Monday 19 January 2015

Me On Monday

It was a list making, passport finding, money changing, thermal vest checking, last preparations kind of weekend. Because she's off to Romania next Saturday.

We went out to buy a final few toys and bits and pieces for her to slip into her suitcase and pass out to the children she meets when she gets there. We shopped from the list - warm gloves, colouring pencils, teddy bears, little toy cars - and on Sunday morning, as we were sorting what we had, the phone rang:

"Hello Auntie Sian," said a small, clear voice. "I have some very important questions to ask you for my homework. They're about TOYS FROM THE PAST. Are you ready?"

"Hi Little E," I said. "Fire away. I'm all ears."

"Why did you say that thing about ears? Here are my questions:"

and he asked me about my favourite toy when I was little, and whether I still had it, and I told him about my dollshouse and how it was still on my shelf, and then I heard his mum in the background, telling him to ask me who made the dollshouse. My Grandpa made it, I told him, for your Granny when she was a little girl, and it's nearly eighty years old.

"You know what, Auntie Sian?" Little E said. "You know what? I think that's really pretty awesome.."

And he's right. It is pretty awesome. I had been looking at our collection of things and hoping it was enough, knowing it'll never be enough.Little E brought a child's voice back into our plans. Know what I mean? I'm glad he phoned to talk about toys.

So Me On Monday? Running out to the shops for some final suitcase extras, and finding some time to work on Little E's blanket, with love.

Last week Becky, Deb, Helena, Alison, Ladkyis, Rinda, Jane, Karen, Rachel and Susanne all gave us a wave and a peep into their Monday. Go on, give them a wave back! Happy Monday.


This West London Life said...

I love that Little E called you at exactly the right moment.

Denise said...

Lovely looking at your Monday - I'm playing along today x

Anonymous said...

Lovely post, as always, to try to join your swap (if there's still time?).....

Barbara Eads said...

Little E is so darling! I think it's great that you and he were both working on something about the other at the same time! I hope the small one has a good time in Romania. The kids there are going to love her for all those goodies.

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

So exciting. I hope TNSSO has a wonderful experience in Romania. Little E's blanket is coming along beautifully.

Jane said...

it all sounds very exciting, I love it when children ask about the olden days!

debs14 said...

The Romanian children are going to love their presents. It brings home just how much we take for granted doesn't it?
I'm pleased that you were able to find something 'awesome' for Little E to put in his homework! I wonder what he really thought about that expression 'I'm all ears' - the mind boggles!
I'm joining in again, and hope the weather is warmer where you are than it is here.

Sandra said...

Bless his heart ... although, if he heard that, he'd probably ask you to explain lol.

Thank you as always for these great ideas of yours, I'm joining in today. Have a great week xxx

Jennifer Shaw said...

Loving the colours in Little E's blanket. I think that sometimes it is the thoughts of the little ones that give us the best clarity in life. Happy travels to your daughter. Very exciting and the toys and gifts look amazing!

Karen said...

Safe travels to your daughter! What a wonderful experience, and I'm sure the gifts she's packing will be much appreciated.

scrappyjacky said...

I hope she has a great experience....and I'm sure those toys will be really loved.

Alison said...

Those toys will be so appreciated...glad you were able to help Little E too...waving right back at you!xx

Beverly said...

After the call I would have been distracted from trip prep and had to get the dollhouse down to play for a bit :)

Mel said...

Aww that is so cute! Interesting that little E used the phrase 'awesome' as my sixth form language class have been discussing Americanisms and how often we use them just today!

Unknown said...

Well done to you all, it is a splendid thing you are all doing.

Nice one Little E!

That blanket looks gorgeous, very superhero shades?

Jo said...

Little E's timing is always so perfect. Sounds like a busy weekend, I'm guessing next weekend will be even busier!

Lizzy Hill said...

Hope your girl has a really 'growing' time away....& gets a lot out of the experience. Little E said it all! And I hope his great grands will be able to say 'That rug? Oh, it was knitted a long time ago by Great Great Aunty Sian.....' :):):)

alexa said...

A lovely knitting together of stories :). it'll be a busy week. no doubt, and hoping the Not-So-Small One has a perfectly splendid time. It will, I am sure, be life-changing for her and the people she meets too :).

Maggie said...

I hope your daughter's trip goes well. What a cold time of year to go! Is it all community work or do they do anything else while they are there?

KraftyKaren said...

I am sure your daughter will have a lovely time and the children will love their presents. The blanket is coming along nicely

Cheri said...

Every time you tell a story about Little E it makes my heart melt! Can't wait to hear the feedback from the trip to Romania!

Sheena said...

Perfectly timed call :)
Hope her trip goes well, our children are really growing up fast xxx

Missus Wookie said...

Hope the trip to Romania goes as smoothly as possible and I look forward to hearing more about it. Lovely colours in Little E's blanket - definitely awesome ;)

Abi said...

I Love little E stories and hope the trip goes well! I'm sure there will be plenty of stories to tell.

JO SOWERBY said...

Little E reminds of my Little M sometimes lol. I love his little quips. I am looking forward to hearing more about the big trip too.
Thanks for your support for my OLW 2015 and I'm also excited about the postcard swap event
Jo xxx

Melissa said...

I so enjoy reading your conversations with Little E! Hope everything is ready for the Romania trip & that she has a wonderful time!

Becky said...

I hope that the Romania trip goes well and she has a great time. Nice to read your conversation with Little E!

Maria Ontiveros said...

That seems so far away.

Rachel Brett said...

I just love the little conversations... I was picturing little E's expression regarding the all ears comment :)

Lou said...

i hope tso enjoyed her trip and her little gifts were appreciated. little E is a gem isn't he! x

Anonymous said...

Love that Little E has the perfect timing and he thinks your answer about your dollhouse is awesome.

Carmen said...

I love your Monday moments so much. Just perfect!

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