Monday 1 June 2015

Me On Monday

It was the weekend of Girls Only. And it was supposed to be full of Girl Treats: stuff we'd been planning on doing for ages. But in the end, after a busy week, we fell over a bit, to be honest. We spent most of the weekend lying on the sofa, in between revising Biology (her) and doing absolutely nothing, not even knitting socks, (me). 

But while we lay there under our blankets (crocheted, of course), wondering who we were going to send out for snacks, we had lots of time to talk about our thoroughly excellent Wednesday afternoon visitors. So today I'm breaking all the Me On Monday conventions and taking you back to the middle of last week..

...when Ruth and her gorgeous boy came to visit.

She tells me that it's been four years since she was here last - I'd been thinking of three (should have looked in the albums, Sian) - but those four years have most definitely turned a blog friend into a real friend. We'd been looking forward to seeing her, not least because this time she had promised to bring along her handsome sidekick. What a star he is! He knows a lot about a lot of things, he can talk Grand Prix, he has an irresistibly charming smile: just the kind of bloke I can't help but fall for. We had a wonderful time! 

And so that leaves Me On Monday (with both our boys back safely from a flat emptying end of term trip) thinking about Wednesday hoping we can do it again soon, and marvelling once again on the power of the internet. 

Ruth blogs with huge humour and honesty about life with her boy at Everyday Life of a Suburban SAHM. Always worth a visit. She takes fabulous photos.

Last week Jo, Helena, Karen, Julia, Deb, Ruth, Alison, Ladkyis, Eileen, Rinda, Sheena, Karen, Fiona and Cheri all gave us a wave on Monday. Go on, wave back, wish 'em the best of weeks and have a good one wherever you are too.


Ladkyis said...

Yay for blog friends! I send cwtches with Ruth I know they were delivered!

scrappyjacky said...

Great when blog friends can get together....sounds like you all had a wonderful time.

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

A visit like that was well worth breaking convention for. How can it be four years ago? I remember the photo of the two of you so well.

Lizzy Hill said...

Sounds like you've had a wonderful time with your bloggy mate & her side kick! And it's absolutely necessary to sometimes have a totally bludgy weekend! More power to you both:):)!!! Hope the biology exam goes well, too:)

This West London Life said...

What a lovely surprise to see The Boy Child on your blog today! We had a marvellous time with you ... when are you coming to see us??

debs14 said...

After such an exciting Wednesday, how could you not help but break with tradition. I'm so pleased you got together again, and I've seen on her blog what a lovely time they had. I kind of think it's your turn to come over here next ;-)
Hope the exams are going well - not long to the end now!

Becky said...

I'm not surprised you needed to break with tradition and blog about Wednesday! Hope the exams are going well. We started emptying the uni flat on Sunday, but our rental on it doesn't end until August, so we are doing it little and often!

Jo said...

Blog friends really are great, looks like you had a lovely time x

Maggie said...

Looks like you had a good time meeting up too. Good luck to your daughter with the rest of her exams. My daughter has Biology too.

Jane said...

How lovely being able to meet up, I hope the exams go well.

Barbara said...

Isn't it wonderful to meet blog friends?
Good luck to your daughter with her exams.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you have your Tall One wonderful! (It only seems a moment ago the academic year started!) wonderful to hear you had a nice time with your visitors! (We will be over, too, before you know it!).....loved the idea of you both on the settee, snacks in hand, under your crocheted blankets...heavenly!

Jennifer Shaw said...

That is great that you had a good visit. A weekend on the sofa doing nothing is much needed at times.

Lou said...

Sometimes a chilled out weekend is what is needed. Great to see your photos x

Sheena said...

How wonderful to have your blog friend round.
Some weekends are made for chilling & recharging the batteries x

Cheri said...

Every once is a while a day or two of laying around doing a lot of nothing is absolutely necessary! Glad you had such a wonderful visit to reminisce about while doing a lot of nothing.

smcl said...

I must confess I was a bit confused when I looked at the photos first before reading your post. I looked at the pics and then back at the Header trying to solve my confusion as to what blog I was reading! So fun that you both got together, it is wonderful when blog friends are friends. Good for you!

Susanne said...

I join the chant - yay for blog friends - young and not so young!

KraftyKaren said...

It is always great to be able to turn online friendships into in the flesh ones. It sounds like you deserved a lovely lazy weekend. Waving back at you this week x

Karen said...

There seems to have been much more blog friend visiting in the last week or so---always a very good thing!

Julia said...

Got to love a visitor you can talk Grand Prix with - however old! Hope the biology revision is going well. Alex is convinced B2 is going to be a wash out here!

Unknown said...

Fabulous to have a meet up and fabulous to have a chilled out weekend :-)

alexa said...

Ahhh, this warms and gladdens my heart! Golly, is it really four years? Yikes ... Hoping the flat emptying doesn't mean it's all landed back at yours! I am sure The Tall One will be giving his sister lots of moral support :). And lying under a crochet rug with a bit of the old farniente sounds delightful.

Miriam said...

Waving to you on Wednesday. how can it be Wednesday already? Sounds like a lovely weekend to me and a lovely visit from Ruth & her boy. I now know what that feels like. x

Sandie said...

How exciting!! I love meeting up with friends I have made through the blog or internet. A girls weekend sounds delicious, even if it is chilling out (or revising).

Missus Wookie said...

A chilled out weekend doing not much at all sounds just the ticket after a fun filled busy week. Glad you were able to do just that :) Isn't it lovely when blog friends become real friends?

Gail said...

Oh how lovely - a visit with Ruth and The Boy Child. So great that you were able to get together again. Looks like our plans to visit your part of the world aren't working out. They don't have the same cruise next year as the one we were supposed to take in August. (: I'll tell you more about that later.

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