Friday 12 December 2014

Pastel Christmas

Today I'm thinking pink. And baby blue. And fresh green.

A friend once told me she hadn't ever seen me wear pink until I had a little girl. I think she was probably right. Now, some years later, I can occasionally be spotted in a little pink something. And there's more - I scrapbook pink too. Last year I made a pastel pink Christmas page for Get It Scrapped. This year? Scrap365 asked me to write about scrapbooking with pastels at Christmas.

Sian Fair for Scrap365

My article was published in the Scrap365 supplement inside December's Craft Stamper magazine.

I'm a bit sad as I look at it now because, as many of you will already know, there is to be no more Scrap365. 

Writing for 365 has been a huge pleasure for me and I have to thank everyone involved for inviting me to be a part of it. It's been good.

And so maybe it's fitting that my last page is a little blue? Though the point of that October Afternoon turquoise is to show one way of going pastel at Christmas.

Here's my pink page from last year, too:

Sian Fair for Get It Scrapped

How about you? if you are making a Christmas album this year, or choosing new colours for your tree, are you going traditional? or are you pleased by pastels?

Oh, don't forget! Christmas Club again this Sunday. Everyone welcome! Any Christmassy post at all - story, recipe, project - would be perfect. If you'd like to write, I'm beginning with

"At Christmas we..."

and I'm offering it as a starting point to anyone who'd like to give it a go too. See you there?


Lizzy Hill said...

Lovely pastel pages - I looove how the wooden frame is 'hanging off' the photo...sooo pinching that idea! I've gone trad. Only 'cos I won a HUGE Scraptastic pack last year, & that's the colours & I'm STILL getting through it! And so feel the same way about S365. Makes me sad. It was such a fabulous mag:/

Barbara Eads said...

I love to use non-traditional color combinations for Christmas layouts. I don't do enough Christmas layouts---need to fix that.

I'm mourning the fact that most scrapbook magazines are gone. There was nothing I liked better than sitting with a cup of tea and thumbing through a magazine. The online magazines are just not the same.

Susanne said...

You are queen of the pastel look pages, these are both lovely.

scrappyjacky said...

Love the pages....and pastel can work really well for christmas,I think.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pages, always....(I didn't see the one from last year as December was slap-bang in the middle of all the worst bits of the 'troubles')......such a shame about 365.....but we'll just have to keep battling on and posting our own Los on our own blogs....!

Lesley G said...

Beautiful creations :)

This West London Life said...

I think that you have more than proved that pastels work on Christmas pages. Love them both!

Sandra said...

To say these are beautiful, just doesn't seem enough. I'm a huge fan of pastels.

I was sad to read about scrap 365, Ian's more sad as I always loved flicking through the magazine to see if I could guess which was your layout or article x

Jennifer Shaw said...

Love these beautiful pastel Christmas pages. I love pink and turquoise for Christmas. I think I like it better than the red and green. Sorry to hear that your gig is over. It is always sad when something you enjoy so much ends. :(

Rachel Brett said...

I love your pastel pages sian, they are so pretty :)

Lou said...

A stunning page.. You have such style. Pastels are great x

Melissa said...

I like the Christmasy pastel pages, although we tend toward more bright and traditional colors around here. I do, however, have a more neutral arrangement on my mantle this year - now I must find time to photography my decorations soon so I can share some! At least I have a FUN post all ready to go for the Christmas Club!

Karen said...

Both pages are simply lovely. I've seen a lot of paler blues this Christmas and love them!

Jo said...

Lovely pages. I don't normally scrap with traditional Christmas colours but I'm going to this year. It's such a shame about Scrap365 :(

alexa said...

Pastels are such a lovely restful change at Christmas! And these are just softly delicious ... I am not a fan of red and green (it hurts my eyes!), and much prefer the delicate hues you have here. You do these so well! Such a shame the magazine world is not going to get to see as many of these from you now that Scrap 365 has definitively gone.

Anonymous said...

They both look lovely Sian. They look so calm and restful. No Christmas album here, I'm not even sure I've got enough pictures for a layout. :)

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