Monday 1 December 2014

Me On Monday

It was a taking everything out of the cupboards to get at the boiler weekend. A finally having a warm kitchen weekend. A camera on the way out and hoping for a new one for Christmas weekend. A sending a special card and we'll see you soon for the holidays weekend. A deciding not to buy the quirky presents but enjoying looking at them anyway weekend. And, most importantly, a cheering on Little E weekend.

Little E has decided to help the Romanian fundraising effort by having a sponsored RUN ROUND THE BLOCK. You go, Little E! All the money we raise will be going with the party to Romania so they can buy medical fridges, toys, food parcels and other supplies when they get there; and Little E is determined to send some Teddy funds. That boy rocks.

And me? I was back at the shops for more bun cases this morning. If Little can run, then I can bake for the Coffee Morning.

How about you? What's your Monday (or maybe your Tuesday, or possibly your Wednesday) looking like? Last week Helena, Fiona, Jane, Ruth, Karen, Deb, Doris, Ladkyis, Liz and Alison gave us a wave and shared the start to their weeks. Go on, give em a wave back. Happy first week of December everybody!


helena said...

way o go Little E. great idea to photograph all the funny / goofy festive things rather than buy them

KraftyKaren said...

Well done Little E for helping with the fundraising!! Looks like you have had a good weekend and a good idea to just take photographs of the funny stuff rather than buying it. Hope you have a good baking day today. I'm waving back at you!!

scrappyjacky said...

Well done,Little E.
I think I may have been tempted by the slippers!!

Becky said...

Good on Little E! Enjoy your baking and hope you sell a lot! I'm waving back at you this week :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Sian (it's me again, Helen from faveworkofart...).....Little E doing a sponsored run....can't imagine how impossibly cute he will be!

This West London Life said...

Well done, Little E ~ you're a superstar!! And I quite fancy me a mounted reindeer head ... might go down well in Texas, maybe?

Abi said...

Way to go Little E! I hope you get pictures! I also hope Santa gives you a new camera. Mine is getting steadily more old and I am contemplating replacing it before it stops working but I am also a student so think I will probably use it till its dying moments!

alexa said...

I just love your re-telling of the comments, thoughts and doings of Little E. Does he realise he has a fan base already? So glad to hear you are warm again - I dread anything happening to the boiler. I'd rather have no food! But with all those baking skills, doesn't sound like that's going to be a danger chez vous :).

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Run, Little E, run! That tweed and tartan stag is rather splendid. Well done for resisting him. Waving back somewhat belatedly. It's been a loooong day!

Sandra said...

Bless his heart, what a sweet sweet boy x

Jo said...

Sounds like a nice weekend. Little E is just brilliant!

Jennifer Shaw said...

Good for Little E. He is always so full of ideas. I too hope there may be a photo. He is so cute.

Karen said...

Way to go, Little E! I hope there'll be photos later.

Lizzy Hill said...

Good on Little E.....& that gets everyone else moving, by the sounds of it, too;)

Cheri said...

Go little E!

Emma said...

Well done little E.
Loving those slippers too - how great are they for December!

Barbara Eads said...

OMGosh---bun cases---such a cute name for them. We call them cupcake liners.

Alison said...

That boy is a star!!...enjoy the baking xx

Lesley G said...

I really think you should've bought the elf slippers on gone for the run with Little E

Miriam said...

Yes, run! little E, run! and yourself, make buns Sian, make buns. Well done.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Little E! Ok you have me curious about bun cases?

Susanne said...

I also suspected that Little E could be a force to be reckoned with. Go Little E, go!

Sandie said...

Good on Little E! It's wonderful that he is being encouraged to think of others less fortunate. Hope the baking goes well and that you raise lots towards your cause.

Melissa said...

Waving back a little late this week! We arrived home last weekend & I've already had a few Christmas get-togethers, plus I'm on the road again to see Pun'kin in a theater production of It's a Wonderful Life! :)

Anonymous said...

It sounds like Little E has the makings of an activist (of the very best kind, of course).

It's always interesting to learn what things are called in the UK compared to the US. Your bun cases are called cupcake liners here. I'm afraid I would need a translator if I was ever to shop in a British market!

Missus Wookie said...

See you should tell Little E that he needs a fund raising page so we can all donate online ;) Shame we can't join in on the bake sale too....

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