Monday 27 July 2015

Me On Monday

Hey Monday! I can hardly start this week without first of all giving an extra wave to the Monday-ers who posted while I was away. It was a treat to return to all your news. I so hope I've caught up with everybody.

Here, it's been a great few days: it was the weekend of Uncle Dave's visit.

He's only in town briefly, so we've been making the most of him. And that means it was a vintage fair visiting, second hand bookshop browsing, fish and chip supper kind of a weekend. A Dundee cake munching, holiday story telling, family history tale spinning kind of a weekend.

We looked at rails of vintage 80's checked shirts (and then came home and thought about the ones we used to own). We bought old paperbacks (as much because we liked the covers as anything else). We stood at the Fair, in the old Arts Centre which used to be a school, and looked up at the stairwell, and Uncle Dave said he thought that was called the trombone effect and I should take a picture, so I did. And then we came home and I talked to Little E, to thank him for his gift of an egg timer. It's perfect.

And now it's Monday and there is work to be done. I think I'd rather think back to Me On Monday, two weeks ago, in Norway, where I was spotted. 

Or is that striped? I didn't buy in the end. I was just looking. Honestly.

I've gathered up some links from posts spotted on my return blog reading binge. Give 'em a wave!  Louise, Deb, Ruth, Barbara, Helena, Eileen, Krafty Karen, Mary-Lou, Rinda, Liz, Ladkyis, Fiona, Susanne, Sheena and Alison

and here's to a good start to your week.


helena said...

sounds a perfect Uncle Dave visit weekend - amazing stairwell effect and oh yes the stories that could be told of times wearing checked shirts back in the day

Jane said...

Good old Uncle Dave!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Uncle Dave: so good to see a mention of you (because I know that means your sister will have been Very Happy Indeed).....

Maggie said...

That stairwell picture is most fascinating. I love your egg timer from Little E too.

Ali said...

Love these posts, glad you are well - loving the stripey tops - I think nearly every top I have is stripey!! How does that happen even when I go out not wanting stripes they seem to come home with me x

alexa said...

I thought for a moment you had been peeking into Himself's wardrobe and taken a snapshot! Lovely to hear Uncle Dave is back, if only temporarily. Vintage fairs and old books - my kind of a weekend :). Waving to you and wishing you a good week.

KraftyKaren said...

I've seen the prices in Norway so I am not surprised that you didn't buy anything. Sounds like you have had a really good weekend - waving back at you x Have a good week!!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Cool shot through the staircase. Sounds like a great weekend. I had one or two of those check shirts back in the day, usually black and white in my case.

Patio Postcards said...

Very interesting photo of the stairwell - it did take me a few stares to figure out what I was looking at. I'd find it hard to leave behind a plaid shirt or a striped one for that matter.

scrappyjacky said...

Sounds like a very vintagey weekend....perfect.

debs14 said...

I think there may still be one or two of those shirts in a wardrobe here! Welcome back Uncle Dave!
That Little E has a good choice in presents doesn't he?

Ruth said...

That's a terrific shot of the staircase! And hooray to a visit from Uncle Dave!

Sandra said...

I adore vintage fairs, although laugh when I see things I own or had being called vintage xx

Alison said...

Love the staircase....glad you had a good visit with Uncle Dave xx

Lizzy Hill said...

That trombone stairwell? BRILL. Especially since I have a trombone playing hubby! Sounds like a fabulous fun filled family weekend. [how's that for alliteration??!!!]......oh, what a SHAME the stripes were left there, feeling sadly neglected 'cos you wouldn't take them home..... LOL!!

Maria Ontiveros said...

I'd love to sit around and have a pint with your family and Uncle Dave!

Julia said...

Welcome back Asian. Hope there's not too much washing and sounds like you're right back into it with a busy weekend already!

Julia said...

*sian! Blooming auto correct!!!

Jo said...

What a perfect weekend. I love stairwells and that one looks amazing! xx

Sheena said...

I love the stair well shot I didn't realise what it was initially x
have a lovely week.

Unknown said...

I couldn't for the life of me suss out that photo so I am glad you explained :-)
I am pleased Uncle Dave has been around and great to see that Little E has excellent taste in kitchen utensils. Have a good week.

Carmen said...

Another one here who didn't realise what the staircase picture was till you said. Learnt something there - thanks Uncle Dave. I need to wipe my drool away now, at the thought of Dundee Cake.

Jennifer Shaw said...

That is great that Uncle Dave is in town! They need to make a scrappy patterned paper in that amazing yellow pattern! I'd be all over it. Glad you had fun at the thrift shops and thanks so much for thinking of me with the tea set! I've been doing a purge but the 70's stuff is staying! :) About our birthdays... no wonder we are soul sisters! LOL

Barbara said...

Looks like an enjoyable visit with Uncle Dave!

Melissa said...

Oh, I like that trombone effect! Sounds like it was a great weekend. Hope you're week has been fabulous!

Barbara Eads said...

That was quite a nice "catch up" post. I'm looking forward to some fish and chips myself as I visit London the end of this week! One of these days I'll get to Ireland. It's on my list!

Gail said...

Love that trombone effect picture Uncle Dave told you to take! Love having family yarn spinning times - sometimes they bring back memories that you'd totally forgotten.

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