Monday 11 May 2015

Me On Monday

It was a weekend of mixed doubles, moving and mending. While I attended to a ripped school skirt, he googled fridge repair

And he did it! The water now runs, the ice maker ices, and when we open the freezer it no longer sounds like we are running a rocket launch from the kitchen. But here's the thing about taking a screwdriver to the back of the fridge: you have to pull it away from the wall first. Cue much coughing, sneezing, thinking about Benedryl and finally doing the right thing by getting out the vacuum cleaner. You can get a lot of dust behind something which likes to call itself "built-in". A perfect fit?

If not the fridge, then maybe the skirt, which despite the rules, seems shorter than short and tighter than tight. Hence the repairs. It should be an easy job. But there's a lot hanging on this patch up. The style of skirts is being changed for next year and the only girls who will be allowed to wear the old ones are the Sixth Formers. Obviously, the skirt must last. It's a badge of honour,  a battle scar . I've done what I can. She'll just have to take smaller steps.

So: Monday. Well, if the weekend was shot through with silver and grey, Monday has started out a little blue..

as I've realised my new sock project is the same colour as my dress and almost impossible to make out in the picture. Ah, well, let's see how the rest of the week colours up. Have a good one!

Last week Deb, Helena, Eileen, Melissa, Sheena, Cheri, Barbara, Jane, Doris, Krafty Karen, Fiona, Ruth, Susanne, Rinda, Ladkyis and Gail all gave us a glance at how they were starting the week. Go on, wish 'em a Happy Monday!


Jo said...

I think it sounds like you had a very productive weekend, I hope the skirt lasts!

helena said...

funny how the back of the fridge seems such a mystery - well done for braving the screw driver.

Maggie said...

The school skirt has still a little wear to be seen! They obviously still wear uniform in the sixth form. Emma now wears her own clothes. They are however talking about introducing different PE kit for the sixth form. For one year? I hope not!
The sock production looks good!

This West London Life said...

Well done on fixing the fridge! Best of luck for TNSSO with the skirt!

Susanne said...

Count your blessings that it is her skirt that is too tight and not your own? And on another subject, did you know that the lint filter in your dryer doesn't really keep all the lint out of the interior of the dryer - you are actually supposed to vacuum that annually too!

debs14 said...

Oh this made me smile! For you see, one of the jobs I do in the school office is 'uniform detentions' - if you get reported for uniform infringement more than 3 times, that's an hour of detention on a Friday! Believe me, I am seeing a LOT of girls who are trying to get a bit more wear out of a skirt! Amazing how varied someone's idea of a suitable length can be ;-)

Sheena said...

Well done on fixing the fridge I would never have thought to google a "how to"
Loving the sock wool colour x

Jennifer Shaw said...

Pulling out the fridge is the worst. Great it is fixed and it is a nice feeling to know that it is actually clean back there. Good that you got that skirt fixed. I love the story behind the importance of it. Have a great week.

Karen said...

The skirt makes me think of earlier times when my skirts were quite short. When my college roommate and I tried to enter the Vatican we were told to return with coats or longer skirts!

Julia said...

Keep forgetting to take snaps at the weekend for this and Monday is so busy it's over before I've blinked! Will try and join in next week. Love your blue themed Monday x

Ladkyis said...

thank goodness I don't have a dryer so no need to get the vacuum cleaner out for an extra go. We don't have a fridge that makes ice either, we have an excellent insulated box and buy our ice in Morrisons. Not that I use it. I do occasionally put some filtered water into icebags. There are so many chemicals in the local water supply that sometimes when it comes out the tap it smells like a swimming baths. OH I'm in again this week

Sandra said...

I have a hubby that googles how to fix things and then luckily for me actually fixes them too. Recently my washing machine and tumble dryer x

Cheri said...

Sounds like a very productive weekend! I think your school would shudder at what the girls around here wear...

Melissa said...

So glad to hear the fridge repairs went well . . . and now it's all clean back there, right! That blue is going to make a happy pair of socks!

Alison said...

I am very impressed by the bravery of the fridge repair...and also of the cleaning behind it!! I'm about to attempt a 'waving' post so keep your eyes peeled! Xx

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Yay for fixing things from online instructions. The Mechanic is generally very good at such things, when it comes to large household equipment. He was not quite so successful with a recent attempt at a laptop repair! Fingers crossed the skirt lasts the distance. My girl's trousers are on their last legs, with just a month to go.

Lizzy Hill said...

Good on him! Fancy fixing a fridge...I AM impressed. Blue socks, eh? I really like your dress....& good on you mending....oh, gosh, I'd love to send you a photo of my attempt at making cushions with stick on velcrose dots.....hmmmmnnnn....WINKS:)

Barbara Eads said...

Ahhh, home repairs! I had to call a plumber here at the beach for a sluggish drain. When he arrived, he said, "watch this, I'll teach you how to handle it yourself!" After I saw what needed to happen, I said, "uh, no, I will NEVER be handling that myself!" So glad you were able to!!

alexa said...

Now there's enterprise in the repair department ... Himself googles things too. Your comments re dust made me smile. There is no way we could ever get to ours as Himself built the cupboard round it! I love your blue dress, by the way :). I bet it won't be long before those are finished ...

Unknown said...

The skirt must endure, you know that is going to be down to you know :-) Only two years, what can go wrong.
Well done on the repairs, always satisfying. Have a good week, lovely dress.

Miriam said...

Well done in the fridge department. Paul & I were only yesterday, talking about how nothing these days can be mended. It doesn't seem right to me. Love that colour blue, on you & the yarn.

Gail said...

Ahh yes, the back of the fridge. That reminds me it's probably time to pull ours out too and the stove as well. Good luck with the skirt lasting one more year. Love that blue, course I love all blues. :)

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