Monday 5 January 2015

Me On Monday

It was a packing up and regrouping kind of a weekend. A getting the boxes down from the attic weekend. A wrapping things up and putting them away weekend.

Not the big tree: maybe you can guess whose bedroom this one sits outside? That's Kevin the elephant on top

We started to pull down Christmas and we began to think about repacking suitcases. The Tall One has another week at home before he heads back for the new term. The (Not So) Small One will be off to Romania before the end of the month; so it was a hit the sales for some warm clothes weekend. You know: the kind where I say - ooh, look: these thermal vests are great value and they look like they're about to cry?

But if it was a putting things away kind of a weekend, it was also a forward looking, getting used to the new weekend too.

I have my new camera to play with this week. And I finally bought the microphone headset I need for Friday. I'm heading into the unknown this Monday. How about you? Give us a shout if you like and let us know what you're planning..

Last Monday Fiona, Susanne, Alexa, Gail, Karen and Alison all Mondayed. Give em a wave! And have a great week.


helena said...

exciting times in store and some serious gadgetry there

Larry said...

Wow! That camera looks a serious piece of kit! The headphones look quite techy too. Enjoy "playing" with them

Anonymous said...

Oh Sian, so so glad you got a new camera for Christmas! Can't wait to see your photos from it! I can feel you're nervous about Friday - I'm sure it's one of those things where you're going to be amazing and you'll kick yourself for not enjoying it more (for worry)....

Barbara Eads said...

Love that elephant! You got a lot accomplished for the start of the year! I just might join you today!

scrappyjacky said...

That looks like a serious camera.
Christmas has been packed away here as well.

Becky said...

So glad you got your new camera for Christmas! We have been boxing things up here - I'm waving at you from my blog! Hope that things are all going to plan for the Romania trip and good luck for Friday.

Deanna said...

Putting decorations away is always a drudgery, but leaving them up too long gets old and dusty. lol Ours is finally put up! My daughter got a new camera as well this year! Canon Rebel. She loves it! Now I have the opportunity to learn the one we've been sharing! Wishing you a Happy New Year!

Jane said...

lucky you, have fun x

Jennifer Shaw said...

Sounds like a productive weekend! Have fun getting to know your new camera. Happy to hear that you got one. :)

Anonymous said...

We boxed up Christmas yesterday and our Golden Girl returned to Newcastle. Lovely new camera looking forward to see the photos you take with it.

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

I just adore your first photo, Sian. So cute. All the best to you and your family as you pack up for all those adventures. Happy new year, my friend!

debs14 said...

Exciting times to start the new year! Good luck!
That looks an impressive camera, can't wait to see the photos you take with it.

Lou said...

Glad to see that you got a new camera and a nice one it is too. Happy snapping x x

Lizzy Hill said...

Your Canon looks lovely! I got a new lense for Chrissy. And am LOVING it. Hope you enjoy yours as much as me mine...if that makes sense!!

This West London Life said...

Excited to see what images you produce with the new camera! We're (I'm) wrapping up what little bit of Christmas is out tomorrow.

Mel said...

Happy 2015 Sian! I really need a new camera as my canon is like a relic now! Can just imagine the teen's eye roll!

Cheri said...

Nice new camera - have fun playing with that! I'm back to work after two weeks off and trying hard to get organized!

Sandra said...

Oohs nice camera, lucky girl. Now if you find any good online courses please let me know, as that is one of my goals this year. Xx

alexa said...

A new camera AND a new verb - what a treat :). Wishing you lots of luck for your début (not that you'll need it), Sian. Get those headphones on and shine for us Brits!

Maggie said...

New camera looks good!

KraftyKaren said...

I just haven't been organised enough with my blogging to join in this week but hopefully will be back waving at you next week. I'm in the process of doing the tree and decorations now. Enjoy your new camera and headphones!!

Scrappi Sandi said...

Hi Sian...the prodigal Blogger returns....soon to be prodigal scrapper too one hopes!! Enjoy your new camera & Happy New Year!!

Rachel Brett said...

That's very exciting, have fun with your new camera.

I'm liking the sound of 'me on a Monday!' I may have to join in! :)

Sandie said...

Lucky you - that looks an amazing camera! You have an exciting start to the new year - good luck and I look forward to hearing more.

Nathalie said...

We also packed away Christmas but I always manage to find one forgotten decoration once the box is all sealed and back on a high shelf in the garage (no attics here!). And I laughed at your shopping with teenagers because I can totally relate! It's easier for me to take them to the dentist than going shopping! :P

Lea Lacoste said...

Happy New Year!! (the 7th is not too late to say that right?)
New camera!! so so so cool! have fun!

Jo said...

It sounds like a busy weekend. Can't wait to see what you snap with your new camera :)

Lesley G said...

Lucky you with your fab new camera - enjoy!

Melissa said...

Hope it's been a great week! It's been busy here & I'm just catching up on some blog reading today.

Missus Wookie said...

I like that first photo - love the elephant on the tree :)

Yeah for a new camera - enjoy playing with it.

Did the headphone work well? Been thinking of getting one for my computer calls.

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