Monday 29 June 2015

Me On Monday

It was a weekend of starting to think about the summer holidays. So that means a weekend of assessing shorts sizes and stocks of suncream. And raincoats. Considering raincoats.  Along with a Saturday morning in the bookshop for what is one of my favourite activities of the year: the holiday reading list expedition. Yes: we love easy fix Amazon; but how do I know what I want to read on holiday if I can't hold it in my hand first? 

It was also..

...a coffee cake baking, blue door painting, white sneaker buying (should have got the navy, more practical, but white? I want summery, I want fresh), Glastonbury watching, wallpaper browsing (but not buying), new sock starting kind of weekend. And there was time for a few calls to Little E to see how his foot is mending. Slowly is the answer: he has another new cast on. But! exciting day! There is a new puppy in Little E's house. Yes: his  mum has her hands full..

And finally, yesterday it turned into a work very hard in Granny's garden kind of a weekend. Which means it's a bit of a feeling quite stiff and stung sort of a Monday. If only I could break into my book pile early..

We're not off just yet, so I'll be Mondaying again next week

Last time Louise, Mary-Lou, Deb, Eileen, Jane, Gail, Susanne, Jo, Karen, Sheena, Ladkyis, Alison, Barbara and Liz gave us a wave. I'm waving back, wishing you a good start to your week. Have a great Monday! 


Maggie said...

I agree with you on the bookshop. I love browsing through books. I have just returned from Boots getting "essentials " for Emma's trip. My purse is £100 lighter.

debs14 said...

Totally agree on the book front, you need to flick through before you commit!
Poor Little E, I bet he is becoming an impatient patient now the weather is getting hotter. And a new puppy needing to be played with too.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, Sian.....a Saturday morning trip to a book shop....Heaven! Didn't know Little E had broken his foot - ouch, poor thing - and in the summer holidays, too? That seems downright unfair on the poor chap....your coffee cake looks delicious! And the Sarah Waters book looks intriguing!....and, yum, white plimsoles....I always fancy them (they look so, well, classic and so summery) but I never know if I'd be able to keep them clean - I despise bleach with a passion (may actually be the only thing I do actually hate!)....I'm off to scour the Zara sale just now for essential items for S & I....the only good quality clothes store here.....I only ever buy from the sale and it starts about an hour.....I have a list....and everything!

MonicaB said...

I agree with you amazon is great but sometimes I have to hold and see a book to know if I want to read it. I've been looking at books to get for our summer trip too, we are going to the bookstore tomorrow. :)

Becky said...

I agree about the bookshop too! Hope you enjoy reading those books when you get time. Waving back to you today!

Jane said...

I love to browse in the book shop too then feel very guilty when I go home to buy it somewhere cheaper!

Eileen T said...

New books ... I'm envious! Hope you enjoy reading them.

This West London Life said...

I was just thinking about holiday reading earlier today ... I thought to myself, "put them on the iPad, much easier to carry", but then immediately thought, "no, I like the reality of a book!"
And a new puppy for Little E? How wonderful!

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

LOVE the blue door!!! And there's something so awesome about a new pair of white shoes! :o) Have a great week, Sian!

Patio Postcards said...

Oh yes a book in the hands and there is something quite sensual about the smell and touch of the books. Lovely blue door. I have always wanted a pair of white jeans, yes SO very impractical, but I want ... so maybe your white sneakers (we would call them runners) inspire.

Sheena said...

I do like the feel of a real book in my hand until bedtime when they seem to get heavier!!

Lou said...

nothing beats a pair of white shoes! I'm thinking about making a start on my holiday list this week. Hope you're not too sore or stiff x

KraftyKaren said...

So we are both suffering with sore backs then after our gardening adventures at the weekend. Looks like an interesting pile of books for the summer. Hope you have a good week x I've given you a little wave back!!

Lizzy Hill said...

The excitement is BUILDING....white sneakers are a MUST....I un-practical-ed 2 years ago & never regretted it. Washing machines & napisan are awesome for re-whiting.....AND the books look fab AND the daisies even more so!!!!

Karen said...

Yes, we're in full get ready for vacation mode here. Because we'll be on the road longer than usual, I loaded up my Kindle tonight. It took forever for me to choose which of the MANY books I have on my "to read someday" list I might want to read while I'm away. Heavy duty sneakers for hiking are in order here.

helena said...

sympathy for the post gardening aches - I'm sure there are muscles used only while weeding! have a great week

Jennifer Shaw said...

Oh your door is stunning. Especially against the brick work. We have very little brick on our houses in western Canada. Glad to hear that Little E. is on the mend even if it is slowly and really happy to hear that he has a new puppy. We weed on Monday evenings which means that Tuesday is a sore day. Luckily it rained last night so I feel great today. LOL

Melissa said...

Hope you are having a lovely week! I would have gone with the white, too - always my favorite. I worked out in the yard and did some cleaning with the pressure washer we borrowed from Daddy . . . and it's a stiff kinda start to the week around here, too.

alexa said...

Hoping that stiffness has eased by now - I am sure your Mum was very grateful for all that hard work :). Good news to about little E. And I so agree about books - the feel of them is so important, as is the typeface, for me. Wishing you joy in the planning of your holiday!

Julia said...

Hope your a bit more fluid today! Yes, a,ways need a visit to a good book shop here too. Didn't get to see any of Glasto this year - must try and see what's on catch up.

Miriam said...

Hello Sian, catching up with you today. Thanks for all the visits t me. I have been out of sorts on the talking to people front. Your weekend sounds just lovely, summery and full of plans of the nicest sort. Glad you didn't play safe with the shoes!

Jo said...

A very busy weekend! I hope we get to hear more about Little E's puppy :)

Sandie said...

There is something good about after-work stiffness.... a satisfaction of achievement. I hope it didn't last too long.
I'm glad Little E is making progress, and the rest of your weekend sounds fun.

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