Monday 18 May 2015

Me On Monday

It was a socks or sandals kind of a weekend: "shooting and shining" as we say here; and it's pretty much the same today:

I hate cold feet..maybe I'll stick with boots..

Sunny one minute, raining the next. BUT maybe that means there'll be a rainbow somewhere today?

It certainly felt like a multi coloured weekend

A craft market visiting, batch of ragu sauce making, raspberry ruffle ice cream eating, board game playing weekend. (I was sorry to have missed the NSPCC's Really Big Board Game Day fundraiser on Friday. I'll be looking out for it next year.)

And a surprise email receiving, new sock pattern finding weekend. HINT: if you live with an accountant never shout either (a) Oh, no! there are new VAT rules about downloading PDF's if you live in Europe! or (b) I don't believe it! I've just been charged customs duty! on a Sunday morning if you don't want to listen to expansive views on the intricacies of import duty. Because you don't, do you? Thought not.

But it was also a sick hamster nursing weekend. And you have to love a man who is in the petshop asking for special soft hamster biscuits by 9am on a Saturday morning. Then he came home and cut the sleeve off one of his sweaters, to wrap round Craig in case he was cold. 

And, finally, one of the best bits of all: it was a lovely parcel opening weekend. Thank you Fiona! A special zippy pouch with houses on? Maybe too nice to keep things least for now. I'll just prop it up and admire it, for the rest of the week.

Last week Karen, Melissa, Helena, Fiona, Sheena, Deb, Susanne, Eileen, Ruth, Cheri, Ladkyis, Alison, Liz all gave us a wave and wished us a Happy Monday. Go on, wish 'em a good one! And have a great one yourself. Let me know what the week has in store.


Ali said...

Sounds a great busy weekend!! (Boots & jumpers back out here as well ...sigh) Hope the hamster is feeling better xxx

scrappyjacky said...

Do hope the hamster is on the mend.

alexa said...

We'll be needing wellies if this week's forecast is anything to go by! What a lovely man you have in your life (well, one of at least three, I think!) - hoping Craig is making a good recovery. That's a lovely photo of you too :). I think it's known as raspberry ripple ice-cream over here; your version sounds as if the raspberry is thicker and fluffier than the thin streaks that pass for ripples here. Sounds delicious!

Jane said...

it's miserable and cold here too, I do hope your hamster is getting better.

Lizzy Hill said...

Sounds like a real mixed bag of a weekend.... yep, I'm hoping the hammy is OK, too....& nice to get so many playing along with the Mondays:):)

Jo said...

Sounds like a good weekend, I hope Craig is better x

helena said...

weather mixed here too - I seemed to be constantly putting on or taking off a cardi. Hope your hamster is on the mend

debs14 said...

It's wellies and sou'wester weather here!
What a fab piece of happy mail - lucky girl! I thought of you when I saw that on Fiona's blog.

This West London Life said...

Oh my! J cut a sleeve off a jumper for the hamster? Excuse me while I swoon ...

Abi said...

That does sound lovely. I've been admiring that purse on instagram as Fiona has been making it! I'm glad it made its way to you as everytime I saw it I thought of you high in the sky.

Karen said...

I was attracted to that pouch immediately! I hope the hamster is improving; it's obvious that he got wonderful care.

Miriam said...

What a gorgeous picture of you. Sounds and looks like a great weekend. I have been admiring that gorgeous fabric on Fiona's IG feed. Waving to you for a good week, inc warm feet.

Unknown said...

What a great recap of your weekend, I was particularly interested in the raspberry ruffle ice cream eating - I did admire J cutting off a sleeve to wrap the sick hamster in, but I really did swoon at the thought of eating ice cream! My week ahead; well today's a holiday - Victoria Day, so it's house tidying & cleaning, the rest of the week depends on Mr Man's follow up appt. for eye surgery last week. One day at a time. Hope you have a blessed week of all good things.

Jennifer Shaw said...

Another fun post! I always look forward to your Me on Monday posts. Your pouch is so beautiful. Hope Craig is feeling better soon. All the furry creatures deserve care and love, even the rodents. Our girls kept hamsters too. Rob used to come home off night shift in the middle of the night and feed ours cheezies. Not sure it was out of love though, I think he was hoping for clogged arteries an early exit. No more stinky cage. LOL

KraftyKaren said...

Hope the hamster is a bit better now and the purse is gorgeous - Fiona certainly chose the perfect fabric for you. Have a great week, I'm waving back at you!!

Sheena said...

