Thursday 29 January 2015

Sitting Comfortably?

...then I'll begin..

as I used to say (sometimes) all those years ago when I read stories every afternoon.

Sian Fair for Get It Scrapped

This week, this week of just we two, has turned me to thinking about the way the shape of our day has changed over the time we've been together.

In the beginning there were lectures, trudging up and down to class from the Halls of residence. Then his first job, my first taste of keeping house as he worked every hour of the day to pass exams. More jobs, more out-all-day-and-a-quick-dinner-when-we-felt-like-making-one, money to spend, places to go at weekends. Then, the babies. And that routine which needs no explaining to anyone who has tried it.

It seems so long ago now that I was looking for ways to entertain the two of them in the hours before we were able to listen for Dad's key in the door. That's where the reading came in. Our activity of choice, nearly every afternoon. Sometimes I read them to sleep, sometimes I was close to reading myself to sleep. Sometimes we put on silly voices, sometimes they wanted to be serious. And always, always, if I suggested another tour around Teddy Robinson and his best purple dress, they said Oh yes! One more time!

So I've made a page, a page to record a habit. I don't have a photo of us reading - no selfies, way back when! - so I've taken a slightly different approach for this layout which I sent to Get It Scrapped for Single and Pretty (here)

So that's my story and my page for today. I'd been wondering how I was going to weave in a postcard update. You know, seamlessly segue from books about Teddy Bears in dresses to making sure everyone knew what they were doing. Then I realised I could simply take a photo of the cards I'll be sending. Something I love, pictured on a postcard?

Children's books, of course. At which point, I agree, you'd be perfectly justified in saying Sian, find something new to write about..

POSTCARDS, then. I sent all the emails out on Tuesday, so if you haven't heard from me please get in touch! Cards can be bought, made with your own fair hand, anything you would like, and should be sent to arrive by Valentine's Day if at all possible. Thank you everyone.


Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Oh yes, many happy afternoons/bedtimes spent in just the same way here. I read to them in the moses basket, when they were just a few weeks old, and continued long past the time they could read for themselves well enough not to need me. Lovely postcards. I have the Ladybird covers set. Not quite made my way through the hundred yet. I'm thinking you'll make a big dent in yours!

scrappyjacky said...

I've just been to a wonderful exhibition celebrating 100 years of Ladybird books....and that took me back to a time that I was read to!!

This West London Life said...

I recall afternoons of reading my way through Hairy McClary and Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs series ... some of my favourite times with The Boy Child.

Anonymous said...

Lovely, lovely post, Sian....beautiful LO (as always) the postcards you'll send! We didn't have time to read yesterday (myself and my son) and, as he was falling asleep, he said, "Mama, I don't like the days we can't read" just about broke my heart....

Jennifer Shaw said...

A beautiful page and such a great tradition to document. I loved reading to my girls when they were little and sometimes not so little. I remember when my eldest daughter was in high school and had gone on a school ski trip for the weekend. She came home exhausted and had chapters of a novel to get read for the next day's class. She lay on the sofa and I read to her. LOL Hey, it worked. I've got my postcards all ready and just have to pop them in the mailbox now. :)

ally said...

Fab post, I used to read every night to my 3. Now as teenagers they all deny they loved it. I bought my cards today, I just need to write and post them.

Susanne said...

I can certainly relate to the cadence of the days changing when it is just two, and the children have flown the coop. But that does mean more time for our own reading in the afternoons. BTW, my international cards in the post today, domestics scheduled for next week. Looking forward to the first arrivals.

Rachel Brett said...

Such a beautiful page Sian, I love the story behind it. It's made me realise I need record more of our daily routines :)

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Love the page and the story behind it, Sian. So lovely. And your postcards are really cute. Thanks for organizing the swap. I did receive your email, and my postcards are on order. :o)

Lizzy Hill said...

Got the postcard email - thank you! What I like about this LO VERY much is the big banner [almost like a book mark hanging down over the page....which I'm sure you meant to do!!] & the way you've done the writing besides it. Looks great. And most of all the lace. Anyone who can add lace is AMAZING in my book! Must take note. Slap on a bit o lace and a button. It CAN be done!!! Thanks for always inspiring:):)

Lou said...

ahh yes..i used to love reading to/with them when they were little. How i miss those times. A lovely layout Sian and a good choice of title x x

Sandra said...

Such a beautiful page Sian.

Yes, thank you I received your email and actually bought my postcards today, ready to send out

Alison said...

I so miss children's picture books! Xx

Jo said...

Aww that's lovely. I had to go back to work when Sam was 3 months old so didn't have a daytime routine with her x

Karen said...

A beautiful page, and lovely memories. This post evoked memories of my own, and made me think I should record a few of them about our reading habits when the kids were growing up.

alexa said...

Glorious page, Sian - such a soft, retro feel. And I bet your two love books, with such a wonderful nurturing Mum to feed their minds and souls :).

Sandie said...

Beautiful page and memories Sian. I still have the favorite books that I read to my children. I have been unable to pass them on as they hold such special part of my life.

Melissa said...

What a lovely layout and a great story to record!

Maria Ontiveros said...

I loved reading to my kids; I think that's why I've kept so many of those books. I really like the color scheme of this layout.

Lesley G said...

Such a lovely story, beautifully told and scrapped.
I'm in the thinking process for my postcards although I do need to get a wriggle on :)

Miriam said...

It's so strange when you think back... I so wish I was scrapbooking then.

Missus Wookie said...

Oh what a lovely collection of memories. I've scrapped similar memories several times. Wonderful postcards too :)

Beverly said...

So many sweet memories of reading to the boys. We are fortunate that Small Frye loves being read to so we are once again enjoying (and getting a few pics this go round ;> )

Anonymous said...

Trying to comment via my iPad while we were away just didn't work so here I am catching up.
What a lovely layout! I love those little embellishments in the bottom right corner, especially that tall house one.

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