helena, Jane, Mary-Lou, Ladkyis, Fiona, Sheena, Karen, Barbara, Julia, Alison, Alexa and Liz  gave us a taste of the start of their week. We're all waving and wishing you a good one, and inviting you to post too. Happy Monday!


Ali said...

Your weekends always sound fun - even if it is cleaning and polishing xx Enjoy the rest of your week xx

helena said...

I always find polishing satisfying as there is a result for the work put in and I kinda like the smell of brasso! have a good week

Julie Kirk said...

I love it! Yesterday after *hours* of keeping quiet while J caught up on recorded programmes that aren't my cup of tea ... I drew the line and redressed the balance with a few hours of nonsense romantic films from Movies24!

And I know just what you mean about the wanting to wear something even though the weather's not quite right [almost passed out in my fake leather jacket when the sun unexpectedly came out yesterday while walking home!!]

Have a great fresh week ahead. x

This West London Life said...

That sounds like a full weekend and I'm sure Granny was delighted with all the polishing that got done!

Eileen T said...

You've had a very busy weekend by the sounds of it. I like the "... if we had a garage" approach to planning - it made me laugh!

Did you realise you've missed me out of the list of last weeks posts - mine was here:

Patio Postcards said...

Very lovely pensive photo of you. I will provide all the cleaning supplies if you'd like to visit (lol)

Ladkyis said...

I have a brass fender that could do with some serious brasso elbow grease

Jane said...

I've started some more socks as well, my stitch markers keep falling out which is really annoying me. Have a good week.

Maggie said...

Brasso always makes me think of being a Brownie and going bob a job. Perhaps I should have a brasso and polish party....

Sandra said...

To be honest, I'd have been very happy with the Thai Green curry and an action movie lol. And well, as sad as it is, I do like using Brasso ... it makes everything shiny and new. So all in all, you had my kind of weekend xx

Sian said...

Sorry Eileen, but I can't see that page. My Feedly is telling me that blogger says it doesn't exist. I couldn't see it last week either which is why I couldn't include it. Emailing you now..

Melissa said...

Sounds like a nice & busy weekend. I'm wearing my glasses a lot these days - I can get by without them at all, but I really like seeing everything so much more clearly! :) Hope you have a great week!

Karen said...

A Brasso party---hmmm-we could use one around here, but I don't know a soul who'd be willing to come!

KraftyKaren said...

Sounds like a productive weekend and what fun getting to do the polishing - i love using brasso, we take our own pot on narrowboat holidays and do lots of polishing whilst away - the boat owners are usually very impressed when we get back LOL!! Have a good week, I have waved back at you.

Lou said...

this made me smile. My grandad used to save his polishingfor when we stayed with him. Many an hour were spent with the Brasso. My world is mainly boys in nice it must be to have a girlie partner in crime x

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

I always enjoy reading your weekend recaps, Sian. And those glasses are funny things aren't they? The way they help you read the fine print... ~sigh~ Mine do the same for me when I bother to put them on! ;o)

Jo said...

Another good weekend. I love those stitch markers x

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Ooh, your stitch markers look like a pair of cufflinks a friend once had. Lovely. Brasso always reminds me of home when I was little. Polishing all the metal knick knacks in the hearth.

Sheena said...

Lovely little stitch markers x
Glasses look great & if they help you to see then win win in my book :)

Lizzy Hill said...

Aaaah! You missed your girl:) Always nice to see the Oldies. Even if they do expect you to BYO cleaner! Better than BYO sausages, I guess!!! No BBQ, THAT would've signified a real 'man weekend' over here;)!!!

Julia said...

So many similarities! The boys are ruling this end here too - Walking Dead seems to be on every evening! - I'm wearing my glasses more too. It's amazing how quicker I can read without squinting!

Unknown said...

The glasses look great :-)
It does sound a great weekend with lots of good stuff included. I had my arran on yesterday to go to the cinema as it was chilly, nearly boiled and had to take it off after. Winter dressing sounds like a very good plan. Maybe it should be Sutumn, Auwinter, Winspring & Sprummer though? No, none of them have a very good ring to them lol. Have a great week.

Cheri said...

I can't even fathom what a lads-in-charge weekend would look like around here, being that there is only the one lad in residence and he hates to plan anything! Sounds like you kept the feminine side of things in balance though! Loving your writing.

Barbara Eads said...

I have never cooked Thai food. I wouldn't even know where to find the ingredients. I think I must really be showing signs of "old age." Or at least am set in my ways. If I don't know where an ingredient in a new recipe is located at the grocery store, I won't bother with it!

Sian said...

lol! All we did was open a jar of sauce and heat it up..

Sandie said...

We love Thai food and all kinds of curry and when I met Eileen last week I discovered this was something we also shared and recipes are to be shared too!
Glad you managed to get time with your Mum to talk about knitting and I can almost smell the brasso!

Gail said...

Ah yes - polishing there is definitely some of that that needs doing here - perhaps the next rainy day.

alexa said...

Swinter? Brilliant - we get a LOT of that up here :). I am extremely late to your lovely blog, but have much enjoyed your post. I fell about laughing at the car/kit/garage conversation (but please don't tell them in case they're offended!). I like your new glasses very much. Elegant, but no-nonsense. Can you peer over the top?

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