Monday 25 May 2015

Me On Monday

It was most definitely a heads-down, projects-in-progress kind of a weekend. And with very few people taking the Bank Holiday here, it's more of the same today. We are all in the midst of Big Things

No; not the socks. The socks are for knitting in front of the tv, in the evenings, with my feet up. Though I am in the middle of that first blue pair (ribbed leg, lighter blue toe, "eye of partridge" heel) and I've been spurred on by the sight of the second pair, which, as you can see, have actually been worn.

So, feet up?

Not right now. One of us is halfway through her exams, so it was a weekend of History, with a bit of Biology in the mix too. One of us is painting and papering in every spare moment, so we have a house ready to be rented as soon as possible (to avoid a long "void". Long voids aren't good). And I've avoided the papering, so that I can cut paper and stick it, for a new opportunity I was offered recently. I made four pages this weekend! 

No photos of those yet. I've made a couple of things for gifts, too, and I can't photograph those either. But with any luck I'll have the camera out later in the week. We have plenty to look forward to over the next few days: a real life visit from a blog friend! an end of term dance show, the return of our fourth in number (he's home for the summer in less than a week!). Just need to get a few things finished up first.

Whatever you are up to this Monday - Bank Holiday or not - I hope you get a chance to put your feet up for a bit, do something nice, something just for you. Have a good one.

Last week Susanne, Jane, Ruth, Deb, Helena, Melissa, Krafty Karen, Eileen, Fiona, Sheena, Liz, Ladkyis, Barbara, Alison and Cheri all gave us a wave. Go on, go wish 'em a great start this Monday.

Oh, and before I go? Craig the hamster says thanks for the good wishes. He's hanging in there.


Ali said...

Enjoy your weekend :-), not much happening here - hubby at work, one boy choosing a dvd for us to watch, one boy on the x-box (he didnt get head prefect but did get senior house prefect :-) - and he's fine with that :-) ) and I'm pottering around but getting distracted far too easily so not a lot getting done lol xxx

helena said...

exciting signs of seasonal change - and oh the joy of seeing something you made being used - have a great week

Larry said...

Sounds a good weekend. Wish the Not So Small One lots of luck in her exams from Auntie L. I bet gou can't wait for the Tall One to arrive home. Hope Craig continues to improve.

Karen said...

It's a holiday weekend here, and we took some time off for two day trips. Today we need to get back to the projects, as you've been doing!

Lizzy Hill said...

Those sock photos look amazing! And I'm glad Craig is doing OK:) Sounds like a busy but fun time coming up soon:) Enjoy! My Monday was spent looking after my grandboy.... & then we went & saw that film 'Woman in Gold' [Helen Mirren] I think it's called. It was excellent!

scrappyjacky said...

A lot of sorting out going on here....because rather than one is finally leaving!!

alexa said...

Lots to keep you busy and occupied, then! Gosh, it is the end of the university year already? Has he got Plans? (Or have you got plans for him?). Those are very stylish shoes ... As I am thinking about clearing out the shed, my footwear wouldn't bear a photo. Hoping you enjoy being four again, and the very best of luck for the Not So Small One with those exams.

Anonymous said...

Love your brogues (I'm hankering after some silver and white ones I spied recently!) glad Craig is OK....(Falcao escaped over the weekend - eek - but we know he's OK as we left some cucumber out for him last night and it was gone this morning!)....good luck with the exams! And can't wait to hear about the visit from your blog friend (oh how I long to make a similar visit to you xxx)

debs14 said...

No feet up around here either! Bet you are counting the days to getting your boy back and I bet your girl is counting the days to the last exam! Won't it be good to have all the family back under one roof for a while? Those socks are looking just amazing - how neat your stitching is.
Great news on the hamster front too - good boy Craig!

Anonymous said...

So glad Craig is on the mend - I bet it was mainly due to the soft food and sweatshirt sleeping bag! Can't believe TTO is due back, my niece came home from her third year at uni today but Gracia is not due home for the summer until the end of July :0(. Love your sock projects.

Jennifer Shaw said...

Oh the eye of partridge heel is pretty. I've never done it but admire it when Susan knits it in. Hey, I did 4 pages this weekend too! I'm wanting to do more but my housekeeping is calling my name. :(

Julia said...

How exciting to have a visit from a blog friend and a member of the family coming home too. Yes managed to find a little downtime here to play with pretty paper and glue - mainly due to the naff bank holiday weather! And... I've even managed to blog about Me on a Monday for the first time in weeks Got to love bank holidays!

JO SOWERBY said...

I'm just sitting reaqding blogs at the mo. Loving the socks, you're hooked Mrs. Exams boo but yay for the tall one coming home for summer
Jo xxx

This West London Life said...

A blog friend visiting? How wonderful!

Unknown said...

Sounds great, well apart from the exam revision.
I look forward to seeing your projects in good course, it sounds like you have had a nice opportunity :-) Good.

Ladkyis said...

sounds exciting - a house to be rented eh? intriguing. Exams suck, even when you ace them they still suck. I am in again this week

Lou said...

it's been a busy weekend for you all. Hope the revision is going well. Good to hear Craig is on the mend x

Jo said...

It sounds like you had a very productive weekend x

Julie Kirk said...

Loving the shoes too - and the turn ups. After years of re-hemming jeans etc I've now fully embraced the turn-up as my 'signature denim style' ... [when life makes you 5ft2 you make your own style choices don't you? ;-) ]

Best of luck to the exam sitter ... and Craig.

Lisa said...

It all sounds rather intriguing. Especially the cutting and sticking paper - can't wait for you to share! And meeting up with blog friends is so awesome. I have had the immense pleasure to meet my scrappy partner in crime over in NYC twice now and this year have also met up with my fellow Master Forgers, Lynnette inNew Jersey and then Stephanie (from Vancouver) over here in Germany! It's such a thrill and I'm sure you will have such a lot of fun! love it

Sian said...

His Granny has plans for him..involving grass cutting! Though he has work scoring cricket matches too

Sian said...

Yes! I love a turn up. I do

Cheri said...

sounds productive. I love those socks!

Sheena said...

I look forward to hearing more news on the cutting & sticking front.
great to hear the hamster & ok.
Our Big One is in the midst of Uni exams still but should be home soon xxx

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Lots of exciting things to look forward to. I tried to wave back today, but Blogger is not playing!

Melissa said...

Oh my goodness . . . I had some white shoes just like that for years & I miss them! So much FUN!! :) Looking forward to hearing about the "new opportunity" - that's quite a tease just randomly inserted there! A blog friend visit will be so FUN - I got to meet Karen a few days ago & it was fabulous!

Gail said...

Oh, I love that second pair of socks - I envy you being able to work with colours (I always end up with holes or lumps where I changeover). Sounds like that was a busy busy weekend. Enjoy your summer with all of you in one city for a change. :)

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