The weather has been exactly the same here!
Hope the hamster is feeling better. Loving the purse Fiona made for you, just lovely x

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

I love that when I saw that zipper bag in Fiona's photos I thought to myself, "Sian would love that" and then here it is - on your blog today. :o) Blog friends are just the best. Hope your hamster is feeling better, and I hope you have a lovely week ahead! xo

Anonymous said...

Oh no, a poorly hamster? Falcao has suddenly started losing his hair, prompting floods of tears from my littlest, that he's getting old and might die soon :( [I'll be more upset than anyone, I love him so much!]......hoping yours is better (and that the soft biscuits and jumper sleeve helped...!)

Lou said...

You got hit with import duties too! It's not good i've been charged on all my parcels recently that it's time to stop spending overseas for a while. Wishing Craig a quick recovery. How lovely to receive a pressie from Fi x

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Boots here today, to brave the rain for more caster sugar. So glad it arrived safely. I'm sure you'll find the perfect use for it. Waving back now that the birthday girl is sleeping.

Sian said...

I hope the eye appointment goes well, and that maybe there’ll be a little bit of icecream eating, or some other treat, after it’s over!

Sian said...


Lizzie said...

Hello, I'm here, but a day late (though considering it's my first blog-visiting session for weeks, that's a bit of an understatement...).
Great run-down of your weekend. What a kind person The Accountant is - I do hope Craig-the-Hamster is on the mend now. I remember my mum giving my guinea pig some medicinal brandy, when it got pneumonia one freezing winter (turned out the rabbit, who our piggies lived with, was eating all their food and hay. One of the piggies sadly died and the other became an Indoor Piggie after that!). Maybe not brandy for a hamster though...
Yesterday here, was as wet as it was in Belfast (I saw the weather forecast at lunchtime and thought "Oh, it's raining in Belfast - hope Sian is at home today"!). It was wellie-boots weather. This morning has been mostly sunshine, but we've just had a very wet twenty minutes - I rescued the cat from the deluge and he has been comforted with cat biscuits. Now the sun is out again and next-door's builders are back outside (remember our Jeff & Curly? It's them, but now they're next door!).
Have a good week, Sian! X

Melissa said...

Fantastic photo of you today . . . so many decisions! :) It does look like it was a colorful weekend - it was a busy one around here as Robbie had lots of items selling on eBay and I caught up with some online reading & classes, etc. Hope your week is off to a great start!

Cheri said...

Sounds like a busy weekend with lots of ups and downs. I enjoyed reading the post!

Alison said...

hope Craig is on the mend...and what a lovely surprise gift! xx

Julia said...

That sounds like a great weekend. I saw Rainbows yesterday and I love that you have looked after "Craig" so well.

Barbara said...

Mixed weather here too, the jumpers came back out! I hope Craig is much better, Have a good week Sian.

Ladkyis said...

I'm in although a day late sending cwtches to the hamster and respect to the accountant - a whole sleeve!!! good job he didn't think of a sock eh?

Unknown said...

That is a lovely photo of you Sian. I like the daps, more stripes I see :-) It sounds like a good weekend, apart from the VAT seminar lol.
Cinema this week, The Avengers with the kids, Far From The Madding Crowd for just me, laying the top patio if the weather is kind (or not kind depending on how I am feeling about laying the patio on the day) and then as I work in retail I will be up to my ears in lovely and mad customers all weekend and into most of the half-term. Hoping to surface back in family and home land late next week so if I don't get to you by the week after send troops.
Have a good week :-)

Linda said...

oh no! I hope the hamster is better! Love the photo of you:) We have the same dilemma here on the south coast of England, socks or boots??? LOL about the VAT and import duty explanation!

Maria Ontiveros said...

Another one happy to see where Fiona's bag landed - in a perfect home!
Hope the hamster is doing well.

Missus Wookie said...

I hate cold feet too, hope Craig is better, and your week has continued to have interesting things.

Beverly said...

I enjoyed watching Fi's progress on the pouch on Instagram :) Lucky, you!

JO SOWERBY said...

I do hope the hammie is fully recovered and gold stars all round for The Accountat's incredible kindness and not blowing a gasket at VAT. I'm learning about that on my bookkeeping course, delightful.
Jo xxx

Gail said...

Sounds like it was a great weekend - well aside from the on again off again weather. Hope the hamster recovered quickly. That VAT thing sounds troubling. Hope Canada doesn't do something with downloads. Although they are forever trying to find new ways to get more money out of us.

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